
Chapter 26 Sweet sexy voice

She got back to her bed and arranged the bedsheets before lying down. As she lay on her bed, the thought about Mike came into her mind immediately. The fact was that she cannot spend minute along without thinking about Mike.

She thought idly on how Mike would see her during the set up dance with Daniel. She knew it was a wicked move but she couldn't help but hope that Mike would experience a little bit of jealousy when he sees her dancing romantically with Daniel.

"But what if he isn't even interested in me?" She asked herself. That would be a waste of plans. At some point, she remembered how he was looking at her short skirt in his office. How he was staring at her the first time she walked inside his office. Her mind flashed to the moment they kissed. It was deep and passionate, he kissed her like someone who was deeply in love. He had even told her that she was beautiful. All these past memories gave her the confidence that the stunt was going to make an impact on Mike.