

Song recommendation: A million dreams—Elenyi, Cayson Renshow.


She rolled her eyes and turned to leave, and he grabbed her hand before she could walk past him. "What do you what?" She demanded spitefully.

"I want to have a word with you." He tightened his grip around her wrist. "Are you going to sit down peacefully for us to talk, or would you prefer it if I dragged you into a room and locked you in so you wouldn't have a choice?"

She scoffed. "Are you threatening me?"

His lips curled in a smirk. "If it gets me what I want, I don't see why not."

This man was unbelievable. She opened her mouth and closed it without saying a word. "Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"That's not how it works, Xim." He taunted.

"What exactly do you want?" She was tired of this man's antics.

"Let's deliver the cosmetics to my mother, shall we?" He suggested. "I'm sure she will be happy to see you."

"I'll pass."