
The Ultimate Superman System

ChiseldPotato · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Damn, That's A Lot...

With a shake of his head David thought it was rather stupid how some guys who had hiding themselves so far inside the shadows, really felt panicked over, nothing.

And to be honest this level of danger for david was nothing to him. On the other David did chuckle to himself, because if only they had attacked him earlier, he might have felt some sense of concern, but of course only idiots try to shot people down when their busy climbing to the top...

As a consequence that had to deal with him whilst he was at the top.

Moreover, name a single person who has also lifted a spaceship? Or ever, seen a human that could easily pierce past air, at easily over mach 10? Plus the fact sombody like Cyclops who is known for his ability to shot out beams of heat, isn't even on the same playing field when he's compared to david...


Somewhere, over the ocean and possibly under the ground... Someone was having a fit as they spoke of the new Superman.

"We must kill him! Such a person like superman must die!!"

"Nobody knows where his upper limits lay, nor what his upper limits or going to look like"

Elsewhere in a secret base, S.H.I.E.L.D's former director, and the current world's secretary, Pierce, was sitting, holding a gloomy expression, whilst a vicious gleam radiated from within his eyes.

"During World War II, that bastard single-handedly destroyed the possibility of HYDRA ever ruling the world. And now in this new era, we have almost completely corrupted S.H.I.E.L.D... But that bastard, had to come along and appear again!!..."

Pierce said gritting his teeth, whilst he continued to wait anxiously as he bided his time for any news about David, because if they stalled any longer, all of HYDRA would be putting their heads up for execution.

With great consideration as well as being under the pressure, HYDRA had finally put their plans in motion and began using S.H.I.E.L.D's weaponry, intending to kill David as soon as possible.

Even if this was going to lead to their early exposure, everyone inside HYDRA, thought this was by far the better risk then letting David find them.

And at the same time it was also their last ditch effort, before David got any stronger and couldn't be secured.


....Over the Atlantic Ocean, where a storm raged.

Waves crashed into one another, kicking up a chilling breeze almost like it was reading itself for the battle to come.

David with his arms folded, looked on at the incoming missiles with an irritated sneer: "Damn, they really threw everything... even Tony's newer missiles as well? Honestly never pegged them as cowards, to try and get rid of me in this fashion. And they didn't even hesitate to expose themselves to Fury..."

David sighed whilst lamenting and said "It, properly would have been fun to take them on as a mortal with the fear of death lingerie over my head... but alas it's only childish now to think of them as rivals"

David mused to himself as he pondered, but came to a logical conclusion and said to himself "there should be no such thing as kryptonite in this Marvel universe..."

Fortunately the DC Universe will only ever be the place to find kryptonite, giving David the upper hand in any fight in this Universe.

Thinking something else over David pondered "I need to look into how much red sun radiation and Marvel magic could have affects on me, besides these weaknesses of mine are never going to be known to HYDRA or another kind of being"

"And even if they where to be found out, by then i shouldn't have to worry about anything because a weakness should only ever effect the arrogant who neglected it" David said giving himself a pat on the back.


The countless missiles that bolted out the sky, like that of a large wall, looked quite menacing however, in spite of that to David he was only left approving their choice of action because of one reason.

Any large amount of missiles launched would instantly attracted the attention of large organizations and countries throughout the world.

Soon enough David could hear, their alarms ringing.

And with that data was being displayed on their monitoring systems, which where littered with countless warnings of missiles. Leaving many hurting to find the location of attack, which they found to be in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

"This...what is going on?! These missiles are high yield, tell me who their attacking!!"

Many high-level officials were shocked and watched on in amazement through satellites.

Fury himself had just seen and erupted: "Which bastard activated the Helicarrier's weapons system, without my authorization!?"

That was David they where attacking, who was crazy enough to do that.

"Get David on the line, now, I need to talk to him!" Fury ordered to his closest aid.

Agent Hill shook her head with a complicated expression and said: "Our communications systems aren't working... I seem to be block by an internal force, coming from inside S.H.I.E.L.D!"

Hearing those words Fury could no longer help but vent some anger and slammed his fist into the table.

"God, I hope David doesn't think we betrayed him..."


Countless missiles where on there way, pulling a beautifully, terrifying arc through the air, casting a wide shadow onto the sea bellow.

"According to some statistics, David should favor his lasers and go for a sweeping motion, which would destroy approximately 50% of the all missiles; and I can bet you, if that doesn't work, he will turn tail and run, using his speed..." Yet still, no matter what his data was telling them he paused...

"W-wha-what... why is he not do anything?"

HYDRA, who had being calculating different variables, none stop on board the Helicarrier, slowly began to feel panic creeping up their backs.

After having seen all their efforts crushed, and all the days worth of simulating and data compiling, being flushed down the drain before their very eyes. Left most of them looking pale and sickly...

In sprite of that the first missile had beard it's fangs at David as it struck down...


The ensuing flames wrapped themselves around David, quickly turning into a deep black cloud that continued to engulf David...

Sadly in the span of a second, more than 300 missiles of all kinds, rushed into the smoke causing little flashes, lighting up the inside of the smoke.

And what one was only left to see, could only be described as astonishing. The shockwaves of each missile caused the sea below, to be pushed away forming a large crater that was always, constantly being forced open, never giving having the time to reform.

Without any regard for everybody's thoughts on this HYDRA only enjoyed the music of death. As new and different shockwave reach their ears.

"It's done, he's dead! HAHA... standing their like an idiot, of course you would die, not even ten Hulks could withstand that amount of explosions!"

Many watched on In horror as the smoke slowly dissipated in the wind.

The countless people who watched on all had different thoughts. And among them, HYDRA was the only group carrying a face full of smugness.

But when everything was gone, and the air was cleared of smoke, they where the first to freeze in disbelief.

David still kept his arms folded, and just floated there nonchalantly with, a blank expression, in the same place and pose almost like everything that just happened was the doing of a water gun.

Anyhow the most spine tingling thing in all of this was David's hairstyle... It hadn't changed. In fact it seemed that the concentrated fire, just now didn't even have the qualification to disturb a single hair on Davids head.

[Shocked by Alexander Pierce, +3 RP]

[Shock from Brock Rumlow, +2 RP]

[Shock From... +100 ]

[Shock From... +100 ]

[Shock From... +1000 ]

[Continent-level reputation: 10000/10000. Please complete for more rewards]

"That's it? Ok then..."

David rubbed his brow and as the expression of impatience rubbed off onto his face.

David didn't like that they kept testing his bottom line... After all a man can only wait for so long before he has to beat some sense into the sleeping lion...

David looked at the Helicarrier in front of him and grinned. His gentle smile for sure was a lady killer, but within those eyes HYDRA, saw death pulling out his scythe and pointing it towards them...

Nonetheless after all was said and done David made his move.