
The Underworld Is A Lustful Place

Our protagonist is sucked into the Lustful Underworld where he is forced to marry a hot Vampire Lord. He is then shared among the high nobles of the Underworld; representatives of supernatural families that hide in the shadows. He would then gain powers that would help him and his new wife overtake the Underworld King. (Cover is AI art I did online)

Lunacia_Yujin · Fantasie
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8 Chs


[ Go and Read Darkstone Legacy on my main account


(Rey's POV)

"There's still a lot of things to learn, kid." Brutus said as we both sat in the back of the car, "But so far, you've gotten better at some physical stuff." 

"Y-Yea..." I said

I looked at my arms, I noticed that they'd gotten a bit thicker. I've always been sorta muscular, but not like this...I put on a bit more muscle and my body is more ripped than ever. The Doc, Augustus mostly exaggerated on the type of body I've had. 

For almost 3 weeks, I've done nothing but train physically; lifting weights, running, several martial arts exercises with Brutus, and just eating and sleeping. I haven't seen Lady Priscilla that much during that time but I know she was there. Lobo would disappear and eventually, I would find him with her on a random balcony. 

Now we had left the castle for the first time since I've been there. It was surreal, not much time had passed. We were going to the village that was at the base of the mountain. Turns out this is somewhere in Europe, a shadowland, according to Brutus. 

Whatever that means. 

I looked at him, he was wearing a black leather trenchcoat and dark shades. 

"You know..." I spoke up, "I haven't learned much about magic." 

"You don't need to." Brutus said without looking at me, "Vampires get access to magic, whether regular Arcane abilities or unique Vampiric Magic. Regular humans who don't have access to the arcane seek vampirism as a way to tune into that." 

"I see." I said, "I guess it's a matter of when, huh?" 

He nodded, "Yes. You will be turned by Lady Priscilla, but not before your awakening." He said, "Until then, you will be taught our ways." 

"What does that mean?" I asked, "Awakening." 

"You are of Primordial Blood. Something that requires a bit more explaining, I cannot simply tell you what it is. That's up to Lady Priscilla." He explained, "Your entire body and life is a lie, this isn't the true you. Up until this point in your life, your very existence has been limited by the seal of your blood. You will be stronger than any human when you undo that seal and awaken your true self. It is only then that you will be fed Lady Priscilla's Turning Blood and be wed with her." 

I still don't understand shit about that, and it's only that which confuses me. This whole ordeal about the world having a supernatural side, yea I get that. There's Vampires and shit, I witnessed it firsthand already. But me? He's saying that I'm not me? What? 

I nodded, "I see." I said, "Where are we going?" 

"Lady Priscilla ordered me to take you for a Hunt. Listen, Rey, from now on, I'll be your Guardian. I'll protect you and will teach you the ways." He said, "Until you're ready and fit for being my master." 

"When will that happen?" I asked, "Who gets to decide when I'm ready?" 

"You will." He said as he looked at me, "And trust me, I'll know when you're telling the truth." 

"Hm.." I said as I looked out the dark-tinted window, "So....where is this hunt?" 

"Don't worry about it." He said, "First we're making a stop. There's something important you ought to know about the world: The Veil." 

"The Veil?" I said

"The magical and mystical barrier that hides our existence." He said, "It disguises the supernatural. For example, my pale skin and blood eyes, the Veil hides that from regular humans that are affected by it. I'll appear pale, yes, but not unnaturally veil. It works better on actual monster-like supernatural races and supernatural beasts." 

"I see..." I said, "Is that why Humans don't know much about this?" 

"Exactly." He said, "The Veil sometimes fluctuates in power, so some humans peer into the truth and will go mad. The Veil is essential for the mundane when it comes to that aspect. It is necessary for their mental safety. And where we're going is one of the few places in the world where the Veil is the strongest." 

"Is that so?" I said, "I wonder what it is." 


"What?" I said as I stood in front of the car, "T-This....Brutus this is a general store." 

We stood in a somewhat empty parking lot, the black pavement was so smooth and clean. In front of us was a building with a bright neon sign on top. 

It read: 

Underworld General

Maybe its because I was so used to being in the castle already, but being in front of a general store with a Vampire was just ridiculous. 

"Yes." Brutus said, "Come on, we got to pick some stuff up." 

"Like what? Some chips and stuff?" I asked as he walked towards the entrance

"Let's go." He said

I sighed and walked behind him as the sliding doors opened and we entered the store. 

Right away, I was hit by the scent of cleaning product, a lavender floor cleaner and a bit of chlorine. 

"Welcome, please be careful, we're mopping the floors." A feminine and bored voice said

I turned to my left to see a large counter with what looked like marble on top, the usual store register on top. A young-looking pale woman with blue hair and red highlights was leaning on it, looking at her phone. 

Her name tag read: Assistant Manager, Samantha

She had blood-red eyes as well, she was a Vampire.

I looked around; the store looked like a regular general store, with aisles and stuff. Something was off though, I could feel it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw another young girl turning the corner as she mopped the floor while she wore a black apron. 

Brutus stepped in front of me and looked at the woman at the counter, "Evening, Samantha." He said

She looked up from her phone as she chewed gum, "Oh. It's you." She said, "What's up?" 

"Is Red in?" Brutus asked

"haha." She said with a monotone voice, "Very funny. Red is always in." 

Brutus nodded, "I see, is the door open?" He asked

"Yes." She replied

Brutus looked at me, "Follow me." 

I followed him to the back, through the candy aisle. It looked like a regular candy aisle, with human products and everything. Why was a Vampire at the counter? 

"Brutus...." I started

"Relax." Brutus said as we reached a door

There was a sign on it; 

Underworld Section

He opened it and we walked in to a massive and dark room. It was lit up by purple led lights that illuminated the room, giving off an eerie vibe. 

"Oh?" A sinister voice said, "If it isn't Brutus...." 

I looked past Brutus and saw someone sitting atop the counter; It was a young-looking man with dark hair and black and red eyes. His sclera was black and his eyes were dark red; not like Brutus or the Samantha girl, not blood red. This was a much fiercer red, something....infernal....

He was wearing a black polo and grey khaki pants as he held what looked like those fidget spinners in his hand. 

There was something ominous about him, it was surreal. I was face-to-face with Lady Priscilla, her presence was powerful and cold. This guy's presence was much more fierce and destructive, I couldn't explain it. 

"Red." Brutus said, "Did you receive my order?" 

He nodded, "Yes." He said, "Who's this? Oh.....wait...." 

He got off the counter and walked over to me and sniffed the air near me. 

"Primordial Blood...." He said as his eyes pierced me, "Is this Priscilla's future mate?" 

Brutus nodded, "His name is Rey Na." He said

"Rey....Na?" Red said, "What the.....are you fucking kidding? ReyNa? Are you a Queen?" 

"No, it's.....my mom was korean, I'm adopted." I said, "I....what....what are you?" 

"This is Red, he's the General Manager of the store." Brutus said, "He's.....he's what you call erm....." 

Red walked up to me and placed his hands behind his back, "I'm something you Humans would refer to as....demonic..." He said with a smirk, "I haven't seen one of you in such a long time...thousands of years....your specific type of Primordial Blood.....Oh, my blood is beginning to boil.....You're....yes...His descendant."

I looked at him, "What?" 

"Red, Lady Priscilla hasn't told him yet." Brutus said, "Don't spill." 

Red stood in front of me, "Welcome to Underworld General. There are rules you ought to follow." He said, "First, No stealing, I will punish you. Second, no Pets, last time there was a hellhound here, Sam had to clean human guts off the ceiling. Third, No violence within the premises, you will get ejected. As for Supernatural Laws; No harassing or stalking the Human employees and customers. Trust me...I will know. Also, no loitering or scheming on the premises, I will force you out. And most importantly......READ the ad paper and description on our discounts. Many customers have complained about the discounts but they're too fucking stupid to read the details....you have to buy THREE cokes to get the discount, not one, not two, Three...." 

What is happening....what the fuck....did he say he's a demonic entity?

"Red is not a member of any race that I will teach you about." Brutus said, "He is bound to this store and this specific room is the source of our supplies when we go out and hunt. He's in contract with Lady Priscilla; She funds part of the store and we get free supplies." 

"Not the human products." Red said, "Only this stuff. I want to actually make profit with money." 

I looked around, most of the stuff looked sketchy as hell. 

"Is this....legal?" I asked as I turned around

I then saw as Red had a gun pointed at my face, "You a fucking Narc?" He asked with a serious look

What the fuck.

"Red, easy." Brutus said, "He's new." 

"Hm..." Red lowered the gun

This guy....he's crazy. 

No, you are. 


Ho? You think I'm stupid? What's this? Ohoho, this is nice. I haven't hijacked a story in a while. 

What the fuck is going on? 

Priscilla can hear these thoughts, Huh? These narrative thoughts.

Is he in my head? Are you in my fucking head? 

I'm in the pages, actually. Brutus can't tell, but this is one of my skills. Helloooooooooooooo

Pages? What fucking pages? Get OUT OF MY HEAD!!!

One thing to know, kid, I'm an Arch-Devil, Brutus and all Vampires besides the Vampire Lords are banned from speaking on Hell and Heaven, so they can't say what I am. They know what I am, but they cannot speak it into words.


Worry not, I'm the only one in this plane of existence. That's something faaaaarrrrr beyond any of you Supernatural Children's comprehension. But oh well, you're new. Soon, you'll awaken and become strong, I can tell. 

Readers, do be patient with this one, he will be stupid. 

But he'll get to bed with Priscilla, so he's one lucky bastard.