
Chapter 2: Meeting her

Hudson arrived at Raymond, his bestfriend's villa, the location of the engagement celebration.

Raymond put the cake over his fiancée's mouth while the other guests joyfully cheered. He couldn't help but think about Tracy while he watched them. She was his first love, and he once imagined that they would turn into this kind of situation. Unfortunately, he believe fate was cruel to him since she did not choose him; she chose to abandon him, to not be with him for the rest of their lives.

When his chest started to tighten as hundreds of memories of them began to flood anew, he drank the wine from the glass he was holding. When he finished gulping it, two women approached him.

"Hi! You seem to be by yourself? Perhaps you'd like to accompany me?" The blond woman massaged his arm to where he held the glass, and a black-haired woman caressed his hand to his buttocks. He grimaced at the touch they were imposing on him. He felt repulsed by their presence.

"Remove your filthy hands." He released their grasp on his hands and passed the glass back to the waiter who walked by.

He took large steps toward the exit, unable to breathe. He was glad for Raymond because he was already found genuine love and happiness, but he was uncomfortable seeing them because he couldn't help but compare their happiness to what Tracy and he shared before. He also dreamed of giving the ring to Tracy, but she chose to go with another man.

It was pitch black everywhere, and he couldn't see anything. Moreover, he could not find any seat since the area was densely packed with vehicles as a result of the large number of guests. He decided to take a stroll first to get some fresh air. He had no idea where his feet were carrying him. As he went, they suddenly escorted him to the garden. His eyes turned to a seat that remained unoccupied. He sat, leaned his back and massaged his eyes.

"Leave me alone!"

He unexpectedly opened his eyes because of the booming voice. He sought for the source of the noise since he couldn't see clearly in the dark. And there, he saw three guys vying for the opportunity to hold the lady who had screamed earlier. When the average height man touched the woman's body, he got slapped in the face. The man's face arched in response to the slap's force.

It was then that he had his first glimpse of the woman's face and their gazes locked. The woman's eyes became rounder as she raced towards Hudson. She yanked him from his seat, wrapped her arm around his, and then returned her attention to the three guys who seemed to chase her.

"Try to come closer and my boyfriend will be violent with you!" Her voice was so piercingly strong that it scared the three men.

Hudson's body stiffened because of what she stated but also recovered after a few seconds. Surprisingly, the three guys recovered as well fast from their apparent accidental pause.

Hudson pulled the woman's waist and stared into the darkness at the three guys who had stopped moving, as if convinced that he was indeed this woman's lover.

"Is there anything you need from my girlfriend?" His voice was powerful as the woman's hand clasped his waist, as though terrified by what had occurred. He placed his arms over her head and scowled at the guys. "If you are still not leaving, you will come out of this place with your neck broken." He made his fingers sound.

The three guys fled, and they left the lady. Hudson peeked at the lady, who had closed her eyes calmly as if nothing had happened. To his chagrin, he dragged her up to the upstairs where Raymond had prepared a room for him. This woman didn't even consider the possibility of anything horrible happening to her. What if he was not in that area; maybe those three guys were already sharing her body and carrying her somewhere.

'She doesn't know me very well yet the way she hugs me is rather confident. What if I'm just like those guys who want to take advantage of her drunkenness now?' Hudson clenched his jaw.

In a few seconds, they walked into the room. She was the first one Hudson let in because she almost fell. He shut the door and positioned her body in front of him.

"You know —"

"Have sex with me."

Hudson could not continue what he was going to say because of her boldness in suddenly speaking to him. She peered confidently into his eyes.

"W-what?" This woman's spit remarks astounded him.

"Didn't you hear me correctly? I said that I want to have sex with you."