
Home wrecker

The following evening, Ximena went over to Zaria's to help her dress up for the banquet as usual. Only that this time, she was unusually quiet as she worked her magical fingers through the locks of Zaria's hair. The latter soon realized this and suspected that something must be wrong. She lifted her head slightly so she could see Ximena through the mirror. "How have things been?"

"What things?" Ximena asked, and that was all it took for Zaria to know that something was up.

"Yup. Something is definitely wrong. What happened?" She asked. "Is it something to do with the company?"

"No. Everything is fine at Morel Beauty." Ximena assured her and grabbed several pins which she placed on the vanity, preparing to use them to hold up Zaria's hair.

"Can we go for something aside from an updo? I'm not sure I can handle the pricks right now." She asked, and Ximena nodded and reached for a comb to part her hair.