
Chapter 19 Interrupted ...

As the transformation was coming to his neck, a knock landed on his door. They stopped immediately and Jennifer wriggled out of his hand with a playful smile.

That was when Mike got himself. He was about to engage in sexual activity with his student.

Mike watched her with a shocking face as she arranged her blonde hair in a pony tail with smiles all over her face. Jennifer wasn't even worried or terrified that someone was knocking on the door. She adjusted herself and put her book inside her bag.

Within her, she wanted him to tell her how sweet her lips is or tell her that he loves her before she leave but he was just watching her.

"Have a wonderful day....Mr. Mike." She said with forced smiles and flipped her hair in a flirting way before making her way out of his office.

She opened the door and it was the class Captain. Their class captian was a girl. Her name is juilet. She was on her twenties, far older and matured than Jennifer but not as beautiful like her.