
The true dragon lord( House of dragon)

Klevis_Beqiri_7519 · TV
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5 Chs

Training and 1 year time skip

The next morning Daniel woke up, did his morning routine he took a bath on the river and cleaned himself brushed his teeth and then he had breakfast after eating he went outside to meditate. He sat down and closed his eyes breathing in and out calmly and enjoying the natural peace that this forest provided.

After a few minutes he started feeling the mana in his body and the outside world and so he started circulating it all through out his body to strengthen his physique but also his mentality and spirit.

He used the mana to nourish not only himself but the environment around him.

As he was feeling his mana he bought an instruction manual to help him train.After he bought it he started reading it, learning all about the core which he had in his body, but he also learned about mana skin and mana zone and how he could achieve those feats and he knew the only way to do that was to find a harsh environment which would push him to the brink of death. He also knew that the only place where he could get these conditions was the time chamber.

Without further ado he summoned the door to the chamber and went inside after using word soul magic to cast an unbreakable barrier around his settlement,so without further ado he want into the chamber to train for one year.

(6 month time skip)

During the first month in the chamber it was hell for Daniel or as he now called himself Arthur Pendragon which he chose after thinking about a new name and he decided to show the world why house pendragon was considered the strongest in the world.

The first week he couldn't even move because of the pressure that the time chamber put on him, so he decided to meditate and that's what he did he meditated and worked on his magic using mana zone and skin to their fullest and by using them constantly he managed to master them at a level he couldn't even fathom, he managed to use his mana to cloak himself and his organs in magic power.

By doing so he managed to make his magic work on its own to help him and now that he was ready he could finally move and now that he could move, he asked the system to equip the Dracule Mihawk template so he could begin to train his body and skills in combat after he had equipped the template his true training began.

He trained for one month and with the pressure of the chamber together with his enhanced strength he managed to do 1000 push ups,sit ups and sword swings along with a 1 mile run and as he kept training his healing factor helped with healing his muscles and every time they healed he became much more in tune with his body and abilities(just saying his strength is because he is a descendant of the Pendragon's bloodline in this world he doesn't have the strength or any of the abilities from wolverine other than his healing factor he is a normal human well except for his magic), every week he would increase the reps that he did adding 1000 each week and as he pushed forward his haki began to manifest first was observation haki he managed to awaken it when he ventured to deep into the chamber and he was stuck within an illusion of hell and he was being pushed to the limit and in that despair his haki kicked in and he managed to calm down but he didn't leave instead he stayed and trained even harder and because of the change in circumstances his haki training was going pretty well and the chamber would give him opponents to fight each time they would crush him but with each defeat his strength control along with his senses and haki would be more refined and every time he defeated a challenge another would appear.

He was stuck in a constant state of combat honing his instincts and techniques to their absolute limits and as he progressed his observation and armament haki reached pre-mastery and he could feel the presence of his opponents in a 100 metres and also coat his blade in haki as well as use flying sword attacks.

As he progressed in combat his template reached 50% completed and his body went through a change he grew taller and leaner , he was ripped ,his muscles weren't as bulky as before they were more refined and this made him more handsome as well as terrifying because nobody knew his limits but he himself knew all to well that over confidence can lead to defeat and because of that he never stopped training even when he was resting his haki was constantly active in order to make it an automatic response to keep it active the whole time and soon three months had passed without him doing nothing else other than combat training because his magic was at a high level and he knew that all he needed to do was say a word and his magic would do the rest but he knew that his magic would not always work that is why he kept training and pushing his mind body and spirit to the limit each day.

Time passed again and soon his template reached 100% percent and his final challenge was to fight Roger and safe to say he got his ass handed to him the first time when he was seven months in the chamber so he kept fighting with roger every day and every day he would lose but his haki progress was monstrous because within just one week of fighting roger his observation and armament went straight to peak mastery and he was showing sign of conquers haki awakening and when he saw the results he used the rest of the time in the chamber pushing himself to the limit his haki and instincts progressed at a tremendous rate and he became a monster in combat as well as haki because of his clashes with Roger and in the final day he finally became a grand master in every type of haki but also in the way of the sword after a devastating battle with Roger which he lost but he knew that he was still a child compared to Roger.

As he was preparing to leave the chamber and as he looked in the mirror he was proud of him he could now say that he was ready to face this world, his outfit made him look like someone who you shouldn't mess with, he was wearing a long trench coat like mihawk but his was white with no sleeves he also wore a pair of dark combat pants with a pair of combat boots in a dark grey tone he also wore a grey combat shirt with no sleeves he had also enchanted his outfit to self clean repair and to keep his body hot or cold depending on the situation, he finally left the chamber making sure everything was ready his sword was showing signs of becoming a black blade but it would be another 20 years before that happened.

As he walked out of the chamber he saw that everything was good and he took a breath of fresh air and stretching his muscles from coming out of the chamber, he went inside the house and started packing everything he had, he put them in his pocket space that he created and went outside seeing that everything was good and he had everything he needed he took his sword and sword it in a wide ark around his settlement and he completely obliterated everything in it making sure that he didn't leave any traces he went on his way out of the forest and on his way to bravos he was looking for a few khalsars on his way to fight they khals and claim them as his own,funny thing after he reached 50% on his template he had completed a hidden mission and was rewarded with the all-speak so he could speak and understand all the languages in this world, so he kept walking and sensing the entire presence's within the forest and he went towards one of them ,he found a wild boar which was massive he picked up a rock from the ground coated in haki and he threw it at the boar ,it went straight through the brain of said boar and it fell dead on the ground he went towards it and he pocketed it in his space ,he kept going stopping now and then to pick up herbs that were good for seasoning as he made his way out of the forest finally.

Looking at the waste land he decided to pick a direction and he started sprinting stoping now and then for a break and rest during the night and after two days and covering a lot of land he came across a huge khalsar of Dothraki and he went towards it, as he kept going he was stopped by a few Dothraki riders asking him what he was looking for here, he said that he was here to challenge their khal, the riders laughed at him and agreed to let him meet the khal saying that he had a death wish and their khal will happy grant it.

Arthur chuckled at their delusions as he approached the khal and stopped in front of him and one of the riders went forward and spoke to him telling him that He came to challenge him, once he heard that he sat up and came towards Arthur and stopped in front of him asking him why would He challenge him, he told him that he wanted his khalsar and he wouldn't be the first nor the last khal he would challenge and kill, the khal laughed and accepted saying that he had confidence or just a death wish as they moved away from each other towards a fighting area Art told him that he would honour their duel by using one of their akhs to fight as he said so one of the riders handed him one of them while He took of his sword, shirt and trench coat, he took the ankh and waited for him to attack and he didn't wait long.

As he charged at him he stood still waiting to the last second and as soon as he swinged at him he dogged and cut his head of in one move and stopping behind him he took the blood of the blade as the khal fell to the ground dead, the riders who thought he was going to die were shocked while the bfive blood riders charged at him each one losing their head with one swing of his ankh and after he finished he threw the ankh away and went towards his clothes putting them on ,he went towards one of the riders and told him to gather the khalsar and tell them he was their new khal and to pack everything up to move to a new location.


As everyone was ready they started moving and he new that it would take a while to reach the new destination because the khalsar was big, not including including the other members just the rider he had a force of 40 thousand riders along with as much as many people to take care, they kept moving towards their new place stopping for rest and food and as he spent time with the warriors he taught them a thing or two about fighting and he kept training them while also fighting them to improve his fighting skills even more when it came to engaging multiple opponents at once and as they kept moving and training his warriors were becoming better and better because he didn't let them slack of and he also taught them how to fight in numbers and different formations which made them fiercer and more loyal towards him because they knew he was a true warrior and he never let anyone fight for him.

After they arrived at a forest near a river and field he told them that this would be their new settlement and as everyone began to stop and set up camp he himself told the riders to gather as much wood and stone as they could and he moved to the river buying a formula for making cement and after he learned it he started gathering the ingredients to make it which were near the river bed, after he collected them he followed the process and the tools he had to mix the cement and once it was ready he went to the settlement to see what was happening and he saw that his riders had gathered what he asked them for, he went towards them and told them to take a rest afterwards he went to the wood and he started making a wheelbarrow to move the cement after he finished making about three wheelbarrows he told couple of his riders to dig a trench according to his instructions and with the tools he provided them while he was supervising them.

After digging the foundations for his new project he kept telling the riders what to do and how to it and so he brought the cement to the settlement and he told his riders to put the rocks and stones in the trench and as they did that he kept measuring and applying the cement to each row of stone after that was done he carved four wood pillars and he put them in each of the four corners and he told his riders to take a break again, he kept going the whole night designing and building bit by bit starting with the walls and floor and moving to the roof while buying what he needed from the system for 10 thousand points and that was enough for him to buy everything he needed for building what he wanted which was a forge along with an old school oven for cooking he built the walls and the building while making it fire proof, as he finished he was happy with himself he had a kitchen oven and a forge which he would use to the fullest and he then asked the system to buy him the smithing skills of the dwarves which cost him 20 thousand system points and as he equipped the skill he used to make the simplest thing he could which was a sword he first got a stone and carved the shape of it then he bought some metal which he put in the pot that goes in the forge to melt the steel he went to the forge and said blue fire which was hotter than normal fire and as the fire lit up, it didn't take long for the forge to heat up.

As the forge heated up he put the pot in the forge to melt the metal the metal took about ten minutes to melt and he pulled it out of the forge and poured it in the crafted stone after he done that he waited for the metal to harden and after he did he took it out of the stone and began to hammer it to give it a better look along with enchanting it he made it light sharp and he casted the same enchantments as mjolnirs which means no one can lift it it stays sharp clean and strong without taking care of it.

After finishing he put it at the stall and made something to eat for himself, after finishing eating he started meditating enhancing the speed at which his mana moved and he started levitating while meditating and he saw that the magic of this world was hard to use unlike when he was in the chamber but still he kept going making his magic core grow denser and bigger along with his muscles which were nurtured by his magic he kept meditating till morning while keeping observation haki active the whole time and making sure his khalsar was functioning properly and following his rules which was to hunt, help each other and keep on training for his warriors, seeing as everything was going well he decided to spend one year expanding and training his soldiers old and new along with getting resources from the free cities such as food and gold in exchange for the lives of their good masters.

So as time went by two months passed and since then five more khalsar have been added to his and he instructed them to fit in and act with proper manners along with training the new additions to his military might.

During this time he crafted new equipments for his people like weapons for fighting and farming tools, as for where he got the metal he took it from the free cities when he went to them for selling the stuff he crafted and since his craftsmanship was the best of the best his pieces could be sold from 1000 gold dragons for knives and silverware to 50-100 thousand per sword or armour.

It is safe to say he made a lot of money and he started hiring stone masons and architects to build his keep, along with the new houses and training grounds ,a wall around his new settlement and a big statue in front of his city which was the symbol of house Pendragon which became known all over esos because his soldiers strength and expansion of his city was well known along with his craftsmanship and strength which they experienced first hand, so the statue was massive and the dragon looked magnificent, it was safe to say his name, wealth and strength would be known in Westeros soon as well and he knew that house Targaryen would be interested in him and his name.

He decided to continue expanding and increasing his might so that he can conquer the free cities and all of Esos and abolish slavery completely and bring about a new order in Esos which he would call the wrath of gods because anyone who practices slavery or tortures and kills innocents will feel his wrath along with anyone who is involved, so with that sorted he began designing new structures for the city and new weapons for his army along with clothes and jewellery he will make to sell to increase his wealth which was now 9 million gold dragons and growing each day his khalsar had changed completely his people became more calm and his soldiers became much more dangerous with the training he made for them and he also taught them new formations and how to be more effective along with making mesh armour which they wore under their new leather armour which he made for them in order to make them deadly and keep them safe.

(So this is the second chapter I know I wrote a bit much but this was about what he is planning and what he has accomplished also his magic isn't all powerful because of the red priests and house of the undying which will be a problem but he will destroy them after establishing his rule and order)