
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
40 Chs

Minus 1 Obstacle



"I did not think you would change so fast!..One minute you were blushing and acting all innocent and now you have just put your brother in his place. I love the level up. Let us keep it this way...phew..and to think I was worried you would get bullied if I wasn't around, I almost thought I should blackmail Tony to join the team just to keep you safe, he isn't much of a fighter or talker but he does give people uncomfortable stares and he likes to snitch or gossip.. He is better than a surveillance camera ..."Arian says , speed talking through one of his most exasperated comments I have ever had to hear.

"I told you I could talk, I just need the right motivation"...I reply back to Arian feeling a little more confident.

I have seen a lot of Arian's different sides today, I feel kind of honoured and or mostly grateful that I get to add him in my friend group, if Arian is on my side then I don't care who else in the pack becomes my enemy..I can fight them, I just hope Arian does not always feel the need to protect me .

"Well,it is a signed and sealed case Omega, we are officially friends. Be free to be free or feel free to be you. I don't like fake people around me. "Arian interjects, pulling me from off road.

"When we are done with our one on one practice..and you have trained me to my level best, can you please not always try to shield me?, Soon I will learn all members, then I will know their strengths,weaknesses and all their necessary information. After that,please don't stand to shield me. I appreciate everything you have done so far, but I hope you can allow me to grow." I say, hoping to sound as respectful as I can. I hope I do not offend him ,or worse, it would be so embarrassing if he said he was not trying to protect me.Arian is like the weather.Unpredictable.

Arian does not look like he is offended. He looks at me with a blank face but it holds no hostility. After a few seconds of saying nothing but staring at me , he nods his head and winks at me . " It is okay Omega. I got you, but first let's go in and start training before they think you and I went for a quickie for me to blowup my steam " Arian says while putting on a playful grin. I hear him but I don't understand.


"Ewww! What ! No! ... " I exclaim in a low voice trying to avoid bringing attention to us  while making gag sounds. You never know who is listening.

Arian starts laughing . "Took you long to get that !" He says in between laughs.

" We better get back in then , I don't want anyone to have such nasty thoughts about me. Probably would be their only answer as to how I managed to join the team.Nope . You are hot, but I gotta respect my mate ..." Wait..did I just..

"WELL GOODBYE." Terra comments before going completely silent.

" You think I am hot? ... well geez thanx Omega. I would like to stay and talk more , but this shit is getting awkward.. oh and if it makes you feel any better. You are weirdly cute . .. and no I won't do you either. My father would kill me if I lay my hands on anyone who isn't my mate. Apparently chivalry won't die as long as he lives. " Arian says while still putting on that playful smirk of his , and using his hands to create air quotes midair , he moves to open the door and I follow him. Just like always. I do not add or comment or reply to the earlier conversation.It ends here.

After getting back outside, we joined the others to do  normal cardio.Corey was leading a team of about fifty new comers and I was stuck with Arian sweating it out with the front liners like I've been doing this my whole life.I would have thought Arian would go easy on me since I am the new comer and his recently new found friend, but man has no mercy...then again, I think he knows I can handle it.

"SPEAK FOR YOURSELF..I SWEAR HIS MISSION IS TO EXHAUST ME TO DEATH!"..Terra comments sounding out of breath.

"You were happy when we did more than this by ourselves, you just hate Arian. If it was Corey I am sure you would have praised him even if he made us fight a feral on our first day.." I retort.

"I DON'T HATE ARIAN, NOR DO I LIKE HIM..HE JUST GIVES ME A CREEPY WEIRD FEELING WHEN I AM AROUND HIM..I CAN'T PIN THE FEELING , BUT I FEEL ..STRANGE..LIKE I WANT TO ATTACK HIM?..I DON'T KNOW , MAYBE I AM READING TOO MUCH INTO MY EMOTIONS..I AM AN OMEGA AFTER ALL.." Terra replies. I don't respond but nod my head to ensure him that I hear him but we will talk later. I feel him relax once again.

In other news:

Ray already seems to be over me joining the team, he even playfully tried to teach me how to do push ups. I ended up doing more than him, which made him sulk and challenge me to do other activities around the training grounds.If Corey did not call him for an assignment I am unaware of , he would not have stopped testing me . Despite how annoying he is, I am glad that he is such a free spirited person. I hope we become proper brothers one day .

"How are you feeling?"..Arian asks after having just dismissed the team to go home.

"Good" I simply reply

"Great!..I will now take you to meet my father, he wanted to see you in his office after training, he said he already spoke to your parents so I am assuming he wants to tell us how the conversation went?" Arian says in an unsure voice..his worried expression veiled behind one of his fake smiles.

"It is okay, no matter what my parents say..I will stay in this team...if they kick me out we can just share a room right?."..I reply back with a low chuckle, hoping I hit the bull in the right place.If not I am definitely getting the horns.He might not be worried about my parents opposing my joining the team after all..or would he be?..

Arian's face immediately lights up from my words and his fake smile from earlier is instantly replaced by a golden genuine one. I don't know if I am the one who lost my senses, or if he lost his , but the next thing I know, Arian had pulled me into a bear hug, his sweaty yet sweetly scented arms locking me into his chest .I don't feel weird. I don't want to fight him..

" Thank you Gail." He says with his head buried in the nook of my neck, his hot breath brushing against my already sweaty skin, causing my hairs to rise. Now I feel weird.

