
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

Charlottess · Bücher und Literatur
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26 Chs


The twins spent the first month of their holidays after their exams at school with their great-grandfather and father in Italy. The language was acceptable for them, as they had hired an Italian teacher, realising that this was the country the brothers were most likely to study in, as it was the home of the European Potions Guild. The Eternal City quickly became one of their favourite places. Sasuke loved hearing stories about the battles that affected the city. At the same time, Itachi loved looking at its architecture and listening to the history of Rome's cathedrals, scrolling in his mind what colours could be used to sketch them. The princes didn't stop at Rome alone but visited several other Italian cities, Venice being one of them. And, although they found its architecture and defences interesting, such a large amount of water and constant travelling by boat began to make them seasick. The fire-bound Uchiha felt out of place; even Itachi, whose second element in his past life was water, was happy to step on solid ground.

A visit to the magical part of Rome also proved interesting for the Princes. It was a pleasant surprise to the twins that no robes were worn here.

- In Europe, as in many other countries, robes are considered obsolete. We English are conservative in that respect," Arnold explained.

- As if we weren't wizards at all," grumbled Severus, who didn't want to be out of his robes even for international conferences.

- "You're just upset that you won't be able to scare anyone with the image of the Hogwarts Bat that flies around the castle and drinks the blood of students who aren't in the drawing rooms during the dormitory," Sasuke snickered.

- Young man, what do you think you're doing? For your father to dress in all black on purpose to scare the students?! - Sasuke continued teasing Arnold - Yes before Albus Dumbledore would give up lemon wedges!

The offended Severus frowned and dressed in jeans and a shirt.

The magical quarter of Rome appealed to the brothers even more than Slanting Alley. Everything here seemed in creative disarray: shops with artefacts, books, apothecaries... The children curiously watched as items forbidden in England were sold on the street in broad daylight.

- Here, the attitude to things is different. In our country, idiots unwilling to learn how to properly use artefacts and potions have often banned them, even though they initially pose no danger.

-Isn't it dangerous? To use such things without prior training," Sasuke asked.

- Of course, it is. Some people think the rules don't apply to them.

The brothers chuckled.

Back home, the twins started training with renewed vigour. With his brother's help, Itachi was perfecting his Tsukuyomi, and the younger Prince was training with the lightning element. At first, Sasuke dug up spells on the subject in books and taught them. He wanted to study the previous experience of wizards and try to replicate Chidori and Kirin. Most of all, he felt sorry for the personally invented technique, remembering how much effort he had put into creating it. This encouraged Sasuke to put more effort into learning everything available. Itachi often helped him because the older twin had a talent for spells and a spellcaster's ability. Sometimes they would ask their father or grandfather for help if a bit was too tricky. First on Sasuke's list were Baubillius, Verdimilius, and Lightus. Severus helped with the last one. It turned out that in the previous years of the Dark Lord's life, his love of theatricality had reached its peak, and except for Morsmorde, he often used the lightning spell. Sasuke liked the Lightus spell because its effects were similar to Kirin's. It couldn't compare to the power of a vast electric dragon, though, but they both had great speed. At first, Severus didn't want to teach his son this spell, but remembering Sasuke's experiments with electricity, he decided it was safer to teach his son himself.

The twins remembered fire spells, too. They missed the element familiar to all Uchiha since childhood, so immediately after returning from Italy, they asked their father to teach them fire spells. Knowing that his sons' stubbornness was comparable only to that of a hippogriff, Severus gave in to their entreaties. Unfortunately, unlike electricity spells, he was less familiar with fire spells. The fact that he didn't like bits with a significant striking effect had taken its toll. When many Eaters liked to sow panic and terror, Severus preferred precise and elegant spells that did not affect those around him. At first, many of Voldemort's followers mocked him for it and called him a "squirrel." Still, thanks to his wit, agility, and cunning, Severus quickly gained fame as a dangerous opponent, and once he gained mastery of battle magic, the number of people who wanted to hurt Snape dropped to zero. Thanks to his interactions with the Dark Lord, Severus had become so familiar with lightning, but the other elements had bypassed him. Therefore, after learning of his son's interest in fire magic, the Prince turned to a professional.

At first, the Prince wanted to pay someone, but no master would be willing to tutor first-year students. An apprentice could be hired to teach, but Severus feared that the children, with their love of experimentation, might, at the very least, blow up the entire duelling chamber. No. They needed an experienced tutor.

- Why don't you ask Flitwick to tutor them? - Arnold asked when he learnt of his grandson's predicament, "Say that they came to you to discuss ZOTI because you were recommended to them by Draco as a good specialist, and as they talked, you learnt of the children's interest in this area of magic. Afterwards, you helped them by teaching them electricity spells, and when they showed interest in fire, you said you'd ask Flitwick if he could help.

- 'Tz,' Severus sighed, remembering one of his sons' favourite words, 'Indeed.

- Sometimes you make things too complicated," Arnold smiled.

That same evening, Severus sent an owl to the charms professor.

Filius was surprised to receive a letter from a colleague. Of course, he would love to tutor the children; besides, the Princes were some of his most capable students. What amazed him was that Severus had taught them such complicated charms as Lightus! The brothers stood out immediately, of course, but for Sasuke to master a spell learnt in preparation for becoming a wizard! How strong their connection to elemental attacks must be! Flitwick was immediately reminded of the first time Itachi visited his spellcasting class.

- Dear students, welcome new addition to our ranks! This is Itachi Prince, a freshman who has already shown great ability. I'd like you to help him settle in and...

Flitwick was interrupted by the Head Ravenclaw entering the classroom.

- Professor, the Headmaster summons you.

Sighing, Flitwick went to Dumbledore, hoping the students would make contact more quickly without his presence. It had been a long time since he had been so wrong. Returning to the study, he caught a duel between Itachi and one of the fourth years. Whitham fiercely attacked Itachi, but none of his attacks could reach their target. The Prince danced away from the attacks while still managing to send back a spell. Noticing the professor, Itachi threw a Depulso at Whitham, ending the fight.

- What was that all about? - I asked you to introduce Mr Prince to our club, but you attacked a freshman instead!

- Don't scold them, Professor," Itachi said soothingly, "They were just wondering why you invited me here, so I explained why.

Yes, it was a day everyone would remember for a long time. No one else tried to bully the Prince.

Upon arrival at the Prince's Manor, a warm welcome awaited the little professor. The children were happy to see their favourite teacher and happily shared their impressions of the holidays.

- Let your professor at least catch his breath! - A man of advanced age entered the room, and then he turned to Filius, "Hello, Mr Flitwick, it's nice to meet you.

The men shook hands and went off to discuss their upcoming studies. Filius immediately took a liking to Arnold, and they quickly moved on to informal conversation. After discussing the upcoming work plan, Flitwick tested the twins' knowledge and asked them to demonstrate the elemental spells they knew. They didn't know much, but the ease with which they performed them amazed the professor. It was decided that Viper Evanesco, Expellimellius, Incendio, and Magic Fire spells were first in line. Confringo and Protego Diabolica were next. Flitwick approached the study of the Firestorm, Hellfire and Gubraith Fire spells with the utmost care. He checked the duelling chamber's defences and placed a layer of protective charms on the brothers. What made the training more difficult was that although the brothers' reserve was, thanks to constant movement, much larger than that of their peers, it was still insufficient for frequent training. While it took them only two weeks to learn the previous spells, it took them a month to learn the Hellfire spell because they couldn't use it more than once a day. The remaining episodes were decided to be learnt the following summer. The children had to be given time to rebuild their reserves.

The middle of August crept up unnoticed, and the twins received letters containing textbooks. Having counted as many as seven books of Zlatopustos Lokons, the children looked at their father with surprise.

- 'He will be your ZOTI teacher this year. I told Dumbledore that peacocks shouldn't be allowed within a mile of the children, but he assured me that a man with such a 'track record' would be a suitable teacher.

Severus snorted.

- You should have seen how he'd dressed for his first meeting with the staff. It felt like he was dressed in tinsel. It even made his eyes glare. Lucius, of course, likes expensive things too, but he chooses them tastefully and considers the appropriateness of the situation. This one's all about the shiny stuff, like a sniffer.

- So we won't have a regular teacher again? - Itachi sighed.

- Don't worry, kids. Professor Flitwick and I have agreed to do some extra lessons for the students. They are, however, primarily for Owls and Gobbles, but he won't say no if you ask. Especially since you, Itachi, are taking his spellcasting elective.

- That's right! We can get him to start a Duel Club. I heard he was a champion," Sasuke said.

- Unfortunately, Lokons had already arranged with Dumboldor to have practice duels.

The boys were a little downcast.

- Don't worry; your skills are unrivalled among your peers. I'm sure Lokons will realise this quickly and release you from his attendance.

- Of course, we'll do everyone! - Sasuke laughed.

The next day, the twins went shopping with the Malfoys. Severus had received an unexpected potion order and was unable to join them. The twins wanted to get the textbook shopping done and chat with a friend as soon as possible, so they raced Draco and Draco to Flourish and Blotts. They realised the day was not going well when they approached the shop and saw the vast crowd. Looking around, the brothers noticed an announcement that their new ZOTI professor was signing autographs. Lamenting their luck, the children tried to slip past the queue and find their textbooks as soon as possible. Suddenly, exclamations of "Harry Potter" began to erupt from the crowd. After listing all the curses they knew, the twins picked Draco up under their arms and decided to get out of the shop as quickly as possible.

- What's wrong? - The boy asked, surprised.

- 'Textbooks are always available to order, and while we like to pick and buy our own books since Potter is here, the Weasleys are probably nearby. I think you wish to avoid running into them.

Malfoy shook his head and followed his friends.

- 'You know what my relationship with my youngest is like. He'll probably make a scene," he said, wrinkling his nose.

Ron appeared in front of them as if in answer to his thoughts.

- Malfoy and his entourage! I bet you're surprised to see Harry here.

- Not at all. Where Potter is, his entourage of admirers always gathers. And you've decided to bask in the glory of 'National Hero'?

Weasley blushed and, fists clenched, wanted to lunge at Draco, but his father, who had approached them then, stopped his son. The friends were about to retreat from the shop when Lucius approached them. An argument between Malfoy Sr. and Arthur broke out, gaining momentum.

- Apparently not," he sighed. - Is it worth dishonouring a wizard's name if you don't get paid for it? Mr Weasley blushed even thicker than the children.

- You and I have different ideas about what dishonours a wizard's name, Mr Malfoy," he retorted.

Itachi decided to intervene because the sides were reaching a boiling point. He glanced over to his brother, giving him a look that signalled his support was needed, and took Malfoy's hand.

- 'Uncle Lucius, you promised to buy me mango-flavoured ice cream. Let's hurry up, or there might not be any seats left in the café.

- I want ice cream too," Sasuke encouraged, "Only I want tomato flavour.

Malfoy Sr. took his mind off the argument, looked at the children, and said to Weasley Sr.

- 'Unfortunately, I don't have time to continue our argument. I'll see you at the Ministry.

And turning round, he headed off with the children towards the exit.

- Get out of here," Ron shouted after them, "You Eaters always run off with your tails between your legs.

Malfoy Sr. stopped and turned around.

- Apparently, you Weasleys don't have enough time for children after all. Apparently, because of their large numbers, there is no time to raise them, and given your surroundings," Lucius wrinkled his nose as he looked at the people standing next to Arthur, who were clearly not wizards by the way they dressed, "they simply don't have a chance to become worthy wizards.

Mr Weasley's face showed rage, and he lunged at Malfoy with his fists. Not expecting such a turn of events, Lucius did not have time to react, but he never felt the blow; Itachi appeared before Arthur and took it on himself. Although the Prince had reinforced himself with magic beforehand, it was no match for the chakra reinforcement, so his hands were sore. Not expecting such a turn of events, Arthur froze in shock.

- What an example you're setting for your sons, Mr Weasley," Itachi said, metal in his voice, "A grown man, a wizard, and yet you lash out at people with your fists.

Arthur, who was clearly still in shock, slumped. Suddenly there was shouting:

- How dare you hit a child!

- Arthur, how dare you raise your hand against a child!

From different ends of the shop, Narcissa and Molly rushed towards them. Mrs Malfoy rushed over to Itachi and examined his hands while an angry Mrs Weasley reprimanded her husband. Realising that the Prince had not received a fracture, Narcissa was ready to lunge at Arthur and rip him apart with her bare hands, but Lucius silently stood behind her back and pulled out his wand. Mr Malfoy was shocked at the child's selfless act and was wracked with rage at the realisation that Itachi had been injured through his fault. Sasuke and Draco didn't want to leave their friend and brother's injury unavenged and got into a fighting stance.

The salesman stopped the escalating conflict by asking them to leave his shop.

- How are you feeling? - Narcissa asked the older twin caringly.

- I'm fine. My hands are sore, but that will pass. Let's go to Fortescue's, you promised me ice cream.

The adults laughed with relief. Even at a time like this, Itachi still remembered sweets!

- Of course.

The company headed to the café and enjoyed eating the ice cream. In the evening, when the children returned home, Severus, who was waiting for them in the living room, asked:

- How did it go? Did you eat a lot of ice cream?

All his friendliness went away when he noticed the look on Lucius and Narcissa's faces.

- What happened?

The Malfoy elders told him about the incident at the shop. Severus was furious. Someone had dared to raise a hand against his children! Mr Weasley was saved from instant retribution by Narcissa, who had already regained her composure.

- You shouldn't get your hands dirty on them, Sev. They're not worth it.

Severus grudgingly agreed, but the children suspected Weasley Junior was in for some fun days.