
The Unicorn Ryder

The story of a teenaged boy who thought his family was an ordinary family with a boring history and story themselves but oh boy was he wrong. Follow Johnathan as he learns his family roots and learns that not everything as it may seem.

Techno_Vampire_T_V · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Who I Am

My name is Johnathan and I'm seventeen today is a court hearing that my mom and I half to go to you see my mom and dad are divorced and its time for me to decide who I want to live with for this year.

My mom and dad have both been asking me for days now if I know who I'm going to choose? and the answer is yes but as I keep telling them no one is going to know until I tell the judge today I mean not even my friends know.

And I know your asking why I haven't told them? Well that's simple I don't want them to know till my parents do and I promised myself that neither of them would find out till we went to court.

Now I should probably tell you before my mom and I go to the court house is that my dad is a marine stationed in Germany and will be stationed there for a few more years he's a great guy and he's very loving and that's not why my parents are divorced mom just couldn't handle dad being gone all the time so she lost her mind and divorced my dad.

Now for mom she's originally from Germany in fact she still has family there and she loves them but she loves the U.S.A more I don't blame her this place is great mom told me once that she was happy dad was a soldier when she first met him but after getting married and having me she wished he would have not re-inlisted and stayed home with us.

Now let me tell you what my mom looks like she's a beautiful brunette with hazel eyes the strong german face and appearance that even I have and she stands at about 5'9 and she's slightly muscular.

My dad well he's got jet black hair piercing blue eyes and well he's got the german look as well and his build well let's put it this way just think of any marine and that's my dads build.

I'll tell you there names later right now I'm trying to find my other shoe so I can go down and eat breakfast before we head out and I am starving I can smell moms famous cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting from my bedroom.

Oh I know you don't know what I look like do you and this is my story well that's simple I stand at 6'6 football build brown hair hazel eyes well I kinda would say german look and proud of it but that's me.

Let's put it this way even if I'm staying with mom or going to live with dad my looks won't stand out at least I don't think they will but according to my parents I'm a very good looking boy and will have my choice of anyone I want yea right.

But that's what your parents are supposed to say to make you feel better about yourself but whatever so found my shoe finally and just as mom is yelling up the stairs that its time to eat so we can get going I think she's nervous about what's going to happen today but no matter who I choose she and dad both should know I love them both.