
The Unexpected Extra

Jun, a boy of unrevealed origin, suddenly found himself lost in a world similar yet different to his own while on his way back to pick up his luggage. For reasons yet unknown, he has become an extra in a grand-scale story. That is, without him knowing that fact himself. However, unhindered by the unfamiliar world, Jun continued onward to the Academy without a care. What will he encounter? Who knows! Note: - Rare and silly concept for this archetype - I have newbie-level writing =D - 3rd POV - Enjoy the story if you can. - If you find my name familiar, you might have come upon my chapter comments on other stories. - :) I don’t really own the cover. If there’s any problem, contact me with the details below. Email: renkanzaki789@gmail.com

YuR006 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Honorable Encounter

(Note: Forget whatever the previous chapter 6 was.)


Jun stared at the grumpy man as he stared back, both having their own thoughts about the encounter.

The man stood at around 6 feet, with well-trained muscles seemingly trained by various life and death battles. Additionally, he posed in typical mercenary leather armor that many would find in a game rather than in real life, at least in the current time setting.

'Wild West?'

Naturally, Wild West was the name that came to Jun's mind, considering it's the least developed region out of the four.

Dwellers of this land live in tough ever-shifting weather conditions that gnaw away at one's livelihood every chance it gets.

Moreover, monsters run rampant throughout the region, and due to hazardous Ether density, they're way stronger than their original versions.

Similarly, inhabitants who manage to survive will also possess a natural growth rate surpassing a genius by 2-3 times at the risk of Ether Poisoning, alongside the best survival instinct and fighting skills gained from constantly treading at death's door.


Without hesitation, the man closed the distance in an instant and jabbed June in the chin, much to June's anticipation.

Surviving in such a place required solid decision-making skills, and the man decided to take the initiative without delay.

Whether the man was confident or just risking himself to test the water didn't matter. It was a commendable effort to June.

'Hmmm, did he go easy?'

Nevertheless, June wasn't one to feel anything from just that. His head had only whipped back slightly with no strain nor damage to be seen.

On the other hand, the man was visibly dismayed, his hand shaking in an attempt to relieve some pain.

"What are you waiting for?" June asked ignorantly, wondering why the man stopped only one punch when he didn't even do anything to warrant such action.


Clenching his fist, the man jabbed even more at June's face, each rougher than the last, yet June remained unflinching to the man's surprise. As if to rub salt in the wound, June didn't even retaliate once.

He was just standing there, menacingly.


'Ugh, what's going on?' Taking several steps back, the man glanced at his painful swollen knuckle bitterly.

It was absurd, the man thought, the existence of such a student able to tank his direct blows with such ease.

"You. State your name."

His pride was hurt, but he was also impressed, extremely so.

He knew that he was nobody in this vast world, but he knew his strength well, and that the one standing before him was a hard-to-come-by "Monster".

It was the sort of being he couldn't compete against no matter how much he tried.

Certainly, there would be some sort of honor in serving as an opponent to somebody he may not come upon another time in his life, even if their talent was spitting at his years of struggle.

That was why he wasn't discouraged from the fight.

If he wins, that's great.

If he loses, that's fine too.

"June. June Normaris - Astrea's first-year student...What's yours?"

'First year...Ha ha, the world is indeed harsh.'

Surprisingly, the boy named June actually understood his intention and replied in kind.

This prompted the man to feel even more honored, as he was taken seriously.

"Kranz Pierre - Captain of Kreej's 2nd battalion." Kranz grinned, focusing all the Ether within his body to strengthen himself.

In turn, June let out a little smile as he prepared a stance.

For two to exchange name was to ask for an honorable duel in the Wild West, one where nothing mattered other than the fight itself.

Although June wasn't in a mood to do anything much, he would honor somebody's will of his own discretion if he felt like doing so.


A fierce red aura began to envelop Kranz's entire body, making his steps heavier as he approached Jun.

"It's my honor, June Normaris-"

With unprecedented speed, Kranz vanished from his spot only to reappear in front of June and sent him flying with a punch in the gut.

"I'm not done yet!"


Just as June crashed against the automatic door on the other side, Kranz jabbed at him without mercy, causing a huge dent from just the impact alone. His punches pushed and pulled restlessly, just like a beast tearing its prey open.

"Not yet, NOT YET!!!"

Holding June's leg, Kranz flung him around hysterically, destroying the chairs and tables as the rampage went on.

Simultaneously, dents also began to form more and more while debris built up from the delicate interior furniture.



June was then slammed into the ground, his body sunk into the floor as Kranz sent barrages of fists upon his entire body in a crazed manner.


And right then, Kranz took in a deep breathe, winding up his decisive punch.



The carriage shook even more violently than ever as smoke rose from where June sunk in.

"Huff…Huff…How's that?"

Breathing heavily, Kranz wiped sweat from his chin as he stared down at where June was, grinning excitedly.

'That wouldn't happen to be the end…right?'

It seems Kranz likes jinxing himself, even if it was only in thought.


Suddenly, a shock went through Kranz's body, catching him off-guard.



Next thing he knew, his body flew in a circular motion, crashing through all the debris formed by his one-sided rampage, and came to an end as his body slammed against the door he came from.


Kranz spat out blood involuntarily while his body spasmed violently, rendering him completely useless as he leaned onto a dent. Grabbing onto a sliver of his consciousness, the man contemplated his fight.

Subconsciously, he already anticipated the result of the fight, yet he'd still hope, and then get disappointed.

At the least, he didn't expect to get done in with just one hit.

"Haha...so unfair..."

It was somewhat refreshingly bitter, trying to fight against the unfairness of the world.

Unmistakably, it was the same feeling when he met...


Kranz once felt he was destined for greatness, growing up as the strongest of his village Jopi.

He'd soon challenge other nearby villages, ferociously taking down more and more top dogs, earning him his previous title - Mad Dog.

He reigned, and he spread his reign, consumed by his ambition to rule.

Nevertheless, his pitiful reign would come to an end when a nomad mercenary group named Kreej came by, or specifically, "Boss".

A man blessed with power, that's what he was.

Through sheer strength alone, he ruled his territory either from fear or admiration.

There wasn't even a need for charismatic or brainy characteristics since people followed him so naturally.

He was also one of them.

That was just how imposing Boss was.

A "Monster", just like the boy approaching him.

The difference might simply be their disparity in experience.

"You...I suggest you escape when you can. My boss...he's just like you...which means he's definitely more than you could handle."

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't have done this.

Nonetheless, he understood what it was to be drunk on power. To be arrogant, thinking you're the top of the world.

He was once like that, after all.

Maybe the boy could beat his Boss if he had more time to train...but not now.

An immature "Monster" can never pit themselves against a fully matured one.

Unless the world was even more unfair than it already was, that is.

"Know...this, boy. You...your potential...It's out of this world...But doesn't mean you're invincible. There are...still plenty of those who can beat you...quite easily that is..."

However, that wasn't the end to his surprise.

"Kuk...Seriously...what's with that smile?"

Reflected in Kranz's eyes was June squatting in front of him, his eyes now a little more alive than they previously were.

"Your effort...it's commendable." Gently, June spoke words as if whispering into Kranz's ears. "Not bad."

With that, he stood back up and brushed off his uniform, now in rags thanks to Kranz.

"However, you seem to be mistaken about something."



Shoving Kranz aside, June kicked open the bent malfunctioning door, opening up a small path to the next deserted carriage.

"I'm no monster you're thinking of."

"What do you m-"


A monotonous, gibberish voice dawned on Kranz as his consciousness forcibly shut.

Welp, I’m almost out of sickness, but here’s the revised chapter 6.


Author YuR006

YuR006creators' thoughts