
Unconditional Life

One day, his family left him, so now he lives alone, trying to stand on his own by working at a coffee shop. Jake juggles work and studies, living a solitary life, so what Jake wants most is to have friends. But it seems like the world is against him, almost everyone he meets seems to dislike or feel repelled by him. Despite this, Jake is a cheerful and positive person, known for his cheerful demeanor. No matter what happens to him, he always appears happy, as if he carries no problems at all. But why is he living alone and why did his family leave him? Meanwhile, his relationship with Faye Smith is as classmates. Faye dislikes Jake because she finds him annoying, gets angry with him, and despises him for some reason. But since Jake changed, her opinion of him also changed. How did her opinion of Jake change? For what reason? Is there a chance for the two of them after everything that happened? Main Character (Mc): Jake Caratao Female Lead (FL) : Faye Smith Volume 1: Is about how cruel the world is to the MC and how it changes him. Volume 2: Is about the MC's transformation. In any aspect, behavior, or whatever it may be. Also included are the backstories of other characters in the story. Volume 3: The new transformation of the MC. How did the MC change again? Did he revert to his old self, or did he change even more? The Volume 3 will be different from the previous stories, as it will be filled with conflicts, and fights. The story is a bit slow at the beginning because it's filled with slice of life, but as it progresses, it picks up fast pace, especially when it reaches volume 2. So, just try it. Each chapter will get better. Tags : Romance, Realistic Fiction, Tragedy, Evolution, Fights, Gang war. This novel is suitable for readers aged 18 and above, and you are sure to enjoy it. The events in this book can very well happen in real life. So, once you read it, you’re sure to like it.

spectacle_8 · Realistic
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23 Chs

Issue (2)



They were both surprised to see each other, as they never expected to meet in that place.

Faye was surprised and didn't expect that Jake worked there.

Jake was surprised because he didn't expect to see Faye at his workplace.

"You're working here, and you're the one who serving?" Faye asked.

"Um... Yes, Faye, haha! I didn't think you would come to our shop. By the way, here's your order, a café macchiato!"

Jake placed the coffee on the table. "See you, enjoy!"

"The f**k? I didn't think he worked here... This is his job?"

Meanwhile, in the kitchen*

"Hey, Jake. Who was that? Do you know that girl?" Christian asked.

"Hm?... Oh, yes. She's my classmate, why?"

"She's beautiful, bro. Introduce me, will you?"

"Eyy, he said he doesn't have a crush on her, and now?" one of their co-workers teased Christian.

"You didn't admit you liked her, so I'll go for it."

And the three of them laughed.

Jake delivered the coffee next to Faye's table.

"Here's your order~"

While this was happening, Faye just stared at Jake.

"Damn, he's so hardworking."

Before Jake returned to the kitchen, Faye called him.

"Hey, Jake!"

"Yes, ma'am? What do you need?"


"Me?... Sure, ma'am. What is it? ^^"

"Can you stop calling me ma'am, dumb**s? By the way, I have something to ask you."

While the two were talking, Jake's two co-workers are watching.

"Man~ I'm so jealous, Jake always has beautiful close friends. First, its ma'am Sheena, now her? Lucky dumb**s."

"Because you're slow to act, Chris, haha!"

"Coming from you(smirks)."


"What is it, Faye?"

"How are you going to solve the issue happening to you? (Smirks)."

"(Smiles) I don't know, haha... my sister got involved when it should have just been me, haha."

Faye was shocked by what Jake said, and her eyes widened in surprise, "Huh? S-sister?"

"Yep, sister. They mistook her for me, haha. She got involved when she shouldn't have. So, I don't know how to solve it. Anyway, enjoy!"

Jake left and went back to his spot.

"Sister? So, that means she's his sister? And he has a sister that beautiful?"

Faye wondered.

Faye quickly left the shop and called her friends:

"(Ringing)... Hey, guys. I have something to tell you. Let's meet at my house."


"Why did you call us here so suddenly? What do you need to tell us?" Charm asked.

"Yeah, I had plans, you know."

"Guys, that girl is Jake's sister."

The three of them were shocked by what they heard.

All: "SISTER?"

"Jake's sister is that beautiful? I mean, how did you find out?" Kristine asked.

"Remember the 'Coffee Tea Shop'? Jake works there as a server. I asked him how he would solve the issue, and he said he didn't know, especially since his sister got involved."

"Oh... I idolized that girl. And it turns out they're siblings? I'm so embarrassed for idolizing her T_T."

"You're so dramatic, Charm." Lorraine teased.

"Shut up, guys. Let's talk to Third and let him handle this."


They met up with the group of guys and told them everything.

"Oh, so that's his sister, huh? Well, he'd better be ready to introduce her to me (smirks)."

"A**hole, she wouldn't go for you." Faye retorted.

"Tomorrow, meet at the back of the 7/11 away from the school and bring Jake. We're going to set him up."


At home*

"I'm here~ finally home, so tired. I wonder how my sister is doing? She still won't talk to me. I won't tell her what's happening so she won't get hurt (smiles)." Jake said, lying on his bed.




After school*

Jake was about to ride his bike home when Faye suddenly called him.

"Hey, Jake!!"

"Faye... Hi!"

"Come with me! I have something to show you."

Smiling as she spoke, Jake followed her.

They arrived behind the 7/11, and Jake saw Faye's friends, some people he recognized from the karaoke bar, and even the group that had beaten him up before.

There are so many of them, and Jake was confused about what is happening.

"Hey, dumb**s. Here he is." Faye said to Third.

Third approached, "Oh, Jake~ long time no see. I miss you? Did you miss me?"

"Um... Hi! What are we doing? Hehe."

"What are we doing? (looks around), we're going to be honest with you, Jake."

"Sure, hehe."

"We want to be friends with you, and we hope you can forgive us for what we did to you."

"Oh, it's nothing to me, hehe."

"So, because we want to be friends with you. We have a confession to make..."

Everyone fell silent, waiting for Third to speak.

And then...

"We're the ones who spread the rumors... about you and your sister."

Jake was shocked by what he heard, his eyes widened, not knowing how to react.

He just stared while everyone around him was smiling.

"You guys... you were behind all of that?" Jake asked.

"Yes, Jake. We planned it right at the coffee shop where you work."

Everyone laughed at Jake's reaction.

"That time, you weren't there, so you didn't know... we planned to take pictures of you and your sister and spread them on social media... and start spreading them here at school."

The others laughed while Jake remained silent, listening.

Jake looked at Faye, "F-Faye? Are you part of this?"

Faye just stared at Jake as he spoke, "Wait, his vibes and voice. They're different." Thought to herself.

"Hey, Third..."

"Yes, Jake?" Third responded, mockingly.

"Who started this? Why are you all doing this to us?" Jake asked.

"We started it... and why are we doing it? Because... it's fun."

Everyone laughed again when suddenly...

"Is that so?..."

Jake swiftly upper cut Third in the face.

Everyone was shocked by what they saw, Jake punched so quickly they almost didn't notice, and even Third didn't have time to react.

"Damn, that hurt... and you know how to punch, huh?" Third said while wiping the blood from his lip.

Jake punched him again just as quickly, and once again Third couldn't react.

Jake continued to punch Third repeatedly.

"Why (punch)... did (punch)... you (punch)... do (punch)... that (punch)?"

Third saw Jake's face, filled with rage, eyes red, and extremely serious.

"His aura... is different..."

Third's friends joined in and started to gang up on Jake.

"You know how to punch, huh? Take this (punch)."

(Whack) (Punch) (Whabam) (Bam)

It suddenly started raining, and Faye, along with her friends, moved to the side.

They watched as Jake was beaten up and ganged upon.

Charm looked at Jake, thinking, "His vibes earlier... were terrifying."

Lorraine was also watching and thought, "Damn, he almost took Third down."

Jake punches the air in frustration, "Why are you doing this? Just target me, not my sister."

"You still have some strength left, huh? Keep going." Third ordered his friends.

They continued to beat up Jake, kicking and punching him everywhere.

After a while, they finally stopped, "That's enough, let's go. Someone might see us."

Third delivered one final kick to Jake's side, "One last kick for you (whack)."

Jake noticed Faye looking at him, and he saw a faint smile on her thin lips.

The group left, leaving Jake lying on the ground in the rain.

He was in shock, staring blankly, and soon after, he began to cry.

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Sister... (Sob)."


At home*

Jake sat on the sofa, tending to his wounds. After a while, he decided to call his sister.

"(Ring)... Hello?"

"Oh, Jake?" Sheena answered coldly.

"S-sis, we need to talk, right now... in person."

"Jake? Why does your voice sound like that? Did something happen to you? Okay, I'm coming."

45 minutes ago*

(knock knock)

Jake opened the door.

Sheena was shocked by what she saw.

"Jake??? What happened to you? Why do you look like that?"

"I think... you need to stay away from me..."

Jake said this with his head down, leaving Sheena greatly surprised.
