

As we start to there is always that part of that makes us think we are not enough,that we don't belong .we try to fit in with the group of friends we have but we always

Feel that we are not good enough.

Ella was a girl who lived with her ,her died past away when she was still young .she never got to spend time with him and she did not know how it felt to have a fathers love .Ella is a college student medicine ,she grow the desire to do medicine when she heard how her dad had died .She wanted to save people's lives .She had three friends Ava,chloe and and Emily .They have been her friends since childhood.Ella always thought she did not fit in she always felt left out .This was because her friends where rich and wore expensive clothes and for her it was the opposite.People locked because of how she dressed but her friends where there to back her up .

"Ella woke up you will be late for class",said Ella's mum .It was a beautiful monday morning and Ella had overslept forgetting she had class .