
The Underworld Is A Lustful Place

Our protagonist is sucked into the Lustful Underworld where he is forced to marry a hot Vampire Lord. He is then shared among the high nobles of the Underworld; representatives of supernatural families that hide in the shadows. He would then gain powers that would help him and his new wife overtake the Underworld King. (Cover is AI art I did online)

Lunacia_Yujin · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Lady Priscilla

[A/N: Thank you for reading, hopefully some of you may know that this is my Alt Account and have come here from my Original Account where I exclusively write anime smut. This is a r18 novel where I expect to form a fanbase solely for this and my other planned Novel. There will be no sex scenes until after Chapter 10, since I hope to get this contracted.

this story will also be on RoyalRoad.com 

I hope you enjoy the story]

(Rey's POV)

I had to figure out a way to get out of here, these people are fucking insane.

Vampires? Please, like I'll believe that shit!

I was escorted to a room, walking down a massive hall with shut windows. The decorations seemed to damn expensive, I never seen things like these....I saw pure marble pillars that stood tall against the walls. There were gold-framed paintings that were the size of the entire wall, I think they were gold. 

I was forced to change into aristocrat-like clothes, shaved clean, my hair was combed, and I swore that they added something in the body-wash that made me smell like mint....

I fucking hate mint.

The guy who had kidnapped me, whose name was Brutus, he was walking next to me. Behind me, there were two masked men who towered over the both of us. I was a tall guy, like the Doctor mentioned, 6'3, but these guys were about 7 foot, at the very least. They were scary huge. 

"Lady Priscilla is the Lady of this mountain." Brutus said as we walked, "Her wealth is notable." 

I guess he must've noticed my glances at the expensive shit. 

"You will see what kind of Lady, she is." He continued

Fuck all that, man. I gotta get out of here. I need to find some chance to try to escape, some window, something!

I had-Wait....

He said Mountain? We're in a mountain? What the fuck?!

"There's a village down the mountain that we usually trade with." He said, "Humans there, they're nice." 

I looked at him, "I...." I stammered, "What makes me so special?" 

I had to know why I was kidnapped, they kept mentioning how I was the one or something along the lines of "His kind is rare" or some shit like that. 

He looked at me, his blood-red eyes piercing straight through me. 

"You'll find out soon enough, boy." He said, "We've arrived to her study." 

We had stopped at two massive obsidian doors that had intricate carvings, I couldn't make out the patterns. There was an unusual shine to them, I didn't know how to describe it. 

One of the tall masked men walked past me and pushed the doors opening, a resounding creak was heard. 

"Oh." I said, "O...Okay....." 

Brutus pushed me alongside, "Hurry, let's not keep her waiting." He said

As I was pushed inside, I caught the sweet aroma of lavender....or something like that...lavender mixed with something else.....

I looked around, and there were massive shelves filled with books, all around the massive room. This was the study? Wow, it was.....huge....

"Up ahead." Brutus said as he placed his hand on my back and gently pushed me ahead

"Huh?" I said before I got instant chills down my spine, "W-What the...." 

I was then standing in front of a woman sitting on a throne-like chair, reading a book. Something about her hit me like a cold wave of winter air, it was strange.....and terrifying. 

She had fair skin, an amazingly curvaceous body; thick thighs, and large breasts that were covered by her simple black dress. Her silver-white hair shone brightly due to the reflection of the light and her eyes....

They were beautiful, a piercing blue....a total contrast to these other men I had seen here. 

"M'Lady..." Brutus said as she knelt down in front of her, "Our mission was complete, we have brought him to you." 

I then watched as she closed the book and placed it on the table next to her, placing her hand on the glass beaker that sat on it which was filled with blood and covered by a thin parchment paper. 

"So...." her soft and sweet voice said, "It would appear so....." 

She lifted the beaker up and smiled, placing it under her nose and sniffing it. I then saw as she blushed fiercely, her eyes filled with bliss. 

Something was off about this woman. 

Her eyes then met with mine and as soon as they did, my knees became weak and begun to wobble. My entire body went limp and started to shake, I couldn't help it. 

"Oh?" She said with a warm smile, "Mi Rey....." 

She said my name in a perfect spanish accent, appealing to my ears. 

"Uhm..." I said, "I need to go home....I....I have to feed my dog....I....where am I?" 

She stood up, placed the beaker on the table, and walked over to me, she was shorter than I was, at least 5'9 or so, but there was something about her that made her feel like the largest and mightiest in the room. Her aura was insane, it was freezing cold....

She placed her hand on my cheek, her touch was as cold as the feeling I got from her. 

"There is no home back there for you.." She said with a smile, "You were going to die.....I saved you from that fate..." 

"W-What?" I said, "What're you saying?? Die?" 

"Mi Rey....my beloved King.....You know nothing of your true self.....the potential that your blood holds...." She said with warmth in her voice as she stepped back, "If I didn't find you sooner, the other Clans would've and they would've defiled you....the mere thought angers me so....." 

I frowned, "I am so....I'm so fucking confused right now..." I muttered

"Relax, my dear~" She said with a smile, "All will be revealed to you....Brutus, bring me my snack..." 

Brutus stood up and nodded, "At once." He said while walking away

"You don't believe that we're what we say we are?" She asked me

I nodded, "Vampires?" I asked, "There's no way that Vampires exist." 

I then heard a yelp. 

I turned to see a young blonde woman being thrown to the ground in front of us, she looked to have bruises on her. 

She looked up, tears in her green eyes as her lips quivered, "P-Please help me..." She sobbed, "Please....they're monsters..." 

Brutus stood over her, "Quiet." He said, "You're in the presence of Lady Priscilla, you're fortunate she feeds on you...." 

I then noticed that she had two puncture holes on her neck. 

"What the..." I said as Lady Priscilla walked over to the woman

"Oh....my dear little calf...." She said as she picked her up by the arm, "Being my blood bag....was a punishment suitable for someone with blood as rich as yours..." 

"I already said I was sorry!" The woman screamed, "Please!!!" 

Lady Priscilla then opened her mouth, fangs protruding from her teeth as she let out a vicious hiss. 

In an instant, she dug said fangs into the woman's neck as she tried to struggle but for some reason, she couldn't. Her eyes went white as she tried to scream but no sound came out. 

She....the Lady was drinking her blood....

I took a step back, my hear beginning to beat into overdrive, my entire body feeling an anxiety like nothing before. 

"What the fuck..." I whispered softly in pure shock

I watched as the Lady dropped the woman to the ground, her neck bleeding slightly as she plopped down unconscious. 

The Lady then turned around and gave me a smile, wiping blood off her lips, "That was not bad~" She said, "The one blood I look forward to, though....." 

There was a vicious but excited look in her eyes. 

"W-whoa...." I said with nothing but fear

"Is yours..." She said as she walked over, "But I must wait.....I must wait until you're ripe...." 

"Until you're ready to be fully mine."