
Chapter 1- Unknown kid

Time- 1:17

At late a night on a road surrounded by forest and mountain in a car a couple in the late twenties and a girl around 8 year old who was asleep seems to be on their way to their home after sight seeing from the mountains.On their way Chatting happily they saw a figure which because of its white hair seemed like a ghost,the couple panicked and stopped the car after looking properly they saw which they thought was a ghost but was a little kid with white hair crossing the road.They both let out a sigh of relief and next second looked at each other with confusion on there face the wife asked 'Why is there a kid on the road middle of nowhere' the husband looked towards the kid and said 'Let's check it out he might be lost' he got out of the car and ran towards the kid as he got near he called out to him 'hey kid are you lost?' the kid turned around when he saw the kid he was speechless and stood there for few seconds at the same time his wife also got there following her husband only to see the her husband standing silently as she was about to ask what happened she looked at the kid which also left her speechless for a few second's as they both snap out of it they asked again if he was lost the boy smiled and said-