
The Twilight School

Lu Weiyi, 19 years old University student from 21st century. One day when she was travelling in bus on her way back home from school, she met an accident and....... When she supposed to die in the accident but her soul travel in this world. She reborn in the body of a human girl whose name is happened to be same as her, who lives with her Aunt in the human village. Who always thinks that her parents are killed by Demis, that also the reason why she don't like them. One day she suddenly got to know that her father is still alive and asked her to go look for him in his school. On this journey she met three Demis, a vampire Jun Yexuan, a werewolf Fu Mobai and a zombie Shen Siyu. They saved her but she changed into human-Demi one and only creature in this world. After meeting them she found Demis aren't that much hateful and vicious as it's described in books. It's seems everything can't believe without seeing them in your own eyes. These group of youngsters start a journey to find out the mystery truth of disappearence of Demis that was hidden for so many years....... Will there any possibility of friendship between human and demis? Will she fall in love with a Demi? Will she able to know the actual truth of her mother death? Who will she choose atlast? A gentle and consideration werewolf? A playful and shape tongue zombie? Or a cold and handsome vampire?

Arctic_Fox_ · sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 3:Weiyi transmigrate from 21st century

The coach isn't moving like how it should be. It's dark and raining outside.

' Something's not right. Why we're going too fast!!!'

The tree branches are slapping against the side of the coach. It's jostling back and forth. I'm so scared, even afraid to poke my head out. There's a break in the trees and I quickly look outside. I want to ask the driver what's happening.

When I asked, no one replies me. When I got no answer, I gather my courage to poke my head outside to see. Then I'm dumbfounded.

'Oh no! where's the driver? where's the bodyguard?'

The horses are just running! And with no driver!

I try to climb out the window of the coach. Just as I get up on the ledge, the coach swerves and I fall back inside.

'Oh on! what I'm going to do? Where's the driver and bodyguard gone?'

The coach is swaying dangerously back and forth. The horses are running too fast!!

I look out of the window again. We're bumping along on a dirt road.

'What is that up ahead? oh no! What sort of horrible creature is that? Is that what real Demi looks like?'

I can see a grotesque woman on the road ahead. She's standing in the rain. Her body is distorted and hairy.

'Oh my god! what should I do now?'

I felt like crying. I've been so scared I can't even cry right now. I never been so scared in my whole life.

The horses see the monster and rear up. I feel that the coach falls over, falling and falling.....

I heard the horses whinnying as the coach pulls them down too.

And then it all goes black.....


It was a sunny day

She, Lu Weiyi is one of the topper student of Wuhan University from 21st century.

Unfortunate her, she got into a bus accident while traveling her way back home and she died.....

But who have expected that she didn't died rather her soul travel in a place called Da Cheng Continent. Where Humans, Vampire, Werewolves and Zombies lives.

And she transmigrate into a body of human girl whose name happened to be same as her.


The rain hits on her face and that's wake her up.

'Where am I? I haven't died yet? Thank god I'm still alive, damn that bus driver if you wanna die go ahead, why drag this lady!!! I'm still single.'

'Wait! Something isn't right! if I remember correctly it was a sunny day, why the hell it's raining out of blue and what's up with this dirty road and mud eww!!' she mumbling in her mind and cursing the bus driver and here and there as she tried to get up.

"Ouch!!! My butt"

'oh no!! not my butt, my whole body is hurting, it's so painful. it's feel like the bus has gone over me and crushed my whole body. Well I'm still alive that's a good news'

I look around...

And then I saw three young men. Hell No, Three handsome young hottie. Yes, they are extraordinary handsome, doesn't look like real.

They look like they've come out of some Manga.

'Wow! Male Model from Manga. Heaven isn't you being too fair to me. You gave me three hottie not one' as I thought and raise my one eye brow.

'That not the point, I have them to send me hospital as soon as possible. Or else I'll die for sure'

"Pl... please, can you help me? I think I've been hurt. Can send me to the hospital?" Lu Weiyi stammered and asked them.

Her voice is so hoarse voice, that she barely can speak.




'Who are these men? Are the blind? Can't they see I've been in an accident and I'm injured?'

'What a waste!! Just have good looking face, not a gentleman at all.'

She is really angry seeing them not responding her.

Before she could yell at them....

A splitting headache made her wobble. She shook her head trying to stay conscious.

But she failed to and the worst part was memories of unfamiliar person registered in her brain making her dumbfounded.

Then a sudden realisation dawn to her.

'Hold on!!! Did I just transmigrate to another world? Oh my god! What the hell is this!!! Aghrrr..... don't tell me it's true, I've really reincarnation in someone's body.... but it's only happens in novels and dramas.'

She wishes that it's all dream not real. But reality hits her hard. That bones chilling pain and the rain water hits her face reminds her that it's all real not some dream.

Those handsome men remain quite and then transform before her very eyes.

The one with short white hair with olive green eyes turns into a Zombie.

The one with beautiful long blue hair with ocean blue eyes changes into Vampire.

And the last one with black hair and kind eyes changes into Werewolf.

She scream...

She got to know from the memories of Owner of the body, that she's in a place called Da Cheng Continent. Where's human and these people , mean Demis lives. Here Demis and humans never get along with each other, Humans kills Demis and Demis kills human.

This is the rule of this world.

She reborn in a body of a human girl, who happened to share the same name as her. Who seems to hate Demis, because she thinks that her parents was killed by Demis.

'Oh my god! They're Demis, not human! Are they going to kill me since I reborn in a human body'

Right now she really hate this dogshit luck of hers.

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Get away from me, aghrrr.... you monsters!" Weiyi yelled at them.

'Am I going to die? Damn! Here I just escape from death! Here you go again! Maybe Death God fall in love with me somehow, don't wanna leave me alone.....!!!!'

She don't know whether she should laugh or cry at her dogshit luck.

The zombie's red eyes glare at her as he comes closer. The tattoos on his arms and hands looks like some sort of disease.

'I hope he doesn't touch me with those hands.'

"What are you going to do to me?" Weiyi said.

"Eat you. What else? I'm a Zombie, aren't I ? We eat humans." Shen Siyu replied with a chuckle.

He laughs and she tried to push him away from me, but she can't.

' Something's not right.'

She saw that her arm is at an awkward angle. Broken, yes it's broken for sure.

Her legs is bent sideways, it's broken as well.

The pain floods through her body, as she scream out.

The vampire with sharp incisors look at Weiyi with his dark blooded eyes.

'Oh gosh! Is he going to suck my blood now?

What to do? No, I have to get away! But I can't move.'

I never hate myself so much as Im hating myself right now. I never been so helpless and pitiful in my whole life as I am right now.

'Im at their mercy! Since when I, Lu Weiyi start living at mercy of someone else let alone these non- human creatures'