
The Unexpected Queen

The scullery maid was perfectly content with her life as it was, until a king's gaze and a sorcerer's touch left her wanting more.

Megan_McGrail · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

"How have you been?" Kieran inquired, forrowing his brow with worry over what could have inspired this unexpected visit. "Oh, I'm fine!" Rose nervously laughed. She paused for a moment, as if to ponder how to reassure her playmate of the truth to her words. "In fact, today was my first day working in the kitchens."

Kieran nodded, and interjected, "Oh, I'm sure old Woodsy was over the moon to finally have you by her side!" Rosalie giggled at hearing the nickname they had given their makeshift guardian when they were young. "Well, it wasn't all Woods and Roses." she remarked, amused by her own play on words. "Betty had the day off, so I had to fill in for her in the dining hall. She must have liked me, because she insisted that I serve her at all public functions from now on."

Kieran shook his head knowingly. "I'm actually surprised it took her this long to notice you. Her royal highness has a penchant for collecting the kingdom's greatest beauties, and adorning herself with them like jewels on a diadem." Kieran suddenly realized that he had confessed attraction to his old friend, and shifted nervously in his seat.

Rosalie quickly changed the subject, anxious to move away from the uncomfortable topic. "Well, Charlotte seemed less than thrilled. She expressed her opinion of the arrangement by smashing a dish less than an inch from my head."

Kieran lowered his face into his rough wide palm in worry for Rosie, and disapproval of the young royal's behavior. "Are you allright? Everyone knows Charlotte becomes insanely jealous of anyone the queen compliments, especially since such compliments are rarely directed at her. Still, she should know better than to resort to violence. If the other royal houses hear of such behavior, her marriage prospects will be ruined, and she would be lucky if even gray old Reginald would have her." At that both of them burst out laughing, imagining the absurdity of saddling the ancient butler with with the haughty young royal. It was impossible to know which of that impossible pair would be more miserable with the match - the princess for being wed to a servant, or the old butler, forced to spend his golden years listening to her trantrums.

After having a good laugh, Rosie cleared her throat to bring up the true purpose of her visit. "Actually, that's somewhat what I'm here to talk you about. It appears that the princess's behavior has given the queen a headache, and frayed her nerves. She needs more of your tincture to help with both."

"Ughhhhhhh," Kieran groaned in frustration. "She takes too much of it already. It's highly addictive and dangerous in large quantities. I'll have to dilute it even more than I have if she wants to avoid negative effects." Rosie's tall bookish friend then rose from his seat, walked over to his cabinet of bottles and jars of all sizes, and pulled a tall bottle and a small jar from the shelves. He then placed them on a work table, and proceeded to retrieve a small empty bottle from a nearby stand. He uncorked the bottles, and filled the smaller one with what looked like distilled water to its top. He then opened the jar, and using a miniscule silver spoon, scooped one spoonful of black paste from the jar into the medicine bottle. He then recorked the tiny bottle, and shook it vigorously until the contents were thoroughly mixed, before handing it to Rosie, and instructing her, "Tell her highness that I won't be giving her anymore until the new moon rises. She needs to wait for my regular deliveries, and not take extra just because the princess is vexing her. The queen's health is more important than the princess's wedding prospects."

As the mage handed Rosie the tiny bottle, she stretched up to her tiptoes and planted a brief kiss on his cheek. Shocked, he stared at her for half a second, before wrapping his huge hand around the back of her neck, and entwining his long fingers in her chocolate locks. He pulled her face upwards to his, before merging his lips with hers. He gently parted her lips with his tongue, before using it to explore her mouth more. She let out a soft moan, not expecting her first kiss to happen this way, but welcoming the unexpected pleasure. She gently laid the glass bottle down on the table next to her, and reciprocated his embrace.