
Chapter 41 It\'s no longer a joke

She sat up from the bed and rested her back on the wall and opened the message.

"Who are you and how the hell did you get my naked picture?" That was the massage he sent.

"You have to mind how you ask questions. I'm the one who asks the questions here and my question is very simple. Are you willing to do anything I tell you to do to stop this from not only appearing on the internet but also throughout school." Jennifer texted back.

"Who the hell are you? I can't remember snapping myself naked, let alone sending it to anybody. The picture I'm seeing here showed that I snapped it myself." Kelvin replied

"So are you trying to say that you are not the one in the picture?" Jennifer asked.

"I'm the one but I'm confused. Who are you and how did you get the picture?" Kelvin asked. He could not believe what is happening. His head was spinning with thought as he was trying to remember when he snapped himself naked.