
Chapter 5 Ten weeks Pregnant

How did you know, when did..how ... I stammered...she smiled and gently led me to a chair ...I am a mother of two, would have been a grandmother if this young man agreed to marry and my daughter, grand daughter wa alive she asnwered.

I looked down not ready for the questions, the judgement...I wonder what they think of me, pregnant, not married and no money...I started sobbing, and it's got very ugly...I forgot I was not alone, I have kept it all bottled up moving from town to town trying to survive,

I felt Mrs Moreson hand on my back, rubbing it back and forth...it was comforting and it made me feel that I am not alone.

By the time I calmed down, probably like an hour's time, I noticed it was just the two of us in the dining room...when did Mr Moreson and James leave the room, I didn't even notice...as I looked around the dining room.

Mrs Moreson said gently they wanted you to have some privatise.

I noticed as soon as we got to the house yesterday when I took a closer look at you she answered my question

Does Mr Moreson know I asked

Of course he does, the more reason why he doesn't think you should go apart from the fact that you look so much like our late daughter....he couldn't bear the fact that you were pregnant and alone...and obviously running...

I turned my face away from her when she said that, I don't want to talk about it, I don't know if I will even be ready to talk about it...images of what happened started flashing across my eyes, I held my head no..no ..no not now I don't want to think about it, I am not ready.

Tears filled my eyes again...I have to be strong, I told myself.

Mrs Moreson just rubbed my back gently and asked me how far gone are you ...

I am ten weeks gone...I just found out two weeks ago I said.

She looked at me...child you need nutrients and alot of rest not going to get a job where you will be standing on your feet all day...and you will be alone, you need all the support.

I don't want to be a burden and get comfortable here ...please Ma"ma try and understand...

I do believe me...and who is complaining she asked laughing..I loved the sound her laugh...I started at her properly for the first time...she had lovely gray hair.

Dont pay any attention to James ..he is a big tedder bear she said smiling

She touched my face, looking into my eyes, my dear child please let us help you, so this old woman can stop worrying.

I don't think it's a good idea, you don't even know me why would you want to keep a pregnant woman in your house..its a lot of stress..

James walked in through the kitchen door ...looking at us, I noticed his mother shaking her head at him...

Don't worry I am not about to ask her anything, for you and father's peace of mind I also think she should stay pregnant or not.

I am heading to the office...see you later mum he said walking out.

Not expecting things to turn out like this, I looked at Mrs Moreson surprised...I tried to smile not succeeding I felt so tire and emotionally strained I am sure I look like a wet dog.

Mrs Moreson called the housekeeper, told her to help me to the room I just vacated, so I can rest.

When we got to the room, she helped me to bed and covered me with a blanket like a baby, I laid my head on the pillow and slept off...all the sleepless nights and tiredness catching up with me.


Fast asleep I didn't see the elderly man standing in front of the bed staring at me, darling if she wakes up and sees you starung at her like that, you might scare her Mrs Moreson said behind him...they both turned and left the room.

Why does she look so much like her, the nose, eyes, skin colour...even as stubborn as Billy he said as soon they left the room...the resemblance is too much.

I don't know darling its strange, very strange she said thinking ...

if not that Billy's daughter died at birth, I would have...

Please don't go there, Mrs Moreson said looking pale and eyes full of tears ...I don't want to think about it.

How old do you think she is ...he asked 🤔