
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

Charlottess · Bücher und Literatur
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26 Chs

Preliminaries and bloody lettering

Sectionals were scheduled for the weekend. The Gryffindor team on Saturday in the first half, Ravenclaw in the second half, Slytherin on Sunday morning, then Hufflepuff on Sunday. The brothers had found out that the Gryffindor team only required a catcher, and although it was the most popular role in the game, it should take little time to qualify. As for their faculty, many players had graduated, and the national team urgently needed to find new team members. Based on this information, the Princes came to the field just after lunch as soon as the selection participants started to flock. The twins wanted to support Theo, whom they and Draco had raced every weekend during the summer. The brothers chose the closest seats to the stand pitch and had their binoculars ready. They could have used the Sharingan, of course, but decided it would be too weird if they just sat there and looked up at the sky.

While the hunters and corrals were being chosen, the Princes decided to do their homework. They finished just before the goalie selection, where Theo would prove himself. As the selection progressed, the brothers noted that although the candidates were quite well prepared, their friend, through training, had performed the best. Having seen the qualifiers to the end, the Princes came down from the stands and searched for Wilson. They were confident in their friend's victory, which the Ravenclaw team captain confirmed. The twins handed Theo his gift, a broom care kit, and celebrated in the living room, where sweets had already been prepared.

The next day, the twins arrived at the field in the early morning. They had to skip breakfast, sit on the bleachers beforehand, and cast distraction charms because if any Slytherins spotted them, the snake faculty would accuse them of espionage. Then Draco might get it because everyone knew about their friendship. Luckily, they didn't have to wait long this time because the selection for the hunter's position, which Malfoy had tried out, was the first. The constant training had paid off. Draco stood out significantly from the rest. His natural agility and youthfulness, developed by the twins, allowed him to easily dodge opponents. The result was obvious: Draco was accepted into the team.

- Of course, I couldn't help but become a hunter," Draco smirked smugly at the congratulations of the twins who had caught him behind the bleachers.

The brothers simultaneously sniggered at the statement. They could see their friend's relief when his name was called.

Later, the team of friends gathered in the Ransom Room to celebrate.

- You have to help me," Draco said tensely, turning to the Princes, "I've learnt that Potter has been chosen to be a catcher for the Gryffindor team, and considering his father was a catcher too, he must have good credentials. You'll train me to take their team to the ground. I want to honour our pact from last year and not give the Vultures a single chance to win the School Cup other than enlisting the old man's help.

Malfoy was clearly determined.

- I want to get involved too! - Theo joined in.- It was our faculty that lost the victory because of them!

The twins looked at each other.

- We need more time to train you both because we have to do our homework, go to clubs, and our schedules are different. We can't train you both simultaneously because you're on different teams," Itachi said thoughtfully, "I'll help Theo, you, Sasuke, and Draco. You're better at attacking, and I'm better at goal defence.

Sasuke nodded thoughtfully.

- That would indeed be more rational. And at the end, we'll see who gets the best score.

- Okay," Draco replied, "And you, Theo, know that I will do my best to win, so I advise you not to slack off in training. I expect your team to be a worthy opponent.

And Malfoy extended a hand to his friend. Theo shook it and replied:

- Of course, Draco. Let's give it our best and show a good game!

- Just remember," Sasuke said ominously, "our training will be in the style of 'The Power of Youth'.

- What does that mean? - Theo asked, puzzled.

- As long as you can move, you will not leave the training ground.

Sasuke's smile made Theo and Draco seriously consider what they had signed up for.

The brothers raced their friends to the fullest for the next two months. It wasn't uncommon for the Princes to help their students get to their living rooms after training. However, even though they were busy, the twins, remembering that Hermione had a birthday on the nineteenth, took the time to congratulate her. Knowing her love of knowledge, the brothers caught her in the library.

- Hello, Hermione," the twins said hello with conspiratorial smiles.

- 'Hello, Sasuke, Itachi,' Granger replied, surprised by the look on their faces, 'Did something happen?

- Pfft. Of course, something happened," Sasuke snorted, "You were born today, you clever, charming and brave one! And my brother and I would like to congratulate you on this momentous day.

Itachi held out a beautifully wrapped package to Hermione, who was still in shock. The gift was a huge volume on the history of Magical Britain. The brothers remembered how angry the girl had been that Professor Beans' lessons were full of descriptions of goblin rebellions and omitted, for example, such events as the creation of the first wizarding government. Granger, who hadn't expected the gift, enthusiastically gasped.

- Thank you so much!

Happy with the gift, Hermione hugged the twins and pressed the book to her heart.

- I've wanted one of these for a long time!

- We're glad we were able to please you," Itachi replied.

- Don't forget dinner," Sasuke smirked, "or you'll get lost in the book and forget about the time.

Granger, who was about to reply, was interrupted.

- Get away from Hermione! What, you need help with your studies and want to bribe her? Hermione, don't fall for it! And anyway, he's probably cursed!

Shouted Ron, who ran out from behind the cupboard.

- Mr Weasley, hello. You're in a public place," Sasuke glared at the boy, "We weren't trying to bribe Miss Granger or curse her by giving her a gift in a public place," Sasuke stressed the penultimate word, "As for our gift, you may not know. Still, today is the birthday of a girl you've been in contact with for a year, and we wanted to congratulate her. You were in such a hurry to congratulate her?

When Ron heard that Hermione had a birthday party, his ears reddened with embarrassment. Before he could reply, Mrs Pince came up.

- Young people, be quiet. This is a library, after all.

- We were just leaving. Sorry for the inconvenience," Itachi replied with a charming smile, "Hermione, Happy Birthday again.

The brothers said goodbye to Granger and left. As soon as they walked away from the library, Itachi looked suspiciously at his younger brother and asked:

- What's with the epithets when congratulating you? You don't usually like to talk to girls very much...

- Hn. It's just that she's one of the few girls our age who isn't a fan of yours or mine and has intelligence. Plus, she's fun to hang out with, and she doesn't scream every time Sasuke-kun sees me," the younger Prince's whole face twitched at the last words.

- Ah, yes. I remember that crowd that chased you from the Academy. You even asked me to teach you Shunshin to run away from them once," Itachi's face took on a dreamy expression, "It was fun to watch you try to elude them.

The Eldest Prince laughed. Sasuke pouted at first in response but then smiled wryly.

- Well, I'm not the only one like that. WHAT ABOUT IA?

- EA? - Itachi tried to look uncomprehending, but the tips of his ears turned red.

- Yeah. Itachi's army. I remember when they were on guard at the gates of the clan quarter. You even sent a clone to distract them and get out. And one day, one of them sent you a letter, which went to your father. "You're the smartest. I'm ready to listen to you forever...," Sasuke quoted.

Despite wanting to maintain a nonchalant look, Itachi's cheeks flushed slightly. Sasuke ruffled his hair and moved towards the common living room, not wanting to torment his brother any further.

Due to their busy schedules, Theo and Draco were almost jumping for joy when Halloween came around because the practice was cancelled due to the holiday. Happily munching on candy and sharing the sweets sent to each other, the friends were walking from the Great Hall when they heard a scream. The brothers glanced around and turned to Dakota:

- Take Luna to the living room. Theo, Draco, and I will check to see what's wrong. If we're not back in half an hour, go to the Headmaster or Professor Flitwick," Itachi whispered.

Eden nodded and, taking Lovegood's hand, set off toward Ravenclaw Tower. Before disappearing around the corner, the brothers read Luna's lips wishing them to be careful.

Grabbing their wands, the Princes moved cautiously towards the sound, with their friends trailing behind them, covering them. Upon reaching the place, the children saw a crowd of students and Argus Filch yelling at Potter. The head shopkeeper's eyes were bloodshot, and his voice turned to a shriek.

- It was you!" Filch shrieked. - You killed my cat! I killed you myself... Oh, you...

The Headmaster and the professors appeared and interrupted his cries. Dumbledore calmed the Headmaster and took the Golden Trio into Locons' office to sort out what had happened. Deciding to ask their father later what they were talking about, the brothers moved through the crowd to see what had happened. The petrified Mrs Norris was hanging on the wall, and above her, a sign shimmered in the torchlight:


"Tz. We're not going to have a quiet year," the twins thought simultaneously.