The next morning, Grace woke up with panda eyes. She kept staring at her reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but sigh at how pale she had become.
There was a knock on the door as her mom walked in. "Are you ready? I will drop you off."
Grace nodded and picked up her bag before she walked past her mom. Mei Li sighed and followed her.
"Yesterday, I didn't mean to hit you," she explained, and Grace nodded.
"I will be late," she muttered, and Mei Li had to keep their conversation for tonight. They both got into the car, and the driver drove out.
Grace's gaze was focused on the view outside, but that's not what occupied her mind; she just couldn't believe that Raymond would cut her off from his life without even hearing her side of the story.
"Do you want to go to the dom with me during the weekends?" asked Mei Li, and Grace frowned. Why will she ever want to go there?