
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Anime und Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 17 Avengers? Not interested

Chapter 17 Avengers? Not interested

To declare in advance, Leon is really not playing a hooligan.

Fury and the others said they wanted to see his ability. So he couldn't just blow up the Earth with one punch to show them, right?

Or do you really want to show them all kinds of abilities? He's not a juggler.

After thinking about it, Tony and the three soldiers saw his Doomsday appearance and simply transformed, so he didn't bother to spend so much time.

But what about the clothes after the transformation? From one meter nine into a monster over five meters, the clothes are definitely out of order, but he has to go back. There is still work to be done in the Stark building over there.

So he took off all his clothes.

Yep, it's all been taken off.

Natasha Romanoff looked back, and even with her elite of elite training, was a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Looking at Leon again, he moved his neck and glanced at Fury and the others.

Suddenly, Leon's body began to change, and his body rapidly grew from 1.9 meters tall to more than 5 meters high.

And his body also grew horizontally, and the already strong body and muscles became more terrifying; it was simply a muscle monster.

And on his flesh and blood, a layer of terrifying bone armor was quickly covered, and there were many sharp spikes protruding from it. It was the most terrifying weapon, and even Superman's super body could be cut open with it.

Even a multi-universe-level godlike Darkseid has to avoid the edge.

In the blink of an eye, Leon has changed from an ordinary person to a terrifying monster. It is better to say that that is his true appearance, Doomsday.

And different from the general Doomsday, Leon was the first Doomsday when Krypton was born 100,000 years ago. His power was the most powerful, and he could even destroy an army of 100,000 Doomsday's alone.

Leon was the first Doomsday on Krypton, and the next 100,000 Doomsday were developed based on his successful experience, but they were not as good as Leon.

The height of the other Doomsday soldiers is no more than three meters, and there is a significant gap between their strength and Leon's. Even 100,000 Doomsday soldiers cannot beat Leon together.

During the crazy battle, Leon evolved countless times, and even the weakness of the kryptonite has been overcome. He was even immune to Darkseid's omega rays. Being besieged by 100,000 Doomsday soldiers, he was almost immune to punches and kicks. Even if he was beaten to death like this before, he would become immune after the resurrection, as well as heat rays and all kinds of damage.

Such a terrifying monster just standing there has already left Fury and the others terrified and speechless.

Natasha Romanoff didn't care about anything else. She stood up subconsciously, raised her head, and stared blankly at Leon at that moment.

Leon tilted his head, and his head was already on the ceiling, so he had to tilt his head; otherwise, the ceiling would have pierced a big hole and expanded directly upstairs.

"How should I demonstrate my power to you all? Destroy this building? Or destroy New York?" Leon asked. Because of his transformation into Doomsday, his voice was loud and terrifying.

Fury hurriedly reached out to block: "This is Enough, Thank you."

In fact, he was also taken aback.

Fury thinks he has a lot of knowledge and has even dealt with aliens before. Only a Few people know that there had been alien visitors to Earth, such as Skrulls and Kree.

So when he learned that Leon was an alien, he didn't care too much.

But now he realized that he was wrong, very wrong.

The threat and feeling that Leon brought him far surpassed any moment he had ever experienced.

Even in the face of the terrifying alien fleet attacked by the Accuser Ronan, he did not feel more powerless and panicky than this.

He believed that the monster in front of him could definitely do what he said.

Ruin New York? He can't afford this responsibility.

Fury said, "Okay, please change back to the way you were."

Leon shrugged. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was actually his true face now. Well, he's already doomsday.


In the blink of an eye, Leon turned into a human again. Unlike other people's transformations, Leon can transform more freely, and there is no situation of losing control or running wild.

He picked up his clothes and quickly put them on, only to look at Natasha Romanoff in distress when he was tying his tie.

Natasha Romanoff was the only woman in the room, staring at Leon.

Leon spread his hands and said, "I don't know how to wear a tie."

"So you want me to tie your tie?" Natasha Romanoff almost shouted, incredulous in her voice.

Fury nodded to Phil Coulson. Just when Phil Coulson was about to come to help Leon, the latter sighed and quickly fastened his tie, reluctantly.

Natasha Romanoff's teeth tickled with rage. As expected of someone who can get along with that guy Tony, this bastard.

Hawkeye was thinking about something thoughtfully. Hawkeye and Natasha Romanoff have an extraordinary relationship, especially when Hawkeye was once controlled by Loki with a psychic scepter, even after all that she still believes that Hawkeye did not defect.

But don't doubt, they are not lovers. Hawkeye already has his own family in secret, and even their eldest daughter should have been born by now.

Natasha Romanoff is one of the few people who know the Hawkeye family and is an old friend of theirs, like family. So Hawkeye was not jealous nor did he hate Leon because of it, but he was thinking about something.

As Hawkeye didn't have a high sense of existence, Leon didn't even pay attention to him. He turned his head and asked Fury, "I've already cooperated with you so well, can I go now?" All he wanted was for S.H.I.E.L.D. to stop making trouble; he didn't want to keep dealing with them again and again.

How could someone like Fury not know what he meant and say with a half-smile, "Do you think you can really get rid of us even if you don't join S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Leon looked back at Fury and said with a serious expression, "I can kill you guys, as easy as killing a bug. I'm serious; it wouldn't even take much effort."

Fury was startled and quickly reassured, "Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to trouble you, but we hope to ask for your help when we are in trouble. By the way, I have a plan for a hero team here, you..." "Not interested," Leon interrupted Fury directly.

He knew that the plan was probably for the Avengers, but he really had no interest, at least not now. "I've shown enough sincerity and patience. I hope you can understand and don't take an inch," Leon stood at the door, turned his back to Fury and the others, made some words that were not a threat but more than a threat, and then opened the door and left.

He had done enough and cooperated enough, hoping that Fury and the others would understand and stop bothering him. But if they still have to move forward, Leon won't be so polite at that time.

Inside the house, Fury and the others looked at each other and found that each other's faces were covered in cold sweat unknowingly.

It went well at first, but when Leon suddenly turned his face, it was terrifying. "Boss," Natasha Romanoff said to Fury, "this is an uncontrolled monster. Listen to me and stop messing with it."

"Unless," Fury looked at Natasha Romanoff and said something rambling under his breath, "I know someone who can handle it."



Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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