
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Bumi and Terra


"That was soo cool!"...Arian exclaimed gleefully.

"I have never ever had so much fun racing someone, well... we are a team but I have been waiting to test your skills.I know that you were not even using your full strength but you are amazing!...I have met my companion. Damn!...I could kiss you right now..Yes homo! ..but I won't ."Arian says in what I believe is his happy tone. I watch him closely to try see if he really is telling the truth or if he will burst into laughter and call me lame. Nothing. No sign of pretence. He really is happy.I guess he has been anxiously waiting to be free around me. Our past encounters have not been that pleasant, but after I gave him permission to touch and sniff me he must think we are okay now. I wouldn't say we aren't . This is good, but it also means he can get rough with me and I will have to kind of take it..because ..well..that is how he also is. Diamond built. Beautiful but hard to cut through.

Talking about beautiful, to say the view from this tree is scenic is cheap description. The tree itself is dead...it looks alive and strong , but its bark is as dark as a vanilla stem ,you would think summer and spring never happened. Instead of an orange ,reddish autumn coat, it is dressed with multi coloured silk strings that swiftly float with the wind , it just looks delightful to stare at..it is like a pure lullaby luring you to sleep. I want to sit here and never go back home again, just like that girl..sleeping..beauty ?..I think if she was left to sleep here ,she would have never woken up.

"Did you feel that!" Arian says waking me up from my wondering mind.

"What ?" I reply impassively my face giving off my absent mind.

"Geez, you are no fun! That was the best run I have ever had in my entire wolf life..I am happy! ,you should learn to express yourself omega!..life is short to be grumpy, in another case let's get our string and dash..those guys will be here soon." Arian says, moving around the tree to look for our supposed string.I honestly want to shout and scream at the top of my lungs!.. but I am still not sure how Arian will react to that ,only Terra has seen the side of me that has no restriction or bondage . I hope Arian does not think I am weird,So I decide against it .

"YOU CAN NEVER BEAT HIS LEVEL OF WEIRD!" Terra adds . He will never pass a chance to mock Arian.

" Whatever Terra!"...I roll my eyes and just as I was about to go find Arian, he comes back with a green coloured string that merges into a sea blue colour.

"I found the earth! " He shouts proudly

" Earth?" I question.

" Ehhhh...I will tell you later Omega , I need to tie this around your neck and then we can go ..we will talk when we get back, I can smell Corey near by..the motherfucker deserves to be my right hand man." Arian dismisses my question and I don't press on it. I don't know the rules, so I just allow him to tie the string for me, he moves closer and I hold my position to give him a go ahead. He is so close, and him not having his shirt on just makes for open viewing. His sun kissed muscle defined bare chest is calling for me to touch it, it looks soo ... "Is this good?" Arian asks..turning the volcano in my groin into the north pole once again. I am embarrassed to look up to face him, instead I slowly nod my head to agree.

" AFTER GETTING ELECTROCUTED!. I WOULD NOT EVEN THINK OF TYING THE STRING FOR YOU....HE IS BRAVE!.." Terra once again comments, this is the first time he praises Arian.

I don't respond, instead I put on a small smile to show Terra that I am proud of his character development. Although knowing Terra , he can't be a Good Samaritan for long.

"I will race you back Omega!..The route that we first took was the long one. I did not think we would actually arrive first ..you definitely are a force to be reckoned. I can't wait to tell Dad about this. We will now go back on the original trail...we will meet those lazy bums on our way back..I can't wait to see their faces..lets go!" Arian says after he quickly wraps his string around his wrist, he jumps down from the hill rock, shifting into his wolf midair. I follow after him and we start sprinting down the little hill.

Arian and I galloped through the forest once again, letting our feet beat the ground like the sound of a drum on a summer day, its echo putting a spell on the beasts of the earth to lay at rest..never wanting to leave the peaceful serenity oozing from the beautifully coordinated steps our paws created.

"THERE IS RAY!" Terra comments, in a distance I can see Ray and Corey's wolves coming towards us, or us towards them. Their wolves look shocked..no..Ray has a bit of anger portrayed on his features, but that doesn't even bother me. Earlier I could have panicked , but I think I am good now. Arian and I sprint past them, we don't look back and keep running, passing even more shocked wolves on our way back....I feel proud of myself.

Once we arrive back at the training grounds, Arian and I quickly change back and put on our clothes. After changing he leads me to a rainbow coloured door right next to the outdoor toilets. He takes our strings , and lets them get sucked by a huge weird glass looking tube.

"EARTH MISSION COMPLETED ! FIRST OF 100." The tube beams a green colour while announcing into a loud speaker that seems to echo all the way back to where the silk tree is. This is disturbingly loud for a wolf town, but whatever, we are all born different.

Arian gestures for me to follow him again, we go back and sit on the grass.He shuffles around before he sits folding his legs in front of him Indian style. He starts to wring his hands together..." So" he starts .

"Are you okay? I really hope all of this is not too much for you. I did a little research and I heard that you have quite a big mouth..oh! no!..wait..not like big ..arghh..like I hear you talk a lot..not too much..but enough. Anyway main point is..you don't seem to be comfortable around me. I feel like I have to force words out of you. Do you perhaps need me to switch with Corey?..He is kind of good too.."

"No!" I shake my head aggressively to shut down his suggestion before he could even conclude.

"I want you...well..not like that..but , I would like to be trained by you. I do talk back a lot to different people yes, but that is because I was defending myself. I would get in trouble right after ..but .. except for your lame jokes, I have nothing to argue with you about."..I retort."Oh! wait...no..your jokes are not lame. I am just not used to laughing. hwe hwe ..see? " I immediately add trying to save the conversation from turning into a last day event of my life.