

Zaria quickly slid her high heels on and picked the call. As expected, Desmond had arrived to pick her up and was waiting in the parking lot.

"I have to run. Please help me feed Des later." She kissed Ximena on the cheek.

"Go, go. Leave the little darling to me." Ximena urged her, and Zaria grabbed her purse to leave.

"You look so beautiful my love." Desmond couldn't hold back his admiration when he finally saw the woman he had been anticipating to see for hours. She looked happy, which made her beauty stand out all the more.

Her eyes brightened up as she closed in on him. "And don't you look handsome? How many accidents did you cause? The females on the road must have been charmed to death." She gushed, wanting to hide him so no one fell for him.

He took her hand and kissed the back of it gently. "I don't care how many women went crazy because I only want to charm you… not to death but into my bed."