
Chapter 79 You must marry him

A month later

Jennifer and her friends had finished thier final exams and defended her project successfully. They were now the latest graduate in town.

He have tried talking to her ever since their last end in his office but she kept ignoring and turning him down. He had requested for her presence in his office many times but she kept giving deaf ear.

She doesn't hate him or despise him. She still had feelings for him but she doesn't want to only be his friend.

Sandra and James relationship had been growing strong and Ruth had not stopped going to zogan's to deliver pizza and collet dick with some bucks of tips.

It was on Friday morning, Jennifer was in her room, thinking on how she would stop thinking and giving herself headache over Mike's addiction. It's been long she last seen Mike. She had been looking forward to see Mike I'm their house but all her fantasy never come into reality.

She snapped up from the bed as a loud knock landed on the door.