
Health Check

Marcel dropped Liam off at school the next morning. He was feeling very reluctant to part with him, to the point where his road manager went to drop off Liam's things at the orphanage while Marcel was wasting time saying goodbye to Liam as if it would be the last time the two would ever see each other.

"Big brother, you should go now," Liam said as he too got tired. Marcel was just thinking of how George is going to bully the boy and just that thought made it difficult for him to let him go in peace.

"If anything happens, you have to call me right away, if you can't reach me-"

"I'll call uncle Damien, now go, I will be late for class," Liam complained. When he finally had the chance of moving away from Marcel, he did not make the mistake of lingering around and instead left immediately. He waved back at Marcel as he ran to class.

"Okay, now that we've dropped him off, you have to go to the hospital," Julia said from behind him and he groaned helplessly. Julia did not seem like the kind of person that could be easily talked out of plans, it was especially clear when he received a call the previous afternoon not to eat because of the medical check-up he was going to be doing that day.

Marcel looks back for the last time before getting in the van and driving off to the hospital.

"Do you have any health issues?" Julia asked as she was aware of everything that happened the previous day.

"I can assure you that I don't," Marcel said with his eyes closed. He had had a hard time sleeping the previous night because of how he was stressing himself on how he was supposed to leave Liam alone at the orphanage.

"You're lucky the audition is later today, if Damien didn't insist on this check-up I would have postponed it to a later date so you can prepare yourself for the audition." Julia said as she fiddled with her phone.

"I just have to do the walk right?" Marcel asked curiously.

"They'll probably ask you a few questions on if you've had previous jobs and your goals and things like that, you know it's for tv right?" Julia asked to confirm that Marcel was aware of what he was getting himself in to.

"Yeah, I know that, if I do make the cut, will I have to move to another residence? Will filming be every day?" Marcel asked as he sat up. He lost all the motivation to take a nap that he had before.

"They'll let us know how your schedule is going to be once you make the cut, so make sure you do," Julia answered. They had revived the current program from its predecessors that had failed miserably in the past, so there was no definite guideline on what to expect of it.

"We're here," Mark said after stopping in front of the hospital.

"Let's go," Julia said as she got out of the van and Marcel followed behind her. After confirming the appointment, Julia sent Marie to accompany Marcel as she left with Mark to prepare for his audition.

Marcel went through a series of blood tests, scans, x-rays and some machinery that he did not even recognize and what he thought would be a basic health check ended up being too thorough.

"Who is paying for this?" Marcel asked Marie who had been escorting him from one lab to the other.

"Of course, it's you, it'll be deducted from your earnings in the future," Marie said with a sweet smile. Marcel could only groan helplessly. He thought that after being ordered to get the health check-up the company would pay for it but it seemed he had to pay for the time the CEO wasted to come to check on him.

"Ah~ I didn't even ask for this," Marcel said but that was the extent of his complaints, he didn't say anything else about the whole situation, it was his own health anyway, so it would be a bit weird to complain.

After all tests were complete, he met with the physician who gave him a clean bill of health and just ask that he have a more balanced diet as his gut health was questionable.

"I'll go change," Marcel told Marie, who had called Mark to check on their whereabouts. After receiving a nod of acknowledgement, he went to change back into his clothes.

"Are we ready?" Marcel asked after coming out of the changing room.

"Mmmh, they are waiting for us downstairs," Marie said and fell in step with him.

"Is it just me or have people been staring at you a lot today?" Marie asked after she noticed a bunch of girls pointing in his direction.

"Is that so?" Marcel asked as he looked around and also noticed the girls that were looking at him. He smiled in their direction and waved and chuckled in amusement when one of them squealed in excitement.

"Is it fun? Being so good-looking?" Marie asked curiously.

"It actually is," Marcel answered honestly as they continued to walk out of the hospital. Marie was not actually expecting him to answer her question, but when she heard his answer, she could not refute it all.

The door to the van opened the moment he stepped outside, and he got in the van quickly.

"Let's go," Julia said to Mark, and they drove off.

"How were the results?" Julia asked.

"Clean bill of health," Maria answered. Julia turned to look at Marcel, who had reclined his chair and put on a pair of sunglasses. His entire demeanour screamed that he was resting and did not want to be disturbed.

"Really? Nothing at all?" Julia asked Maria to confirm.

"Yeah, he was just told to have more balanced meals to improve his gut health," Marie answered saying everything she heard from the doctor.

Julia looked at Marcel in confusion as he remembered how Damien described the whole situation. He said that he had a headache that was severe to knock him out and leave him practically paralysed afterwards. Julia frowned but didn't bother him and let him rest. Whatever it was, in case it recurred during the audition, she did not want to be blamed for not letting him rest.

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