
The Truth About Gods

An isekai novel about a boy who got reincarnated into another world with overpowered skills granted by the gods, which he used to learn the truth about gods and how they operate, and then went around mercilessly slaying each and one of them, so that he could avenge the demon race.

SenseiBorgor · Fantasie
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1 Chs

A Tragic Fate

A beautiful day shined throughout the school's windows, as Yami Shio was doing the usual, staring out of the window instead of listening to the lesson being tought.

By doing this, he made time pass quickly, atleast in his head... Suddenly the bell rung, signifying the last classe's end. Yami, who was awoken by the bell ringing, stood up, and packed his stuff, Before leaving the classroom.

Yami didnt have any friends, and so, he went straight home, after changing his shoes.

Yami was walking home as usual, as everyone ignored him for his gloomy and depressing aura. Yami was about to cross a crosswalk. But he failed to notice that the light signifying if its safe to cross or not wasn't shining green. Yet it was too late, as Yami walked through the crosswalk, not noticing a speeding vehicle approaching him. Before he could react, the vehicle ran him over, sending his body flying into a nearby wall.

Yami was nearly killed in an instant, yet... he didnt feel any pain, he didnt feel sad. He just accepted his fate... As he fell to the ground, into his own pool of blood. Tears filled his eyes, as his life was flashing before his eyes... His Mother... Father.... And most importantly... His Sister... His Sister died in an accident when she was only 8 years old, which caused Yami's mother and father to fall deeply depressed, which lead them... To taking their own lives. Yami, was the only one, who was still alive... But not for long... As he was rapidly loosing consciousness. The last thing he saw, before dying, were the paramedics, rushing towards him. Trying to help him... Yet, it was too late... Yami closed his eyes, as he died from multiple internal bleedings.

To Yamis suprise, when he opened his eyes again, he saw what he could only describe as..... God.

Yami Got up, and turned to face God, as God started speaking, in a deep voice:

"My child... A Tragic event has befallen onto you. A one which you never deserved. And so. My child. I offer you a second chance at life. In a world with magic and clashing swords. In return, you will defeat the demon lord in that world."

God looked down onto Yami, as Yami looked shocked, before saying:

"D-do you mean it? D-do you mean that i really have another chance at life?"

God smiled, before saying:

"Yes my child. I really mean it."

Yami then said:

"T-then i accept your offer. I-I'll defeat the demon lord for you!"

Yami genuinely sounded happy whilst saying that. Then, god said:

"Okay. I will be giving you a huge power boost. Use it to your advantage. farewell my child, as to i now hope. That you will have a better life, with an even better ending."

God swiped his hand, as Yami suddenly appeared in a forest, alone. Yami looked around, as it really was just the forest and nothing else around him, he then decided to walk around for abit. Yami then walked around the forest, enjoying the beauty of the place. Before long though, a monster attacked him. Luckly, his stats were really overpowered. The monster in question was just a boar, The boar was kind of just minding its own business, but when the boar saw Yami, it got frightened by Yami's depressive and gloomy aura, and just ran at him. 

Yami was quick to react, as with a swift motion, he punched the boar, sending it flying into a nearby tree.

Yami looked suprised, as even smoke was coming out of his fist somehow. He quickly shoved it aside though, and kept walking around, hoping to find anything to help him get into atleast a village. Yet, to no avail, as after an hour of walking, it seemed like he was still in the same forest. 

Yami was getting pretty irritated by his lack of progress towards finding a village or a city. And so, he decided to speed things up, as he picked a direction, and started running in it. Yami was pretty fast in his original life, but now, he was even faster! As him just running created a wind that flew at an insanely high speed.

Yami wasnt even getting tired, as he was determined to find atleast a village. He kept running and running, untill... After 20 minutes of running... Finnally found something else then the forest! The forest ended, and so, Yami walked out of it, as he looked infront of him, to see a big village. He could even see some townsfolk walking around in the village from that far away.

And so, Yami had a new goal in mind. It was getting dark so, he started running towards the village. He roughly estimated the village to be 50 to 60 kilometers away from him. And so, he tried to test his running speed to see how fast he can get there.

After a good 1 hour of running, he finnally got to the village. He was tired as hell from all of the running. But he still smiled, since he learned that he can run 16-20 kilometers every 20 minutes, although. Thats only if his rough estimate was correct. The distance between the village and his starting point was accually 100 kilometers, not 50 nor 60. But Yami believed that his estimate was right.

Yami walked around the village, as it was dark now. The village looked in good shape, as he suddenly realized, that he doesn't really have any money... as he suddenly started to think:

'How would i earn money in this world? I doubt that they would take the currency from my world... Maybe if i manage to get lucky? I bet that there has to be an adventurers guild around here somewhere right? Well... That is if this world is like those isekai animes i used to watch as a kid. Man... I should of asked for some money to get started... Oh well, I guess i'll have to sleep outside for today. As im guessing that even if there was an adventurers guild, it would be closed by now, since its so late... I'd even guess its around 2 am!'

Yami thought, before just agreeing that he would have to sleep outside for today, and so. He found a nice and cozy place on the plains grass nearby to the village, and layed down on the grass, watching the stars on the sky. Before realizing that there are... Two moons in the sky? He then thought to himself:

'Damn... I didn't even know that there were 2 moons in this world... I guess you learn something new everyday... Well then, I should probably just call it a night for now. I got a big day ahead of me tommorow.'

Yami got done thinking, as his only plan right now, was to get some sleep. He closed his eyes, whilst smiling, that he got such a great chance to live a second life. Before falling asleep.

Hey, ill be taking a break from Jjk:BC for now. Since i kind of did loose alot of motivation on it! But i will not drop it! I will still write new chapters when i get the creativity boost! But for now, I hope you all enjoy my new Original work! Thanks for reading :p

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