
The Truthseeker

One must first gaze upon the soul. Then, one must reach for it. To reach is to feel, and after that is to become one. Ablaze in flames, torn by loudness, and vanishing into thin air, a once prosperous land now turned into nothingness. Seeing the vision of the destruction of his kingdom, Veritas strived to sacrifice everything to prevent that outcome. As Veritas grows throughout the story, so does the mysteries around him. Seeking to determine the real truth, Veritas uses his wits and craziness to fight everything in his way. This is a tale of uncovering the truth beneath the hidden mysteries that lie in the world. A world that revolves around the Soul. A journey of ascension, fighting against the madness and questioning one's own identity. This is the story of the Almighty. The Whisperer of the Winds. The legend of the Visionshaper. Truthseeker.

DauntlessBrother · Fantasie
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83 Chs

Emergency Meeting.

Veritas looked tense, he was inside the halls of the castle, dressed in a formal suit with layers upon layers of golden ornaments hanging on his chest. He wore this along with a bright white mantle that made him look even more of royalty. He looked princely on the outside, but his thoughts on the inside were boggling him. 

After realizing the actual location of desolation in his dreams. He, alone with Alune and Bello, immediately reported this finding to Julius. 

Upon minutes of explanations, Julius listened carefully and considered the next step that he would take. 

Julius immediately asked for updates regarding the state of Knights Academy. To his surprise, the Academy had no recorded incidents!

Thus, he immediately concluded that his son's vision was from the future. One could say that it was a prophecy.

As a King, he knew the best for the people but sometimes managing a kingdom isn't just about the people. He still needed to keep up the image for freedom within Elrod. If such an incident were to happen once more, inside a highly-defended facility too, then Elrod's economy and reliability of governance would plummet.

He carefully deduced the process in which they would need to take. This is a very dire situation, one that couldn't be underestimated.

Although it had only been given as a mere vision, Veritas was a Pathbearer with a Path of Visionshaper, and that was of Seraph Rank! So, Julius knew that his son's vision was valid.

It could contain symbolisms but he still had to be wary of what's to come.

With that, Julius announced that he would conduct an emergency meeting with all the heads of the notable figures in Elrod. That includes the Head of Wielders, Head of Knights, Head of Intelligence, Head of Research, and many more contributors.

Although, the dukes from other regions of Elrod were not included as this was a matter coming from Central City.

The time was 9:00PM sharp, everyone was to meet in the conference hall of the castle.

Due to this being such a big deal, Veritas dressed properly and professionally. He had to make appearances to the heads of Elrod, needing to look properly for the various capable individuals.

If Veritas' brother was here, he would attend this meeting in his stead. However, his brother was studying in the Northern Region of Elrod. 

Veritas carefully adjusted the disheveled layers of his royal clothing, rubbing his hands slowly. 

As his elegant footsteps echoed along the halls of the castle, he glanced at the nightly landscape of Elrod once more.

Before, he thought that the silence was peaceful and soothing to the heart. He used to feel comfort when basking in such tranquillity.

But now.. the silence of the night felt even more dreadful than before. After being attacked by an unknown figure, Veritas felt deep scars in his heart, not knowing what lurked beneath the darkness.

Then, he soon arrived at the entrance of the conference hall.

Before he entered, he heard soft footsteps across the hall. Looking at the same direction of the footsteps, Veritas saw Bello who was being guided by a maid. Veritas was curious as to why Bello was here.

"Bello? Why are you here?"

He looked different than ever, his messy black hair now looked silky and pushed back, this complimented his eyes even more and showed their full grace.

Bello was wearing a black turtleneck layered by a formal suit. His black trousers were mixed well with the blackness of his formal suit. He was wearing a conservative tie and a pair of shiny black boots.

He looked as if he belonged to royalty!

One couldn't believe that this young man lived honestly in the outskirts before, making a living by using beasts to battle one another. 

"I was invited by your Fathe- Why are you looking at me like that?"

Veritas stared at Bello, judging his professional look.

"...nothing. Father told you to come to this meeting?"

"Yes he did. After leaving his office and parting ways with you, the King himself came to me and Alune. He said something about me coming to the meeting conducted tonight."

Bello explained with a confident expression.

"And? Where's Alune then?"

Veritas stretched his neck as if looking for Bello's brother.

"He's at home right now, he wasn't invited.."

"Oh. I see."

Veritas then stopped what he was doing and faced the direction of the door. Suddenly, a girl that was as tall as Veritas' shoulders suddenly showed up beside him.

Veritas was almost startled by this, he then analyzed the girl's appearance.

She had long curly blonde-hair, mixing with the colors of her bright red dress.

That dress had a white upper side with a red ribbon in the middle. The buttons looked golden. The middle of her dress was layered with a light gold corset, and at the bottom the frills of the long dress reached down the floor of the halls. 

Her skirt was paired with a couple of blooming roses, while golden chains and accessories hung from it.

As for her face, her smooth white skin gleamed along the silence of the halls. The radiance of her scarlet eyes showed a mixed feeling of ferocity and coldness. She had two golden tear-shaped earrings, and a gleaming golden necklace with a ruby in the middle.

The blonde-haired girl noticed Veritas' gaze and stared at him with indifference.

"Is there a problem?"

Veritas was snapped back in awe, his eyes twitched for a moment before he could finally reply to the fair young lady:

"Nothing at all.."

Veritas then turned back to Bello and mouthed words silently.

"Weird girl."

"I know right."

Then, Veritas lightly pushed the door that led to the conference room. The door opened widely for the three of them to enter all at once.

Veritas walked in first, followed by the blonde girl, and then Bello. They saw multiple people sitting down on a large rectangular table that could fit at least 20 people inside.

It seemed like a large dinner table!

"Ah- finally you three came." The King softly spoke.

Veritas could discern a couple of familiar faces, there was his father who was sitting in the middle at the far edge of the table. He saw his Mother sitting side by side with his father. More specifically, she was on his left side.

Then, he saw Mikella on the right side sitting 3 seats away from the King. Veritas then saw the head of the Knights who was sitting beside Mikella.

The head of the Knights is named Mortius, a gray haired man with a large stature, wearing thick layers of silver armor. His thick beard made him seem more mature and experienced.

Beside Mortius, a dark-purple-haired girl with deep obsidian eyes, wearing thick rimmed glasses, was reading the papers in front of her. Veritas was very familiar with her.

'Sienna.' Veritas made a mental note of her, he needed to be wary of that crazy scientist..

Moving on, Veritas saw a clean-haired, proper attire, suit-wearing, and fair-skinned individual. As he was situated beside Sienna, Veritas deduced that he was the head of the Exploration and Research Academy. 

Veritas saw even more people such as a few members from nobility that invested on Knights Academy. Veritas realized that the upcoming incident also included them. 

Many of them looked stern and strict but Veritas paid them no heed. After scanning the entire room, he walked slowly towards the empty seat that was nearest to his Father.

There were three open seats near the King's side so Veritas, Bello and the blonde-haired girl sat down on them respectively. 

Julius himself requested this arrangement to make it easier for his plans to be shown.

Then, after the three of them had sat down, Julius cleared his throat and began his announcement.

"As you've all been informed, last night there was a sudden incident that occurred inside the Copper Borough, leaving 1 Wielder injured and another to be dead."

Those words made Julius' face to be sullen.

"The primary suspect of this incident was an Impure Ranked Puppeteer. We do not know of its Path and its Attunement, but as per the reports by the surviving Wielders.. It is known that this rogue Pathbearer has immense strength."

"This single Pathbearer singlehandedly challenged a whole troupe of Wielders. Luckily, Prince Veritas was at the scene and managed to outwit the thing."

Veritas felt gazes coming from every individual in the room except for the blonde-haired girl. 

"With that! This morning, something dire had happened. The Prince reported to me that he had suddenly been prophesied a vision. In that very vision, he saw a tall castle with three sharp spires piercing the skies, to be.. desolated."

The room suddenly felt tense as whispers coming from the nobility were heard.

"I think it'd be easier for him to explain.."

Julius then raised his hand and gestured for Veritas to stand up and share his terrifying vision to others. 

As he stood up, he saw many gazes coming from every one, the blonde-haired was even perplexed to see him rise up.

"I am grateful to you O, Father, for giving me this opportunity."

Veritas lightly bowed for a few seconds before continuing again.

"As many of you are already familiar. I am Prince Veritas Alpas Elrod and I bear a Path related to Visions!"

The room went silent and Veritas continued speaking,

"The Vision that I saw this morning was terrifyingly-horror. It was a scene filled with countless bodies high up in the air, hanged and swaying across the winds."

"As per discussion with my good friend here.."

Veritas pointed to his side, making everyone stare at Bello.

"..and his brother who unfortunately could not come, we concluded the desolating vision to be located at Knights Academy."

This bold statement echoed within the Head Knight's mind, he then retorted back to Veritas:

"Your Majesty.. are you certain of this?"

"Indeed. My friend here has a keen eye on observing things. Today.. he and his brother visited the Knights Academy to enroll. Thus, he remembered the scenery all too well."

Veritas then added more concrete statements further:

"If you wish, Sir Mortius, you may ask a few questions describing the environment of Knights Academy."

"N-no need.. I trust your words.."

With that, the exchanged died down and Veritas continued to speak,

"Upon learning of the location, I, along with my friend and his brother, immediately consulted the King."

He abruptly stopped for a second and continued with a deep breath.

"...Thus the purpose of this meeting."

Veritas lightly bowed and elegantly sat down his chair, he then stared at Bello and smiled faintly.

'Bastard put me on the spot!' Bello looked at him in disbelief.

"Thank you, Prince Veritas."

Julius stopped for a moment and then continued after a few seconds,

"Now, I will discuss our plans to prevent this gruesome event from happening."

With those words, everyone tensed up and prepared to listen.