
I will not spare anyone

"Where are you?" Eli called

"We're on our way so prepare our clothes," I said.

"Meet us at the abandoned building two kilometers away from the area," Eli instructed and we drive as fast as we can.

After arriving in the area, Eli, Rose, and two elite agent was waiting for us. Eli handed me clothes, a tiny earpiece, an eyeglass suitable for dark and bright mission, and a gun.

"Rou, stay here and make sure to assist Eli in case something happens," I instroucted Rou.

"Can't I be with you?"Rou said.

"No. Eli needs someone to protect and assist him incase some unpredicted things happen," I said.

"Can you handle it?"he said and worry was visible in his eyes.

"Don't worry," I said smirking. "Two elite agents are with me and Rose, our walking weapon is going with me. You should know that I'm not that easy to hurt," I said.

"Of course. No one can even beat you at DSSA (Diwa Secret Agent Association). Just take care of yourself," Rou said and I just smiled smugly.

"Akira, you need to keep calm with this one," Eli reminded.

"I will," I said but murderous intent was concealed in my eyes.

After finishing necessary preparations, we head to hunt.

The area was sorrounded by trees and from the looks of it, no one would dare to enter. For kids, it would be a spooky house and for adults, it's just an unnoticed house. I instructed the two agents to be on the hidden part of the sorroundings as a look out in case someone passed by and if something happens to us.

Rose and I entered the house carefully and as soon as we opened the door, the lights are turned off and our senses were on high alert.

"Who are you?" a voice asked us in the dark and we knew that the person already notice us before we came in.

"We want business" I stated directly.

"I don't do business with anyone," he said in a stern voice.

"It's either you do business with us or your life is at stake," I said calmly.

"Little girl, you amuse me but remember that you're in my territory," he said chuckling.

"So? I can kill you anytime," I said and throw my dagger to the location where I can sense his presence. I swiftly get to his side and put another dagger in his neck.

"Shit, who are you?" he asked and didn't fight back.

"Remember the child 20 years ago?" I asked.

""No," he answered.

"Then what about this watch?" I asked and he remained quiet while staring at the watch.

"That watch," he said and tears came out in his eyes.

"Do you now remember?" I asked.

"Yes and I'm more than willing to talk," he said.

-----20 years ago-----

I was on the military base and was ready to retire to start a new life with my family, especially with my son, when my superior called me.

"Sir, you've called for me?" I asked.

"Yes. I've heard that you were planning to retire but you're still young and one of most talented officer here," he said.

"Thank you for the compliment sir but I think I've serve my country enough. This time, my family needs me and my son is growing already. I want to be with him in every steps he take. Please grant me the permission to leave," I said.

"I understand since I'm a father myself but I need you to do something," he said.

"What is it Sir?" I said and he gave me a letter.

"Open this only when you reach your house and you'll know it by then,"he said and my instinct was telling me not to accept it but I need to accept it to free myself.

"You can go," he said and upon going out of his office, I pack my things and head out.

When I arrive home, I opened the letter before going out of the car.

" You are to follow a certain someones command and you are free. The compensations are already sent on your house." was the only contents of the letter and attached was a picture of me and my family, my sons school and my wifes workplace. This time, I already know that I was threatened.

"Daddy you're back!" my son came running happily to me and I hug him so tight.

"Welcome home," my wife smiled at me while crying.

"Thank you, sweatheart," I said.

"A package arrived just before you came and it was under your name," she said.

"I'll check it later," I said.

When I opened the box, it contains 2 guns, a watch an a check.

I spent two days happily with my son and wife until three men came at the afternoon and asked me to come woth them. The time has come and I get the guns, the watch and check are placed in my pockets.

"You are to come with us and give your assistance. No matter what happens, don't act on things unless you're told so," they said.

We go to a place and that's where the events started. They were looking for something I don't know and they even killed people but I can't do anything.


"Why are you telling these things willingly?" I asked.

"Because I made a mistake. I shouldn't have accepted the letter. When I came home, my wife and son were bath with their own blood. I know that they will soon come to me so I escaped without even burying them. I spent my life searching for them and I only found a few information. You can find it in the toilet but please spare me," he said.

"Sorry but you doing nothing when my father and brother died was already a sin to me. Those informations can't save your life," I said and pulled my gun and shoot his forehead. No one can justify themselves by killing my own people. I will not spare anyone involved in this.