
The Unexpected Love Story

Note: This is not a Girl's Love story but a Reverse Harem story (Please research about the term if you don't know the meaning of it) "You fall in love with the most UNEXPECTED PERSON at the most UNEXPECTED TIME." Sophia, Elaine, and Janna are best friends since they were young. For them, having supportive family and loyal friends are enough to obtain happiness. They don't need romantic love that can possibly take their attention away from what's important to them. But what will happen if there are some boys that will make their peaceful and happy life become turbulent all of a sudden and even attempt to change their hearts for the better? This story is about the friendship of three girls and the Unexpected Love Story that they didn't saw coming in their high school life. *This story includes the different POVs of characters

Rhaine076 · Teenager
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34 Chs

Their Second Meeting

Aiden's POV:

I'm currently changing my shoes so that I can immediately go home. Our practice for Soccer just finished and I am already tired. Ugh! I just want to lay down on my comfy bed and sleep early.

"Aiden!" I turned my head and saw Jillian walking towards me.

"Thanks for your hard work! It's really hard to become the captain of a club, right? It's our coach's fault! He suddenly said that he has an urgent matter to attend to today that's why all of his work here in the club was left for you to supervise."

Jillian is the manager of our Soccer Club. She's my friend and also my classmate in Section 2. We've been classmates for 2 years now that's why we're getting along really well.

"Good work too! It's not that hard since I really love what I am doing. This is my passion so there's nothing tiring about it. And we can't do anything about coach since he said that it's really an important thing."

"And you really believe that? He's indeed a PE teacher but he's also infamous for being too lazy at times. This is not the first time he didn't look after us. He always has 2-3 absences every week so his reasons are becoming not convincing already."

"He he he." I just laughed awkwardly since I don't know what I'm supposed to say. Jillian is really strict and even straightforward that's why there's so many people who misunderstand her.

"So getting ready to go home now?"

"Yeah! What about you?"

"Yes. I'm already on my way outside. My friends are already waiting for me so I'm gonna go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow!

"Yeah! See you!"

We really need to practice very hard these coming days because we are going to participate in a Soccer tournament next month. All of the participants are from prestigious schools that's why it's already expected for them to be very skilled and well-trained. It will be a tough competition for everyone.

It's so lonely to walk alone. Isn't there someone I will bump into to walk with me together?

Wait... Isn't that Kristoffer? Our friendly class president! As usual, he's also with Gilbert. I should call out to them.


Kristoffer's POV:

That was shocking. I didn't expect that there's another crazy happening going on right now. Well, if Janna really wants to help Bill, we can't do anything about it. Her willingness to help someone in need is what make her admirable, after all. I also want to be someone who is as strong-willed as her someday. I wonder when will I become like her?

"Kristoffer!!" I heard a faint voice.

"Do you hear that, Gilbert? I think someone is calling me."

"I don't think so. Aren't you just hearing things?"

"Maybe I am. Never mind me then."

"Kristoffer!!!" The voice is louder than before.

I can hear loud footsteps coming towards us and when I looked behind, I saw my classmate Aiden.

"Hey Kristoffer, Gilbert! I've been calling you for a while and you're not paying me any attention."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that I'm just hearing things. So, you just finished your club practice?"

"Yes! Can I go home with you guys? It's too boring to go home alone."

"Yes, of course! But you may get awkward since we're not the only ones here. As you can see, we're also together with some of our friends." I pointed my friends who are talking to each other at the moment.

"Sophia?!" Aiden shouted abruptly.

Sophia who is talking to Elaine turned her head to Aiden and looked at him as if she knew who he is.

"Wait, Aiden?! I'm so glad that I got to meet you again! I've been thinking about you these past few days. I've been worrying about your scrapes that you got on your forehead from the first day of school. How are they now?"

"Yes, they are already healed. See? I don't think there is also a reverse effect of it."

"Umm, Aiden... It's 'After-Effect' not 'Reverse Effect'."

"Is that so? Hahaha I'm sorry. You see, I'm kinda helpless in English so feel free to correct me whenever I make mistakes."

"Hahaha! You're so funny, Aiden."

"Thank you for taking care of me that day, Sophia. Oh, I brought your handkerchief with me today. I should return it by now."

"No, no, no. Didn't I already said that it's fine? Just take it as a remembrance of our first meeting!"

"Wait, wait, wait. Stop right there! You... You know each other? And what's with this handkerchief thing? I wasn't even aware that you two have already met before. How did that happen?"

"Oh, about that..." Aiden stopped in the midway of his talking.

"Well, let's just say that there's an unexpected accident that happened that time and made Aiden suffer a little. It's really embarassing to think about it so I think you would better off not knowing about it. It's also to protect Aiden's image. Hahaha." Sophia teased Aiden that made him blushed.

They seem to be getting along well. It's as if they have known each other for a long time. But what's with this sudden uneasiness I am feeling? I never felt this way before.

"Hey, Kristoffer!"

"U-uh... Yes, John? What's the matter?"

"I will go first since Mom texted me that she arrived earlier than she expected and that she'll wait for me at the hotel I checked in. I'll also get all of my belongings there so just wait for me in your house, ok? Well then, I should go now."

"Yeah! I'll see you later!"

John went inside his car and left. Elaine and Gilbert are talking to each other while Aiden and Sophia are still immersed in their own conversation. I guess I can't disturb them from their enjoyment.

But... However I look at Bill and Janna, they don't seem like a couple. They don't even try to have a conversation and they're just walking straight ahead. I wonder if they can fool the people around them that they are a couple.

"Hey guys! I'm going this way. I'll see you tomorrow!" Gilbert bid his goodbye.

"Yeah! Goodbye Gilbert!"

"Be careful on your way home!"

"See you tomorrow, bro!"

"Thanks guys!" Gilbert went to the opposite direction of where our Subdivision is located.

"What about you, Aiden? Where's your house?" I asked him.

"Ah, yeah. My house is at the end of the next street."

"So your house is just near our Subdivision. You should pay us a visit next time!" Sophia said excitedly.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Besides, you may not be aware of this but Aiden's mother is a teacher in our school and she's known from being too strict so she may not allow Aiden to visit the neigboring subdivisions." I explained.

"Really? What is your last name, Aiden?"

"Velasco. My mother is the History teacher, Mrs. Velasco."

"Oh, I see. That's why you kinda remind me of her. She's actually your mother. But it's really unfortunate that you can't play with us sometimes."

"No, no. I can talk to my mother. She may be strict but she's really lenient when I give her a plausible reason. I'll make sure to visit all of you some other time!"

"Yay! That's great! We should also show you the usual place that we're hanging out at before we go to school."

"Yeah! Thank you!"

What's with this vexation of mine? It's as if I get annoyed whenever I think that our usual place will be shared to other people. And why are the two of them so close? If I am correct, basing on what they said earlier, this is only supposed to be their second meeting so why are they like that?

"I'm going this way. I'll see all of you tomorrow." Aiden finally said his farewell.

"Ok! Goodbye!"

"Hey, Sophia! Why are the two of you so close? It's not like you knew each other for a long time so why are you being so chatty to each other?"

"Why? Do you have a problem with Aiden? Is he a bad kid?"

"No. It's not like that. He's kind but I'm just saying that it's not normal for you to be close like that to someone especially when the two of you just met for the second time today. It may start some weird rumors, you know? You may not know about this but he's the captain of the Soccer Club so it's not questionable if he has many fangirls that may possibly besmirch you."

"Come on! You're being too pessimistic! I understand that you're worried about me considering that you're my closest male friend but it's not like that, I promise. It's just that I feel comfortable talking to him, nothing more. And if a rumor really started to go around the school, there's no problem because I know to myself that I am not guilty about it. I can clearly explain all of it easily. And you are also there for me to clear up the rumors, right? So you don't need to worry anymore, ok?"

"Ok. If you say so."

"You know, you're so cute right now, Kris!" Sophia pinched my cheeks.

"Stop that! It hurts!"

"Oh, my Kris is pouting!"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your moment but we're already in front of your house Sophia." Elaine said.

"You're right! I didn't notice that we arrived at the Subdivision already. See you guys!"

"Yeah! See you!"

Sophia entered her house and we continued to walk.

"But I'm just wondering... Why is Bill still with us until now? Isn't it that Bill and Janna are just pretending to be a couple? Then, there's no need for him to walk Janna home." I asked Elaine when I realized that Bill is still walking with us.

"Are you serious? Of course, it is needed. It's for assurance in case someone is following them. So please refrain from talking about their fake relationship if you don't want their cover to be blown up." Elaine defended them.

"You're right. I'll stop taking now."

"Here's my house, Bill. Thank you for walking me home!" Janna said her gratitude.

"No problem! I should go already then."

"Yeah, take care!"


Janna and Bill are now gone. After a short walk, Elaine arrived at her house and I was left all alone.

I felt weird earlier. I wonder what was that all about? It must be because I feel unwell. I should probably rest early when I get home.