

"Okay, okay,it time for bed now.",Mina said cleaning her tears

Monesia stood up and tuck her mom's hair behind her ear."No crying again,mom.See your eyes are red again."She touched her mom's swollen eyes.

Even though her mom looked cute with the swollen eyes,she didn't like it.And where ever was the dad that made her mom cry was,if she saw him one day,she was gonna give him a piece of her mind.

Mina saw her daughter in thought and flicked her fingers in front on Monesia's eyes to awaken her.

"Hmm,mom I got to sleep early so I won't be late for School,mua.",she peeked her mom's cheek."Good night."She walked up the stairs rubbing her eyes.

Mina looked at her daughter ascending the stairs.She wondered how the young girl from before became so grown up.The little girl that once shouted,"mama" now was her confidant.How time flies.She was first surprised when she gave birth to Monesia with amber eyes and blonde hair.She had brown hair and pink eyes which she used lenses to mostly hide and Monesia father had blue hair with green eyes so she wondered where the blonde hair and amber eyes came from but over time she had been able to get used to her daughter look.If she looked at Monesia the minute she gave birth to her ,she would have thought her baby was swapped.

Mina drew herself out of thinking and went to her room to prepare for the next day at her work as a vet.And also looked for that old hag.


The next morning, Monesia and the two met each other at school with Becky looking depressed.

"This new principal is ridiculous,how does he expect is to have such boring hairstyles."She complained unhappily while tying her hair into a bun.

"Just got to roll with it.",Terra told Becky.She could see Becky really wanted to beat the principal up.

"Yeah Becky, it's only a week......",before Monesia could complete her sentence, Becky interrupted.

"Yeah,a week of no phone at school and ridiculous hairstyles.", Becky grumpled.

"The holidays will be here after a week so keep up the good work."Terra patted Becky on her shoulder.

"Ha!curse that principal.", Becky cursed.