
The Unknown Character In A Reverse Harem Otome Game

After completing a nightmare Otome game, a streamer receives a message from the developers offering him the chance to input a character into the game. Upon doing so, he falls asleep and wakes up as a baby in the world of his favorite game, *Rose Covered in Thorns*. Now five years old and the youngest member of a powerful ducal family, he must navigate the treacherous game world, amass power, and survive the unfolding storyline to ultimately become the head of his family. A/n: - The Cover Photo is made by Ai - Paused/Once Again I lost my motivation Additional Tags: OP, Kingdom-building (Other tags pending)

imnotmotivated · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: New Life (2)

"Good morning, young master! Breakfast is almost ready!" Marie greeted with delight, her eyes fondly watching the young boy who had just woken up.

His short black hair and eyes greatly imposed a prestigious aura.

"I'll take a bath," the boy said, leaving to go inside the bathroom.

Marie hummed as she placed sunny-side-up eggs and bacon on the table.

Five years had passed since she began raising the young master, and he was now at the age for proper learning.

Marie Aude came from a family that had served the Leclair Duke for generations, ever since the founding of the ducal family. They had faithfully served each lord and maintained close ties with the Duke's family.

The young 20-year-old Marie was chosen to raise the 13th child of the current Duke, Emilien Leclair. The newborn child had lost his mother during childbirth, so Marie took meticulous care of the poor baby, raising him as if he were her own.

From the moment she first arrived, she was struck by the baby's cuteness and vowed to raise him with unconditional love. She was aware of how the Duke treated his other children—coldly, without a shred of affection.

So, when she saw the youngest child, born without a mother and with an absent father, her maternal instincts kicked into high gear.

As young master Theodore grew, Marie noticed how much he resembled the Duke—not just in appearance, but in mannerism and aura as well.

Over time, Theodore displayed remarkable intelligence. He could memorize fairy tales and revise each word with ease.

In just three days, he mastered reading and writing proficiently. He was a genius!

But Marie couldn't help but worry. With 12 other children from the Duke, plus Theodore as the youngest, the seven remaining wives of the Duke might see Theodore as a threat and could endanger his life. Marie grew increasingly anxious with each passing day.

"Is breakfast ready?" Theodore asked as he finished drying his hair.

"Yes, young master. It's ready," Marie replied.

Theodore sat at the table and gestured for Marie to join him. Initially, she always declined, respecting the difference in their social standing.

But the young master insisted, urging her to sit and eat with him. These simple acts of kindness eased Marie's anxiety.

'The young master will never become a cold man like his father', she thought.

After breakfast, Theodore went to his room to change. Marie stood outside the door, waiting.

She had always offered to help dress the young master, but he always refused, preferring to do it himself. So, she patiently waited.

When Theodore emerged, he was dressed in black trousers, a long white sleeve shirt, a vest, and black shoes.

"You look exceptionally handsome, young master!" Marie praised, clapping her hands.

"Thank you," Theodore replied with a nod. He looked at himself in the mirror and nodded again, admiring his reflection. Even as a child, he was already showcasing his good looks.

'The character I created was already incredibly handsome, but this mini version is exceptionally good-looking as well', Theodore thought to himself.

"I'm ready, Marie. Shall we?" Theodore stretched out his hand to hold Marie's.

Marie took his hand as they left the house. "Young master, please be careful, okay? Don't do anything brash, and listen to your teacher, alright?"

Theodore nodded. He had heard this from Marie over ten times, so he was used to it.

They stopped in front of a black car, where a driver bowed to Theodore.

"Young master, my name is Allen. From now on, I'll be your personal driver."

Theodore nodded and let go of Marie's hand. He entered the car, which Allen had opened for him. As the car door closed, he waved goodbye to Marie before they drove off.

Marie waved back, unable to shake the worry she felt for his safety.


I sat in the comfy seat, resting my hand as I watched towering buildings come into view. After I turned one, my father brought me and Marie to a house that wasn't too small or too big. It was a simple house with a huge yard.

I was excited, yet my face remained expressionless as I observed the buildings. My eyes darted to the blue window screen visible only to me.

[Theodore Leclair]

- Stats: Strength Lv. 1 | Agility Lvl. 1 | Intellect Lvl. 1 | Charm Lvl. 1

- Magic: -

- Swordsmanship: -

- Personality: [Even-Tempered] [OCD] [Mysophobia] [Perfectionist] [Prideful] [Serious] [Hard-working] [Unexpressive]

- Traits: [Swordsmanship Genius] [Magic Genius] [Quick Learner] [Prestigious] [Overly Charming] [Intelligent] [Multi-talented] [Resistant Immune System] [Kingly Aura] [Heightened Senses]

- Title: 13th Child, Reincarnator

It seems the character profile I created has become my new identity in this world. I can't deny that I'm overly equipped with talent, but my personality is the cause of these new emotions brewing inside me.

I've become a clean freak.

If I see a speck of dust, my body shakes uncontrollably, and I have this overwhelming urge to clean!

My mysophobia might be my downfall—everything around me needs to be thoroughly cleaned, or else my OCD kicks in, and I can't stand dirty things. 

Plus, with my heightened senses, there's this strange scent everywhere I go. My five senses are overly sensitive due to this trait. To avoid bothering Marie further, I've started carrying a handkerchief to cover my nose, as well as wearing white gloves. 

I added these traits to create a cool character, but right now, I don't feel cool at all. With these personalities, I constantly feel the urge to cleanse myself.

Currently, I'm heading to my father's company to receive private lessons.

Every Leclair child begins learning at the age of five.

Marie told me that my father specifically created a space for his children to learn inside his company. He wanted to monitor their progress while working and familiarize his children with the building.

But from what I understand, he's simply showcasing what the children could inherit if one of us becomes his successor.

I've gathered some information about this new life of mine. I'm the youngest child out of 13, my father is a duke, and he has eight wives—now seven, since my mother died after giving birth to me.

This world is modernized but equipped with far more advanced technology due to the classification of magic.

Although modernized, it still has many fantasy-like elements, such as adventurers, dungeons, magic, swordsmen, and other occupations. 

Even though I'm one of the Duke's children, I'm far from the succession line due to my age and my position as the youngest.

Although this is a private tutoring session inside one of my father's facilities, I might meet some of my siblings, and my father will likely keep track of my progress. 

Marie has always nagged me about the dangers posed by my father's other wives, but it's not a cliché—I'm already aware of the risks. Angry wives want their sons or daughters to inherit the title.

Although Marie wants me to keep a low profile, it would be too heart-wrenching to hide this much talent. 

My character was made to be a main character. Isn't that thought exhilarating?

The car stopped in front of a large building. 

"Young master, we're here," Allen said.

I nodded and got out, my eyes scanning the numerous passersby entering the building.

Without hesitation, I walked to the entrance and looked for the receptionist desk. It wasn't hard to find, as it was in the center of the building.

"Excuse me, may I ask for assistance?" I asked, covering my nose with my white handkerchief. The scent was already permeating my senses.

The receptionist smiled kindly and leaned forward, looking at the child. Although the child looked familiar, she dismissed the thought and asked, "Sure, what is it?"

I pulled out a card from my pocket and showed it to the receptionist. "I was told to present this to the receptionist upon arrival."

The receptionist looked at the card, her eyes widening as she glanced between the child and the card. It was a red card engraved with the Leclair name, known by everyone who worked in the building.

There are five cards registered in the Leclair Dukedom:

1. The Gold Card is held only by the Duke.

2. The Green Card is for guests, business partners, and other noble families.

3. The Black Card is for the employees of the Duke.

4. The Blue Card is held by the Duke's wives.

5. The Red Card is held only by the Duke's children.

The receptionist immediately bowed her head in front of the young boy. "Y-Yes! I will show you the way, young master!"

I nodded and followed the attendant as we stood in front of the elevator. She pressed the button for the basement floor.

"I will take you to the basement, young master," she said.

As we arrived on the basement floor, the attendant gave me simple instructions.

Although it was called the basement, the hallway reminded me of a school, with its wooden floors and numerous pictures on the walls. 

Workers weren't allowed on this floor, so after giving me instructions, the attendant left.

I stepped out of the elevator and started walking, I stopped and looked at a portrait of a woman with black hair and red eyes, she was utterly beautiful. My eyes stared at the woman's name.

[Cassandra Leclair]

"Cassandra Leclair."

I flinched, and looked at my side.