
The Truthseeker

One must first gaze upon the soul. Then, one must reach for it. To reach is to feel, and after that is to become one. Such is the way to become a Pathbearer. * Ablaze in flames, torn by loudness, and vanishing into thin air, a once prosperous land now turned into nothingness. Seeing the vision of the destruction of his kingdom, Veritas strived to sacrifice everything to prevent that outcome. As Veritas grows throughout the story, so does the mysteries around him. Seeking to determine the real truth, Veritas uses his wits and craziness to fight everything in his way. This is a tale of uncovering the truth beneath the hidden mysteries that lie in the world. A world that revolves around the Soul. A journey of ascension, fighting against the madness and questioning one's own identity. Yet, what lies ahead may not be what he thinks.. This is the story of the Almighty. The Whisperer of the Winds. The legend of the Visionshaper. Truthseeker. -- Reuploading on ROYAL ROAD

DauntlessBrother · Fantasie
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133 Chs

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It was a foreign sight for the Agalia brothers. Not only did they come from the outskirts and have lived there for as long as they knew, but also because they have never experienced a taste of luxury. 

So, the advanced infrastructure and buildings looked very pleasing to the eye. They could see various innovations being utilized by the people around them.

There was a two-wheeled vehicle that was being driven by a well-established individual in a suit. There are expensive carriages that look to cost a great amount of White Elrodite. There were Knights patrolling every street and there are many more things to behold!

Alune felt comfort knowing that their life was going to change for the better.

The carriage they were in was headed to the Residence Hall that the king has mentioned. With Veritas' help, everything would be settled easily. Of course, Alune did not put all the responsibility to Veritas' shoulders. Alune also asked questions from there and then about the legal documents and laws of this place. 

Surprisingly, the people from the Gold Borough were given as much freedom as those in the Copper Borough. There were not many limitations except for a couple of laws about human decency. 

Nevertheless, this was an attribute that was prevalent in the Kingdom of Elrod. It was considered as the Kingdom of Freedom after all..

Thus, half an hour had passed before they arrived at the residence hall. 

In total, their trip was about an hour or two. It didn't take that long but it was still a considerable amount of time. 

Veritas got out of the carriage first before the Agalia brothers did. It seemed like he talked to some people before signalling the two of them to come out.

Carrying a heavy bag and pouch, Alune and Bello gazed upon the large buildingsof the Gold Borough. Such buildings seemed to touch the sky, but it was not as big as the towers from the Golden City. 

They were amazed by the landscape and they could only stare at it with awe. 

"Hurry you two." Veritas reminded both of them.

With those words, they followed Veritas inside a large building that looked like a mansion. 

Upon reaching inside, they saw the lounge which is composed of high-quality couches and seats. There were expensive ornaments, portraits of individuals, a counter, and many more.

The knight guarding the area bowed to Veritas in respect, to which Veritas waved back at him.

As they walked through the lounge, Alune saw many people dressed in formal suits, looking distinguished and rich. 

Those people were staring at them as if unfamiliar with their faces. It was only normal though, as they were newcomers to the area.

But in reality, the people were mesmerized by the alluring looks of the two. The men in particular looked to be attracted towards Alune, thinking that he was a girl. 

They did not know that though, so they kept staring at him.

Alune felt the lust coming from their gazes, so he shivered in that feeling. 

Bello received more stares from the women and men alike, his attractive face serving to be a charm for those that are mundane. 

With this, the Agalia brothers were looking to be the new celebrities in the area. 

"Look at those two, which family are they from?"

"I bet they're the kids from Caerulian bloodline from the north! I can't mistake those beautiful blue eyes for anyone!"

Amongst the gossip, a few individuals approached the Agalia brothers, hoping to inquire about their status.

"Hello.. Madam and Sir. Would you be particularly interested in serving as models for our new product?"

"Esteemed guests, would you be willing to help us endorse our new high-quality item? We pay great rates.."

Suddenly, the two of them were flocked by many businessmen that hoped to utilize their looks as leverage.

Alune and Bello did not know how to handle such attention, so they eyed Veritas to help.

Veritas looked tired and he shrugged at the situation, then he formed an action that resembles removing a mask from his face.

Suddenly, his hair turned pure-white and one of his eyes switched from crimson red to deep gold. Veritas made his way towards the commotion and stared at the crowd with a pleasing look.

Many individuals took notice of this and began whispering amongst themselves.

"Is that.. the Prince?"

"Did he just appear out of thin air?"

"I have to get a photo with him!"

Flashing lights surrounded the three of them as the Light Devices in their hands captured the moment in real time. 

Veritas then got closer to the Agalia brothers and quickly calmed down the situation around him. 

"Everyone! These are my esteemed guests, please be careful as to not discomfort them! You all have my gratitude."

With those words, it seemed as if the winds suddenly gathered around his voice and echoed along the lounge of the Residence Hall. Suddenly, knights came by and controlled the situation.

They pushed the flocking crowd and immediately guided the three of them to the reception counter. 

"We apologize for these your majesty and esteemed guests. Please, follow us to the counter."

The red-haired knight said with a soft tone in his voice, making sure that Veritas and the two brothers safely reached their destination.

Upon arriving there, Veritas said some words to the clerk at the counter and she began to raise her magic device in order to call upon somebody. 

"Would your majesty mind waiting for a couple of seconds? The property manager is on her way.." 

"Not at all, thank you." Veritas smiled warmly at the clerk, making her feel something deep within her.

So, after waiting for a couple while, a long brown-haired woman wearing a deep blue blazer and a matching tight skirt could be seen descending down the stairs of the lounge. 

In terms of looks, she was stunning.. yet she could not be compared to the looks of the three in front of her.

With a blood-red lipstick, and white heels, the property manager walked towards the three with finesse. 

"Ah.. please to meet you, your majesty, and esteemed guests. Please, follow me and we shall talk about your legal management in a more private room."

The four of them soon made their way across the halls and towards an elevator. 

This 'elevator' is unfamiliar with the Agalia brothers, they could not seem to figure out how it worked or what it does. So once they've entered the small-enclosed room, they suddenly feel the motion to cause some sort of dizziness in their minds.

The floor that they were headed to was located on the 17th floor.

With the silence enveloping the room, Veritas spoke out to ask some questions.

"I see that the elevator has finally been implemented to the Gold Borough.." Veritas said, staring at the brown-haired manager.

The manager scratched her chin before answering.

"Ah- Yes. It was implemented no longer than 3 months ago, as it had been a long-term project developed by the Intelligence School of Knowledge. I heard that they were developing a new source of transport that could potentially replace the horse-driven carriages."

"May I ask? Who spearheads the development of the new source of transport?"

"As far as my memory could serve me.. I think it was Sienna, the Innovator." the manager said while scratching her temples.

"Ah.. that bit- I mean Sienna, her again.."

"Yes your majesty.. I heard she was inspired by the Queen's blueprints and ideas."

Veritas tilted his head slightly to the right.

"I see."

The conversation of the two was very confusing for the likes of Alune and Bello. They had dumbfounded looks on their face, and looked like their brains had been filled with large amounts of information that was foreign to them.

Bello stared at Alune's eyes and looked like he was asking "what are they saying?", to which Alune responded by shrugging his shoulders. 

After a few seconds had passed, the elevator soon reached the 17th floor. 

Alune and Bello's eyes were met with a hall that stretched far to the right. In the middle, there was a double door. And on the left, was a door that seemed to lead to another area in the floor.

Still dizzy, Alune and Bello followed the two towards the hall on the left, arriving at a dark brown door with a metal handle. 

The manager twisted the handle and opened the door.

The insides looked like an office akin to that of the King's but it was more refined and looked more professional. 

After they headed in, the manager sat down behind a desk and gestured for the three of them to sit down in a comfortable-looking seat. 

"Please, sit down."

She then brought out a small stack of paper and immediately scanned its contents. 

After verifying the contents of the paper, she stared once more at the three and began talking.

"First of all, my name is Rena and I'll be the property manager for your new residence."

"The King has already sent us a request and informed us of your arrival. With that, I welcome you two to Gold Borough, and to this Residence Hall."

Rena then talked about the information regarding owning a house, the laws, their rights, their paperworks, and many more. It was boring stuff really, but to Alune it was really important to know.

Upon learning that Alune was the head of their family, she asked him to bring out his legal documents which includes his ids, certificates, and many more..

With that, a few minutes of legal talk passed and Veritas couldn't keep his proper smile anymore. Upon the boring talk about property ownership and what-not, Bello was looking at Veritas and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

'This bastard is actually quiet for once!'

Bello looked surprised that his friend could actually be well-behaved. Then, he suddenly felt a cold wind creeping up his neck, he immediately shook due to the unpleasant feeling.


After what seemed like eternity for Veritas, the boring talk had finally come to pass. 

"May I ask one more thing Ms. Rena?" Alune asked softly.

"Do ask away Mr. Agalia."

"Are pets allowed in the property? And how many could be allowed?"

Bello took notice of this and appreciated his brother's consideration.

"Pets are actually allowed as long as they don't cause any disturbances for the other residents."

"I see. Thank you." Alune smiled warmly at Rena, showing his elegant and pretty face.

Rena's composure almost broke due to this, however she stood up and kept her cool. After that, she gestured to shake Alune's hands to seal the agreement that they had settled on.

"Thank you for choosing us as your property management, Ms. Agalia."

"Ah- I'm actually a male, but likewise, thank you.."

Rena's mouth went agape by this realization and she immediately apologized for the mistake.

"I apologize for this profusely, Mr. Agalia, once again.. thank you."

Alune waved his hands to dismiss the misunderstanding, smiling warmly once more to Rena.

After that was finished, Rena led them back to the elevator and started to descend back to the first floor. 

Upon reaching their destination, knights soon came towards them and guided them to the exit. Many people stared at the elegant faces of the three, but could not do anything due to the presence of the knights.

After reaching the outside, Veritas bid his farewells and went back to the direction of the castle.

"Ms. Rena, I see that all is well. Unfortunately, I have business to attend to. Please do treat my esteemed guests with care."

"I will, your majesty.."

Rena bowed at Veritas' statement.

Veritas waved his hand in the direction of the Agalia brothers. Alune waved back but Bello merely looked at him with disbelief.

'To hell with business! He's just going to gamble!'

With that, Rena called upon a carriage and they made their way to the Agalia Residence.

Veritas however, made his way towards the opposite direction. He put the Faceless Mask back on, and signalled for a carriage that leads to the Copper Borough.

With a big grin on his face, Veritas could not withstand the excitement that he felt. 

"The day is still young!"

He acclaimed, laughing like a gremlin inside the luxurious carriage.