
Chapter 66 Heart beat

"Its alright. Thank you for everything."

"You don't have to keep thanking me. I did what I was supposed to do for my student." Jennifer was not happy for hearing him call her his student. She wanted to hear him call her, at least, a friend .

"So, I will like to asked. Do you have a wife? Or maybe... a girlfriend?" Jennifer asked.

Mike looked at her and gave her a weak smile before he replied, "No, Jennifer."

Jennifer bite her lips, she didn't know how she could asked the obvious follow up question to she said, "Do you live with your parents? Or alone with the maid?"

At this point, Mike could not understand where she was heading to but he knew she wanted to find out about something.

"I don't have a wife or a girlfriend. My parents are not staying with me and I don't have roommates. Just me and my maid." Jennifer thought about what him and the maid would be doing all alone. She began to get jealous of the main again.