
The Ultimate Support Character

Synopsis Kuramoto Daisuke, a freshman in High School was suddenly exposed to someone vanishing in front of him. Turns out he was admitted to a Special Class full of Isekai Heroes that were regularly summoned to Otherworlds since the start of their Middle School. He was told that he was to become their Support to prevent each of the Heroes' fate of dying in the world they were summoned into. Though mediocre, he realized that his ability has a great potential but it needs a lot of hard work on his part. Unconvinced of being just the Support Character, he vowed to excavate his mediocre ability, all the while supporting the Heroes using it. And maybe more. Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/BWBWUrU

Dyrem · Fantasie
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682 Chs

Elevating the Earth's Strength (2)

In truth, Lexie's statement about what they're looking at was correct.

At the moment it looked just like a normal simulation.

However, the Researcher who was testing the prototype device also had some apparatuses attached to his body to monitor the change that would happen in him.

It was a combination of their two technologies wherein by fighting whatever they generated inside the simulation, one would be able to absorb the stored Source Energy in the storage attached to the processing unit of the device.

The screen next to what's happening inside the simulation was monitoring his vitals as well as his absorption of energy.

Lexie's reaction to it was normal for a World of Meta's denizen.