
Just an Artist


"*Sigh* I feel old, you know…"

"Please! If a young man like you is feeling old, how am I supposed to feel? Dead?!"

The old noodle seller isn't wrong haha. It's just there have been so many changes here in the last two years. I was just drawing in the ruins of Eaglevein when I met a weird man. A very weird one that was accompanied by his wife. 

My first reaction when I saw them was to ask myself if they were crazy to venture there. But then I remembered that I myself was in the process of painting a deadly bone dragon that wanted nothing more than to tear me apart. Still, it couldn't as it had to protect its master. 

The man asked me if he could live nearby. I honestly answered that asking me was pointless, well something similar. I think the guy was just looking for an excuse to do it, asking me was rhetorical.