
First impressions can be deceiving

Hi, my name is Ayrah, it's pronounced like era. I know it's weird. They're two 'tribes' as everyone calls it, but I personally prefer colonies. Well the two colonies are Budak, they are my people, we love to make noise and make music and so on. The other colony is Dobad. They are the complete opposite of us.

I don't like to sing in-front of people, as I get scared, so I've been deemed the outcast in my colony. All of the previous generations before have been in Budak, but I feel like I don't belong, despite being the Chief's youngest daughter. And today is important, today we have a meeting on the River of Peace.

So along with meeting the other colony, today is the first day I will meet the Dobad's Chief oldest son, seeing as I'm now of age to attend these meetings. My older sister told me that he is not the same as her friends, but seeing as I'm the literally opposite of her friends, I think we'll be good.

My dad doesn't really like my shyness in front of others, but he has heard me sing, so he knows I belong here with him and my sisters. I have a lovely voice, believe me I do. I just awfully shy, and I have stage fright.

My mom died a few years ago causing heartbreak to my dad, but with us, my sisters and I, he made it through. I'm very happy he did. To get to the River we need to travel for two hours, it's really pretty on the way though, and I will enjoy the view, even if I have to walk there.

When we arrived, Dobad was already though, but they have a shorter walk. We got onto the float, and my sister immediately pointed out the oldest son from Dobad.

"You have finally brought your youngest daughter, hmm?" The Dobak Chief, Darrck. He was being playful I could tell but my father did not think so.

"At least I had more than one child," My father snapped back. I looked at him wide eyed as I don't think that was the best response in this situation. I did not question my fathers reaction as it would be inappropriate to do so. I faced forward and caught the oldest eye. He raised his eyebrow evidently seeing my reaction to my father response.

I did not continue our little staring contest, as the remarks and insults raised up to a high level. My father was yelling as Dobad Chief was yelling. The advisor suggested the my father go off and gather himself.

When my father left the stage, my sister started humming and not the long afterward, so did everyone else that was present. I didn't as I was scared with my shyness. Dobad people looked annoyed as my people continued singing and humming.

"Do not ever scowl at my people, we do what we do and you do what you do," The royal advisor said.

"Then why isn't your youngest Princess singing along?" The question rang throughout the little section. My father did not answer.

"For all you know she has lost her voice from singing so much," My father finally response clearly recovering from the shock of the question.

"Come with me," My sister whispered to me. I followed after her and she lead to a part of the river that was covered by lots of trees. Then like the sister she is, left me alone.

I just softly began swaying back and forth trying to calm my nerves.

"I don't think you 'lost your voice from singing'" a voice said behind me, startling me. A turned to face the voice only to find that it was the oldest son of Dobad.

"See, if you were wanting to sing you would at least mouth the parts, however you did not," He walked over and lifted my chin. "So do tell me why your father had covered for you when you obviously belong in Dobad?"

I gapped at his courage and he closed my mouth for me.

"A lady shouldn't gap," He said smugly. I eyed him suspiciously, not completely sure that he was actually trying to tell me not to talk.

"As a man should not be to bold towards a lady, especially if the lady is in an opposing colony," I said back.

"Colony?" He asked his eyes looking for some sort of fooling to gain his trust.

"Well it sounds better than a tribe, my father disagrees with my statement." I muttered and he finally let my chin go.

"My father agrees, as I have spoken if it towards him before," He said, then turning around heading back.

"Why does my sister speak horribly of you?" I asked. He turned slightly and smiled.

"I purposely gave her the bad impression as she gave myself one," He said before disappearing into the trees before my sister reappeared again.

"They have decided that the oldest of each tribe will go to the other tribe for six months until the next meeting!" My sister exclaimed. You was surprised, but slightly excited to see the son again.