
First glance

I walked to school today slower than usual i had a test and i was honestly avoiding getting to class on time that way i couldn't even do the test. Then my dad's voice popped into my head "hurry up you lazy hag!" i sighed and scurried along getting to class just in time.

Before the test started we had roll call same as usual until i heard a new name "Nieve!" shouted the teacher "Here" she said in a timmerd voice i look over and realise she's sitting where Max usually sits it was odd because he's always there i shrugged my shoulders thinking not much of it "He must be wagging because of the test today" i murmur to myself.

The teacher hands us our papers and moves who we are sitting next to im sitting next to Nieve i get a closer look at her and it's like i didnt even see her before my heart starts pounding to the point where i think she can hear it. I try to keep my head down but i find myself focusing on all the little details about her. She has these beautiful blue eyes with green speckles, her hair is curly and dyed a reddish brown, she's wearing red and black striped fingerless gloves, a black turtle neck top, a mask with a pink anime smile drawn onto it, a pleated black skirt and some black boots.

"Stop what you are doing, pens down im coming around to collect your papers now" the teacher comes around collecting the papers i look down and realised i had wrote my name and 1 paragraph on an easy that is supposed to be 1000 words minimum. "Shit!" the class turns to look at me "Sorry." i look up at my teacher as she grabs my paper. She shakes her head and tells me "Do you want to talk after class?" "Not really" I stammer. She continues to pick up the papers and i lay my head on the desk.

"Ring." "finally the bell." I get up and go to the toilets but the teacher calls me over. "What happened?" She says concerned. I sigh "I don't know I couldn't focus I was trying so hard but I've been stressed about this all week, i just blacked out my attention was everywhere but the paper." "I see." she says and her arm movement suggests i sit down so i do. "I've noticed that you get distracted very easily and i know im not a medical professional in any sense but i think there's a possibility you have ADHD." "Pardon?" I say looking up from twiddling with my fingers. "I'm going to contact your parents and tell them that I believe you should go to see a psychiatrist." I look down again and sigh "I don't think we can afford for me to go to one." "Not to worry, we can sort something out I'll talk to the school nurse about any recommendations and I'll get back to you tomorrow?" "Okay, can I go to my next class now please I don't want to get into trouble" I say as i pick up my bag. "I'll write you a note explaining that i needed to talk to you." "Thank you so much." "I feel a lot better now." I think to myself.