
The Underworld Is A Lustful Place

Our protagonist is sucked into the Lustful Underworld where he is forced to marry a hot Vampire Lord. He is then shared among the high nobles of the Underworld; representatives of supernatural families that hide in the shadows. He would then gain powers that would help him and his new wife overtake the Underworld King. (Cover is AI art I did online)

Lunacia_Yujin · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The Hunt

[A/N: Go Read My Novel; Darkstone Legacy. 


Apologies for the rather short chapter, but this is all I could muster up with my busy schedule. Today was my only day off and I will work until next Wednesday, Again, I apologize.]

(Rey's POV)

"Was this even a Hunt?" I asked Brutus as he dragged an unconscious body out of from behind a dumpster, "This guy was already blacked out..." 

We were in a dark alley, Brutus said that we were on a Hunt. I'm assuming he meant that we were going to single out humans and attack them in order to feed on them. As sickening as that sounded from a Human's perspective, not doing that kinda surprised me. 

This poor guy was probably drunk and passed out behind a dumpster, possibly at a dark and low point in his life. 

"Help me get him in the trunk." Brutus said, "Hurry." 

I walked over and grabbed the man by the legs as we both lifted him up and walked over to the car that was parked in reverse, the trunk open. Brutus and I had dropped the contents we bought at Red's at a "safehouse" near the city we came to. 

"Can't you do this by yourself?" I asked him, "You're a Vampire, you have super strength, do you?

"Quiet down, Rey." Brutus said, "You have to get used to stuff like this. And we don't call it super strength, why do you youngsters call it that?" 

"Cause that's what it is..." I said with a frown

"Whatever." He said as we tossed the man into the trunk and he closed it, "Anyways, let's hurry back and take him to the safehouse." 

I nodded when I heard a splash of water. I looked back to the dumpster and saw another man dragging himself towards us. 

"O-Oi...." He said as he held a gun in his hand, "Where ya taking him?" 

Brutus waved him off, "Don't know what your talking about." He said, "Carry along." 

"He has a gun...." I whispered to him

"I said where ya taking him!!" the man said as he opened fire

"Ah!" I said as I felt a sting in my chest, "Oh...what?" 

I looked down to see a red spot on my shirt, feeling blood trickle down my chest to my stomach, inside my shirt. 

"Shit!" Brutus said as I watched him lunge at the man, "This fucking guy...." 

I stumbled back, hitting the back of the car, "B-Brutus...." I said softly as my vision went blurry, "Brutus..." 

I heard a muffled grunt as I was able to make out the figure of the man drop down to the ground, blood exploding from it. 

Then...everything went black. 


There was a swirling sensation in my mind, my vision was blocked, and everything was black. I felt a strange cold feeling all throughout my body as a certain warmth filled my chest. I did not know what this meant. I could feel my body heavy and light, but I couldn't feel anything at all. Was all this some sort of trick? What was going on?

Was I dead? Unconscious? Why could I feel...but not feel? What was going on? I needed answers. 

Why did I not feel scared? What the fuck....

"Ah!!" I said as I opened my eyes and shot upwards, "Brutus!" 

"Easy!" Brutus said as he held my shoulder, "You're okay." 

I then felt a powerful pain in my chest, "Aghhh!!" I said as I winced, "W-What the hell happened?" 

"You were shot." Brutus said, "Do you remember anything?" 

"I do..." I said rubbing my chest, "I...." 

"Don't touch your chest, fool." Brutus said as he smacked my hand down, "What do you remember?" 

"I remember the guy shooting me....and you..." I stammered, "Did you kill him?" 

"Yea." Brutus said, "Nobody shoots at my Lady's betrothed and lives. Besides, I couldn't risk him going out and telling him of what he saw. Don't worry, I hid the body." 

"Oh...." I said as I felt more pain in my chest, "And the other man? Where is he?" 

"He's still unconscious, worry not." He said, "We'll begin the cleansing in a bit, you'll have to be awake for that." 

"Cleansing, huh? You haven't explained what that is...." I said as I rubbed my temples, "How am I alive? Did you heal me?" 

"No, surprisingly." He said, "I was going to use the healing powder, but I didn't need to." 

I looked at him, "Eh?" 

"You healed by yourself." He said with a slight smile, "Your blood is nearing its awakening, Rey." 

"It's happening."