
Prologue/ Context

To clear some confusion, I would like to establish some things before I begin writing. The story starts at the summer of 2000 and ends in the winter of 2001, I just wanted to say this because sometimes it feels straight out of a 1950' story. I decided 2000-2001 because it would still feel like an old styled story and I can include scenes that I've been thinking about adding. The 2 main characters are Christopher Williams (5'8, 27 years old and a father of 2.) and Jonathan Huxley (6'0, 27 years old, no known family.) both are detectives for the San Diego Police Department. This story is all fiction, none of these events have taken place in real life. I'm unsure how this story will be. To be honest, I'm only on here because a friend recommended, I'm making all of this up in my head. I hope you all enjoy the story and have a great day.