
The verdict

"What will you do with this?" Zaria questioned, referring to the information they had just discovered.

He glanced at her with a smirk, then pointed at the corner of his lips.

Comprehending that he wanted a kiss before he could spill his plan, she leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips. "Spill."

"I wanted to indirectly let Jaime be the one to take care of her but now that I think about it, a legal twist isn't so bad either. We can make it more entertaining later." His eyes glinted with bloodlust. He had never been one to seek trouble with people unnecessarily but if his beloved sister didn't want to use her brain, he would be kind enough to help her go to hell earlier as the early bird and whatnot.

Hence, the video was submitted to court, and it dragged Zaria into the mix. It wasn't long before she had to appear before the prosecutor in the next hearing.