
3. The Disappearance of The Overlord

P.s Naruto and overlord doesnot belong to me so go nag somebody else



Sorcerer Kingdom (Nazarick):

There lay a dim room with a table and chair at the center to the window at the further north side of the room. The walls are surrounded with beautiful designs that even the modern architects can't seem to recreate. Here we find ainz our protagonist engaging in some healthy paperwork. Beside him is the eye candy(drool…) albedo standing at his every beck and call advising him.

"Ainz-SAMA! Ainz-SAMA!!You look very dashing today"

"Is that so"

Hearing albedo fawn over him, Ainz Sweat-dropped.

"Albedo. Aren't we suppose to finish the revision of the second division food supply and didn't you say to finish it today."

Albedo reluctantly shifted her demeanour and got to work mode glossing over what just happened. Momonga sighed and went back to finish his work.

Later (Bed Chambers):

Ainz head-faced dropped in his bed and rolled around it. Taking in the floral fragrance which reminded him of albedo. He thought to ask albedo but dropped the notion instantly in fear of being labelled as a pervert.

Then his thoughts got occupied by the recent device Fluder has been working on.

"The thing is still unstable according to Fluder but I think I should look over it to see if there is any changes"

Feeling the restraint of time he reluctantly got off his bed giving it a last forlorn look and left to see the device. He made his way towards the Ashinabanipal Library. The two guards simply made way for the Supreme Overlord to enter.

Upon enter his eyes fell on the device. Fluder was quite secretive of the jewel and imparted with it for the greater good of Nazarick. The device was glowing faintly humming for someone to wear it.

Ainz went towards the jewel and touched it.The moment he touched the jewel it got attached to him and began sucking momonga's tremendous mana.

"W-what is happening"

Momonga hurriedly told the gate guarders "Put Nazarick on lockdown and find Al….."

He simply disappeared.