
The Twelve-Jeweled Crown

Matsuoka · Fantasie
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1 Chs

In Front of the Palace

Countless citizens of Aglath begin to form a crowd in front of the White Palace to witness the coronation of His Majesty, King Elmund Bisor.

"It seems the knights really practiced a technique to boost their prowess in golden aura. I heard a hermit visited their castle and bestowed them a thousand-year-old scroll! If I meet that old man someday or even tomorrow, I'll make sure to make my son his disciple! My family's wealth will surely to his liking," said a fat merchant excitedly.

"You heard a wrong news," a tall and dark-skinned man rebutted. "My uncle who is a cook in the castle of the knights told me that the mighty knights accidentaly found a recipe for high-grade aura pill. Everybody in Aglath knew that the new king emits the brightest and most intimidating golden aura among other knights. If not for this pill, can you give me a reason why the Crown's winner has the goldest aura among any other knights in the history of mankind?" he added with a grinn.

"Both of you obviously believed those nonsense rumors? If you're asking why the knights won the Crown again, of course, the answer would be their training regimen and strict discipline. The current Head Knight always asses his brothers during training. He carefully guides others to reach a high aptitude in strength, endurance, agility, and intelligence. I heard from one of the knight's platoon captain that Head Knight Merfix always watched the new king during his time in their castle. He gave pointers and offered extra time to build His Excellency's might," a well-dressed madam uttered.

"I met Head Knight Merfix once in the tavern. If I knew how he train his men, I must be the one who'll wear that 12-jeweled crown," a merchant agreed loudly from the madam's claim while looking at the majestic crown on the podium.

"Yeah. If I'm the one who'll be crowned today, I'll immediately sell the 12-jeweled crown in the black market. I can live my life comfortably with the amount of gold I'll get. No work. No worries, " said another merchant while stroking his mustache.

Listening to the conversation of the people near him, Amber suddenly looked at the crown on the podium. With his eye narrowed, he can see fine twelve jewels of varied colors embedded on each arch corner of the crown. The archs, upstanding from its rim, were made of precious and rare ores shaped with lines and curves intersecting with each other obviously signifying the wealth and glory of the royals. A majestic golden lamb, with its front limbs facing upward, was fixed at the center of the coronet. Once the sunlight touched the rim and archs, the crown looks like telling the honor and dominion of its wearer.

With awe, Amber can't help to mutter, "How many harships should I walk on to get the chance of wearing it? Can my head be your abode someday? My only..."

Without finishing his questions and narratives of his ambitions, he suddenly heard the defeaning yet comforting sound of the trumpet.

Hong! Hong! Hong!

A royal guard blew the golden trumpet made from the horn of a legendary white dragon signaling the arrival of His Excellency, King Elmund. Immediately after, drums are played by a dozen of palace guards wearing full-dress uniform of blue tunics and bearskins. They were lead by another guard, obviously a high level official, with silver claymore in his right hand walking in a constant pace of two breaths each step. A company of cavalries riding their plated warhorses followed them. Unlike the former, these cavalries wear a double plated golden armors with their lance in right arm, sword with leather scabard at their waists, and a couple of axe at their back. Together with their mount, they move forward emitting a golden aura that can be seen shining even from a mile away.

The hooves of the horses and the majestic music from the trumpets and drums in the parade intensified the colorful atmosphere especially so when the sounds from the giant wheels of ten war chariots came into view from the town square.

"It's the Pegasus!" exclaimed by many.

The ten overwhelming chariots wear a red and blue paint, emitting a golden aura from the satin lining on its edges. Two black horses pulled each. And unlike the cavalries, these horses wear a more sturdy and plated armors. Their might and height are obvious at one glance. However, the most intimidating in these batch of soldiers are the people riding them. Seven of the riders are males and the rest are females. They exude a more intimidating aura while wearing red and golden plated armors. Unique from the other soldiers, their weapons are only swords of various golden shade. Each of the riders hold one sword and the brightest weapon among them lead the whole company.