
The Universal Villain[Old]

(This Fan-Fic has been rewritten. While still enjoyable to some this one has a lot of plot holes and other bullshit. So if you want a more complete version check out the rewrite.) Shen had obtained a strange system that gave him the chance to get abilities ranging across multiple fictional universes. The system only requires him to make it a better version of its former self by defeating or killing anyone or thing that is more powerful than an average human. At the same time, Shen personally doesn't care what he has to do as long as he gets stronger abilities. This is a story about a boy who does not care about the damage he causes or the people around him. What kind of chaos is he going to cause ripping through universes for fun and with the sole goal of becoming stronger, and what kind of impression will he make on the original characters involved?

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime und Comics
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130 Chs

Just Because I can

As a gust of wind rushed by Shen and the captains, Shen turned his head to Yamamoto, who could be seen standing on the tip of Sokyoku Hill. 'I'm surprised he has not interfered by now. Though I guess him stepping in would only cause more damage to the Seireitei he's trying to protect.' Captains are generally prohibited from using their Bankai in the Seireitei due to how much damage they could cause however, under the right circumstances, they are allowed to use their Shikai.

But it's different when it comes to Yamamoto. His Shikai's destructive power can rival and surpass a Bankai making it a last resort only to be released when the Seireitei is genuinely out of options. 'But that still doesn't explain why he's so calm.' Staring at Yamamoto for another moment, Shen turned his attention back to the captains.

"Sorry, I was thinking to myself. Let's wrap this up shall we?" Placing his hands together, Shen summoned the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva as its golden light shone onto the captains. "Good looks like I can enjoy myself to the fullest!" The only person there who was still in a good mood was Kenpachi, as he only saw Shen taking out Soi Fon and Komamaru as more time to fight Shen personally.

With that, Shen started his attack by sending two hands of the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva at Kenpachi, who placed his usual freehand on his Zanpakuto's hilt. Taking a Kendo stance the moment the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva hand came within striking distance, Kenpachi used both hands to slash downwards, stopping the palm strike in its place as sparks were created as a shockwave flew outwards.

After only a second of being interlocked with one another, Kenpachi's strength overpowered the hands as it was blown back, allowing the second strike Shen sent Kenpachi's way to take its place. Once again, Kenpachi took a simple stance not moving from the spot he was in before countering the second hand with a strike of his own. And with only a few seconds of struggling, Kenpachi overpowered the second hand knocking it away like the first.

The power from Kenpachi using both of his hands gave him the edge in strength against Shen however that didn't go for every captain. Using all of the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva's limbs, Shen launched attacks at every captain that stood in front of him as a strike flew through the air towards Ukitake he was forced to use Flash Step moving high in the air dodging the blow in its entirety.

However, the moment he appeared, he was greeted by another one of the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva's palms slamming straight into him. Combining his Sharingan with his 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva, Shen could predict the movements of every captain, forcing them to dodge or counter before catching them with a strike from their blind spot. In all honesty, it was a perfect combination.

'Prediction and Precision a deadly combination indeed.' As Shen continued to attack the captains, he began pouring his energy into the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva as it slowly opened its mouth. "What is that thing doing?" Slamming his Zanpakuto against another golden palm, Kenpachi backed away as he noticed the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva's actions. But his observation was soon interrupted by Shen, who made sure to keep all the captains moving while he began to charge the Zero Hand.

'We need to get away from that thing.' With the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva's mouth fully open, Shunsui didn't know what it was going to do, but the growing white light was enough of an indication that they should get away. "Ukitake!" Yelling to Ukitake didn't look at Shunsui but nodded as he understood Shunsui wanted him to prepare to counter whatever happened next.

Backing away, Shunsui tried to get out of Shen's range as one of the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva's hands gave chase Shunsui thought to himself. 'It shouldn't be able to extend for much longer.' But just as Shunsui said that in his head, he noticed the hand that was chasing him began to retract as another one revealed itself performing a sweeping motion.

It was perfectly timed as the hand sliding in from Shunsui's right slammed into him, pushing him into another that flew in from his right and just like that Shunsui was caught. 'Damit!' Cursing to himself inwardly, Shunsui found he couldn't move at all. With only Ukitake and Kenpachi remaining, Shen couldn't help but wonder where Retsu and Mayuri went.

"Well, I guess I can find them later. For now, let's… Wrap things up." Turning his attention to Kenpachi, Shen began to focus his efforts and attention on capturing him as well. Fending off attack after attack, Kenpachi was invested in the thrill as his reactions remained sharp, but being so zoned in left him open to attack as well. Attacking Kenpachi from above and below, at the same time, Shen used the strategy he used on Shunsui.

As Kenpachi moved out of the way of the two attacks as they smashed into each other, he was quickly surrounded by the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva's hands. As rushed in, Kenpachi was grabbed from behind and then from the right and left. One by one hand after hand slammed into one another as five in total were used to constrain Kenpachi.

Bringing the two captures captains in front of the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva's statue as the white light inside of its mouth reflected into their eyes could only stay put as Shen stopped pouring energy into the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva. Glancing over to Yamamoto, Shen stared at him for a moment expecting him to do something.

But even after waiting for a second, Yamamoto did nothing as Shen finally turned his eyes away. "Well looks like that's the end of that then." Looking down at Shunsui and Kenpachi, who trapped Shen made a sign with his fingers as he spoke. "Zero Hand." And with that, the light that had been contained was let loose. But just before the light reached Kenpachi and Shunsui, Ukitake took the chance he was given.

Thanks to Shunsui and Kenpachi's capture, Shen had stopped attacking him, giving him the chance to move in front of the two of them just in time. "Seems you forgot about my Zanpakuto's ability." Raising one of his Zanpakuto to the beam of light approaching the three of them, Ukitake began to absorb the attack.

But looking at Ukitake Shen did not show a look of shock but instead a look of expectancy. "Oh, I didn't ignore you." Instead of canceling the Zero Hand, Shen began to raise the output of the attack as he spoke down to Ukitake, who noticed the increase in power. "I ignored you on purpose. You see, I was interested in something."

Listening to Shen Ukitake felt the beam of light grow even more potent as he faltered for a moment. "What do you mean?" Smiling Shen enlightened Ukitake. "I was already interested in the fact your Zanpakuto could absorb Ki attacks. I wanted to see just how much power your Zanpakuto could hold. So I purposely made the attacks on you a little weaker and slower than they should be giving you plenty of time to counter my attack."

Listening to Shen Ukitake only felt the power output continue to rise as he was stuck in that position. "But why? Why would you-" Ukitake found himself cut off by Shen as his voice carried a cheerful tone. "I told you already. Interest." In truth, Shen was indeed interested if a weapon could indeed hold endless amounts of power, then Shen would no doubt take Ukitake for that ability alone.

Thanks too levelling up so many times, Shen's energy levels were much higher than before. Even after fighting the captains, he had more than enough energy to spare, and also, if he needed more, he could always borrow some from his halberd for a potential weapon Shen found it worth it. At this point, Shen was simply experimenting in the middle of a fight just because he could.

And soon to Shen's disappointment, Ukitake's Zanpakuto began to shake as a chunk of it was cracked off. And along with that chunk of his Zanpakuto, the size of the Zero Hand beam could be seen growing. The wall of light in front of Ukitake continued to grow as his vision began to become more and more obscured, the more his Zanpakuto cracked.

'How does he have so much energy even after absorbing so much of Shen's energy the beam's power is still rising.'

As Shen begins to wrap up his experiment what will happen next? And why does Yamamoto continue to allow the captains to fight against Shen without any interference?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Aizen_Dleitchcreators' thoughts