
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

Charlottess · Bücher und Literatur
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26 Chs

Catching spies

Draco's POV

Back at Hogwarts, after the holidays, I was in high spirits. The Princes had given me a Muggle console, my parents had given me an interesting book on charms in honour of my debut as a hunter, and they had promised that if the team made the finals, we would go to Paris in the summer! Of course, I still had to pass my exams at least well, but considering my knowledge and the fact that Itachi and Sasuke were always coaching me before tests and quizzes, I wasn't afraid for my grades. The princes could shake the soul out of anyone. Anyway, I arrived at school in a fighting mood.

Quidditch practice hadn't been scheduled yet, so I focused on my studies and read a few chapters of textbooks ahead. The princes tried to hide in the Rectory room from the noise, so we only saw each other during practice or in the library when we were doing our homework. Theo was preparing for the upcoming Hufflepuff match, Dakota was studying books in the library, and Luna was a freshman with a different schedule. All in all, my friends were temporarily busy, and I didn't want to impose. Krebb and Goyle, the sons of my father's vassals, had no interest in anything but food and often disappeared into the kitchen, a move I had foolishly shown them. Of course, I tried to get them to study and made them show me their homework. Still, even despite my influence, they remained lazy and uninitiated. It was no wonder that I was wary when Goyle came up to me in the living room a week after school started and asked me what book I was reading so passionately. Remembering what the Princes had told me when we were playing ninja, I tried not to give away my surprise and answered the question.

- The spellbook my parents gave me for Yule," I said indifferently.

It didn't take long for a reaction. Curiosity flashed across Gregory's face, and he asked.

- Are you into charms?

Apparently realising the stupidity of his question, Goyle stammered. Now I was sure it wasn't Gregory, and judging from the fact that Vincent hadn't said anything, it must have been someone else, too. They couldn't have forgotten that they'd been lugging me a bunch of books on magic in the library, and there was one other thing they knew for sure.

- Charms are the Malfoy family gift. As heir to the family, it is my responsibility to develop it.

I remembered Krebb and Goyle expressing admiration because only ancient families blessed with magic could boast of such a thing.

- An ancestral gift?

"It's clearly someone either Muggle-born or raised by Muggles," I noted. After swallowing a comment about the stupidity of some Muggle-borns and their unwillingness to learn about the world they'd been brought into, I answered the question.

- The Ancestral Gift is the hereditary tendency of members of ancient families to use some magic. The Malfoys have spells, the Blacks have combat magic, the Princes are potions masters, the Potters are artefacts..." Noting how Goyle's eyes lit up at the last name, I realised that it was Potter standing in front of me.

"It all adds up. He was raised by Muggles, hence the realities of the magical world he knew nothing about. Most likely, 'Krebb' is a Weasley... I wonder why they need all this masquerade..." - I pondered.

Noticing "Vincent" looking at the newspaper lying on the table with interest, I said:

- You can have it; I've already read it anyway.

Dad would sometimes send me the Daily Prophet if there were interesting articles. This time there was an article about Arthur Weasley being fined for manipulating a Muggle car. It quoted his father as saying that people like Weasley Senior should not be allowed to work at the Ministry because their actions threatened the magical community and violated the Statute of Secrecy. Dad was clearly taking revenge on the head of the redheaded family for the incident at the shop. He has not forgiven the fact that Weasley punched Itachi. Dad and Mum treat the godfather as their little brother and the twins as nephews. Understandably, Dad was furious about the incident. However, he hid it skilfully, remembering Mum's explosive temper and not wanting to inflame the situation. The search for the manor, which had been organised at Weasley Senior's suggestion, had yet to improve the situation.

"Apparently, he noticed his father's name and wanted to know what was happening," I thought.

I already felt like going out and chatting with my friends. Itachi and Sasuke were supposed to be heading back to the living room now. Not wanting to leave these grief spies in my faculty lounge, I waited until Weasley Junior finished reading the article and said in a deliberately bored tone:

- There's nothing else of interest there. The information about the attacks at Hogwarts had yet to leak to the press. Apparently, the Headmaster has managed to keep it all quiet so far. Probably doesn't want to cause a panic. How 'the great and terrible Heir of Slytherin' is back, nonsense," I hissed the last words through gritted teeth.

- Isn't that right? Isn't the heir back? - "Gregory asked.

- I don't know who's doing all this, but a true Slytherin wouldn't be so slick, and the school could be shut down or moved to another building, and then his plan would fail completely.

- So you need to know who's behind the attacks?

Noticing the genuine interest on my 'vassals' faces, I mentally grinned.

"So that's the thing, you thought I glamoured the cat, the ghost and that vulture, or I knew something. Well, you might as well share some information, especially since Dad told me with the Princes about a similar incident during the holidays..."

I recounted my conversation with my father and the fact that the culprit, then, had been caught. The Gryffindors thought for a moment. Noticing that Krebb's head was turning red and Goyle's eyes were turning green, I asked innocently:

- "Vincent, have you been under any cosmetic spells today?

- No, I don't think so," Krebb asked, surprised, "Why?

- Your hair's turning red," I tried my best to keep a serious expression on my face and not laugh at the vulture's comical fright.

- We'll go and find Professor Flitwick and ask him to do it," Goyle said.

I nodded graciously and pretended to go back to reading my book. Five minutes later, I ran out of the living room and raced towards the bailout room.

"I can imagine the looks on Sasuke and Itachi's faces when I tell them about this," I laughed mentally as I ran.