

Katherina and Kimberly Martins Twin born on the same day at different time . Katherina being the elder twin one hour older than Kimberly is a rude , selfish and scheming person she was loved by her parents due to her ladylike yet pretending character who gets whatever she wants whenever she wants anyhow she finds kimberly as an obstacle she tries everything possible to win the heart and favouritism of the elders by all means . katherina falls in love with Christian Del mundo a handsome clad from a social lite and well respected in the country but he was never close to katherina instead he was attached to kimberly all the more reason katherina despise her sister .They've known each other since they were young and katherina grew up envying her sister . Christian Del mundo one of the most eligible bachelor in spain added the fact he was stinking rich without his parent wealth .Chris is the eldest son of the Del mundo and currently the ceo of Global world inc and the true heir of the Del mundo adding to his body features ,perfect torso ,thin lips ,perfect abs with the perfect muscle ,perfect body as if he was a defined carving from ancient time all the ladies usually swoon over him like they would eat him up surely katherina was one of them . Christian on the other hand is a 28 year old guy who had interest in only one person that person is a 22year old fair lady with a half korea half mexican blood , she had dimples that could attract any man who saw her , smooth long legs perfect body shape , not fat not slim moderate or like I like to call it petite body , with the perfect open teeth , long face , full pink lips , long black raven hair that stopped at neck length she look like a goddess painting , round big brown eyes gush she was stunning and her name is Kimberly Martins the younger twin of katherina but unlike katherina , kimberly was never lady like but a carefree temperas who is rebellious but a kindhearted girl . More likely describing kimberly is like a wild fox who broke rules , she dresses like a tomboy and specializes in karate at the age of 20 kimberly was good at taekwondo , kungfu , shooting , stunt mainly martial art . She loved acting but due to her shy nature she never got the opportunity and was disliked by her family except for elder Martin her grandfather who doted on her . she learnt her fighting techniques from him and other trained professionals . The twin being half blood is from their parents Mrs Tiffany Wang daughter of Wang clan Asia obviously rich family she fell in love with Karl martins a Spanish or should I say mexican heir who was a well known business man with so many wealth and power . practically the Martins and the Del mundo where close friends and business partners so naturally they were accquinted to the point of match making Chris and katherina . practically no one new of kimberly and christians relationship except katherina who was envious and tried to snatch him.