
The Truthseeker

One must first gaze upon the soul. Then, one must reach for it. To reach is to feel, and after that is to become one. Ablaze in flames, torn by loudness, and vanishing into thin air, a once prosperous land now turned into nothingness. Seeing the vision of the destruction of his kingdom, Veritas strived to sacrifice everything to prevent that outcome. As Veritas grows throughout the story, so does the mysteries around him. Seeking to determine the real truth, Veritas uses his wits and craziness to fight everything in his way. This is a tale of uncovering the truth beneath the hidden mysteries that lie in the world. A world that revolves around the Soul. A journey of ascension, fighting against the madness and questioning one's own identity. This is the story of the Almighty. The Whisperer of the Winds. The legend of the Visionshaper. Truthseeker.

DauntlessBrother · Fantasie
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83 Chs

Daily Life Of A (Not) Normal Prince.

Laying down on a white soft bed with exquisite design, was Veritas who had slept for 21 hours. After the headache of a day that he had yesterday, it was only normal for him to get a significant amount of rest.

"It's morning huh.."

It was not morning at all. 

The sun was already setting and Veritas had woken up significantly late into the day.

Veritas still acted as if it was morning, and he went through his morning routine of proper exercise and stretching. 

After that, he went out of his room and made his way to the kitchen. 

Along the way he had encountered the head maid of the castle, Lily. She was a black-haired petite old woman, with streaks of white that can be seen on her hair. She stared at Veritas with her obsidian eyes and greeted him.

"Good afternoon, your Majesty.."

"Yea.. good after- Afternoon?"

Veritas quickly looked out of the window and saw the setting sun! His face was shocked and he immediately rushed towards the kitchen

'I'm supposed to meet my friends at the outskirts!'

Veritas quickly grabbed and inhaled food in his mouth, he then made his way to his parent's respective places.

His Father was in his office, handling paperwork, Veritas entered the room with great energy. His Father was still not used to the sudden change in his son's personality, but he payed it no mind at all. 

"Good afternoon, Son."

"G-good afternoon.. Father."

"I see that you are well-rested, what is your purpose for coming here?"

Julius set aside his reading glasses and paperwork, then he focused on talking with Veritas.

"I just want to let you know that I'm going out to the outskirts, and can I borrow your Mask?"


"Can I also borrow some money?" 


"Okay, thanks!"

Veritas then made his way towards his mother to say the same thing.

Julius sighed because of the great energy of his Son, he had always seemed so calm and collected! So, he wondered what had really happened when he lost his Soul.

Yesterday, after Veritas revealed his adventures inside the Golden City. Julius only felt worry, but also relief because his son was safe. 

After Veritas revealed his Path Rank, Julius was really surprised! No human in recorded history had gained a Path Rank of Seraph.

There have been quite a few Gazed but that was also extremely rare!

Julius shook his head at the situation. 

He realized that his Son was soon going to be the center of a lot of trouble and mysteries. It has been the law of the world after all, the stronger you get the more that you are fated to have a role in the world. 

In the history of the world, Julius thought that Veritas was gonna be a main character that will shape the structure of the world!

'What a scary thought..'

With that, he wore his reading glasses again and continued with his paperwork. 



Veritas, considered as the main character of the world, was... gambling!

"Yeah! Come on! Do it!"

"Beat his ass beast!"

"Ah shit! He's losing!"

The elegant prince of royalty was inside a famous gambling den where various beasts fought each other. It was like a rooster fight!

Everyone was screaming loudly and cheering their bets, they punched the air when they lost and jumped in joy when they won!

Veritas was also doing the same, he was cheering and hyping up his chosen beast to bet. He knew who the beast tamer was and he was assured that he was of the highest caliber.

Veritas did not have his flowy white hair, instead his hair was deep black and his eye color had been changed into red. This was due to one of the tools that his Father had given him. 

The Faceless Mask!

However, even with the changes to his appearance, everyone knew of his identity already. Veritas was already well-known to appear in public with his black hair and red eyes.

He had only used the mask for formality.

Veritas then continued cheering on the fight from the den below.

It was a fight between a formidable wolf with dark shades of black as its fur and a cutesy little teddy bear that appeared harmless.

They were facing off and stood their places at the edge of the den. 

Naturally, Veritas voted for the black wolf, it had been on a roll lately! And with the reputation of its master, Veritas was 99% sure that it was going to win!

So, the battle commenced! The black wolf immediately jumped at the teddy bear to launch its furious "Dark Abyss Demonic Wrathful Crunch!". This was one of the moves named by the fans of the black wolf!

However! In a split second, the black wolf fell to the ground! The cutesy teddy bear stood behind it!

There was silence at first, but then there were many complaints and screams! Everyone was dissatisfied and angered by the situation!

"No! My money!" Veritas cried out loudly.

After all.. he had bet all his earnings on the black wolf, thinking that it would be an easy win.

He fell to the ground and messed up his hair, crying at the great loss that he had suffered.

"My moneyy!!"

After a moment of grief and sadness, he made his way to the exit in an attempt to sneak out of the place. However, he was stopped by a guard with a huge physique, this guard loomed over Veritas.

The guard then dragged Veritas towards the counter and forced him to pay his losses.

"Pay up!"

Veritas refused to part with his money! It was his hard-earned wins after being on a betting roll! 

However, the intimidating physique of the guard made him give up his money.

So, he was forced to pay. It was a great loss for sure but for Veritas it was an insightful lesson!

'I just need to be lucky!'

How pitiful this prince was.. Instead of learning to quit, he thought that being lucky could solve his problems.

So, Veritas left the gambling area of the den and made his way to the Beasttamer's area.

Beasttamer was one of the common classes there were, it's almost so similar that every individual that possesses them had nearly the same skills. 

The Attunement that Beasttamers possess differs from every person, although many individuals still share the same Attunements. Such examples of this are Beasttamer of Fire, Beasttamer of Water, and so on..

In Elrod, Beasttamer of Winds was the most common. 

After traversing through the large crowd of gamblers, Veritas encountered a door with a rune saying: 

[Strictly Beasttamers only!]

[Emphasis on Strictly!]

[No Prince's allowed!]

[We are talking to you Prince Veritas!]

Even with all those warnings, Veritas still didn't listen, reaching his hands towards the door handle and trying to open it. 

Immediately, an electric shock was sent in his entire body, sending him to kneel in pain.

'W-What the- Their tricks have gotten much better!'

After a few seconds, Veritas stood up and smiled brightly at the door, he then looked up at the Light Device. This device recorded light and acted as an eye for people! 

"Let me in!"

Then.. a voice of annoyance soon came from behind the door.

"No! You always try to pick a fight with the Beasttamers, you injured six of them already!"

"That's! That's a stretch, I merely hit them lightly!"

"Do you consider breaking their bones as 'hitting them lightly'?!"

"Hey! I said sorry."

The voice didn't speak any further and Veritas was taken aback by this. He thought for a second before thinking of a plan to get in. 

And on his face appeared a very wide grin, Veritas was planning something heinous.

"I-I don't like that face" said the voice behind the door.

Veritas then gazed upon his Soul and stared at the description of his Path.

[Path: Visionshaper]

[Path Rank: Seraph]


The Visionshaper uses imagery to manipulate reality around them. By conjuring mirages, or illusions, a Visionshaper can directly trick anyone and everything. Additionally, a Visionshaper could see and manipulate an individual's memories. They could live through in their past, present, and future, depending on the user. Once a Visionshaper had understood an individual, they could start to manipulate their actions and memories. ]


An Insolent Prince of Empathy held deepest respects to the Fallen Souls of the City of Solaurum. He understood their pain, their joy, and their lives, whether it be a righteous Soul or a great one. The Prince sought to learn of the Truth and history of the City of Solaurum, he had been determined to answer the many questions that lie in his head.

In the end, he had been shown a Partial Truth by the Treacherous Seraphim of Gold. However! The Prince broke through it and looked through the Complete Truth.

Thus, he was granted the Path of Visionshaper.]

After the rigorous reading of the runes, Veritas then looked directly at the Light Device and sighed.

"Fine.. I'll leave then."

Soon, Veritas walked away from the vision of the Light Device, blending into the crowd of people. 

After a few seconds had passed, a dark haired girl came up infront of the door that lead to the area of the Beasttamers. 

The girl looked straight into the camera and showed the symbol that represented a boar on her hands.

"Ah- Beasttamer Sowe! You may come through!" 

There was a slight buzz and a click before the door was opened fully. Behind that door was a frail young man with blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked sickly and weak as if a single flick of a finger would bring him down.

"Y-you may enter!"

The dark haired girl immediately made her way through the inside, stopping behind the frail young man and staring deeply towards him. 

The young man was confused by this, he had pondered why the girl had been staring at him deeply. 

"Uh- Is there a problem?"

The girl continued to stare at the frail young man's eyes. 

The young man started to get nervous and his heart had started to beat more wildly. 


Then! The girl got close to his face while still staring at his blue eyes! The young man immediately got fidgety, and blushed at the sudden development.

"I- uh. I.."

Then, after a couple of seconds of intense breathing and suspense, the dark hair of the girl started vanishing into the wind, replaced by a short wavy black hair and a pair of fierce red eyes that gazed upon the frail young man. 

The young man was still shocked by the intense scenario and could not comprehend what had happened. 

"I got you! Hah!"

Snapping him awake from the shock was the same voice that he had heard back then. He immediately made sense of the situation and saw the Veritas right in front of him.


Veritas laughed loudly and pointed at the frail young man.

"I got you good Volitzer!"

"Veritas you scum!"

With that exchange, Veritas made his way inside the area where the Beasttamers resided. It was a long hall so it had taken him a couple of seconds to get there.

Upon arriving, Veritas stared at the massive area that appeared in front of him. It was a spectacle, many creatures were being attended to by their respective Beasttamers, and many unique individuals could be seen resting and running around. 

Veritas specifically searched for a black haired individual with a weird taste in fashion, he would immediately know who it was due to the strange clothes that the individual had. 

Veritas had not searched much and saw an individual standing out amongst the crowd. It was a black haired individual that wore a red and gray tunic that was tattered all over, his pants were oversized and sagged along the ground. He was wearing yellow star shades, and there was a clown's makeup all over his face.

Veritas then screamed out to gain the attention of the weird individual.

"Bello! Good friend!"

Hearing this.. Bello immediately felt chills in his body.