
The Transmigrant Mage

The novel follows the journey of Kyle, an office clerk who loses his job due to his lung disease. As he grapples with the reality of his illness and the fear of the unknown, Kyle finds himself inexplicably transported to a fantasy world that resembles a MMORPG that he played. Despite being disoriented and confused by his sudden arrival in this new world, Kyle quickly realizes that he has been granted a second chance at life, and he must make the most of it. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has been blessed with incredible magical powers that he never knew he had. As Kyle sets out on a quest to understand the full extent of his abilities, he encounters a host of fascinating characters and beings, each with their own unique stories and motivations. Along the way, he learns to harness his magic and use it to help those in need, becoming a hero in the eyes of the people he meets. But as Kyle delves deeper into the mysteries of this world, he discovers that there are dark forces at play, threatening to destroy everything he has come to hold dear. With the help of his new friends and allies, Kyle must fight to save this world from destruction, using his newfound powers to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Through a series of thrilling twists and turns, the novel explores themes of redemption, self-discovery, and the power of perseverance. It is a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat, rooting for Kyle as he battles his way through this fantastical realm, using his wits and courage to overcome all obstacles in his path.

Torchlansky · Fantasie
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62 Chs

The Wizard Tower

As Kyle approached the towering structure, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The wizard tower was an ancient structure filled with powerful magic and secrets that had been hidden away for centuries.

Taking a deep breath, Kyle approached the tower and pushed open the heavy wooden doors. As he stepped inside, he was greeted by a rush of warm air and the soft glow of magical torches lining the walls. As Kyle entered the wizard tower, he felt the weight of his responsibility to find the missing mystical creatures.

The inside of the tower was even more magnificent than the outside. The walls were lined with shelves filled with books and magical artifacts, and the air was thick with the scent of arcane energies.

Kyle couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as he began to explore the tower. He ran his fingers over the spines of the books, marveling at the ancient tomes and grimoires that lined the shelves.

"Darvis, can you tell me more about this wizard tower?" Kyle asked as he summoned Darvis to inquire about the tower he went into.

"Of course, Kyle," Darvis replied, his small voice echoing from the crystal. "This tower is one of the oldest wizard towers in the land. It was built by a group of powerful wizards who wanted to study the mysteries of magic and the universe. They built the tower on a nexus point of magical energy, which made it an ideal location for their studies."

"Darvis, can you sense anything about the owner of this tower?" Kyle asks.

Darvis hums thoughtfully. "I'm not quite sure who the current owner is, but I do sense a powerful magical presence inside. Be careful, Kyle. You never know who or what you may encounter inside."

Kyle nods, grateful for the warning. "Thanks, Darvis. I'll be careful. Can you draw me a map of the tower in the interface?"

As Darvis creates a map of the tower in Kyle's interface, Kyle takes a closer look. He sees that the tower is much larger than he initially thought, with 10 floors before he reaches the inner sanctum where the wizard presumably resides. The map is detailed, with each floor marked with various rooms and hallways.

"Wow, this place is huge," Kyle says, impressed by the map. "Thanks, Darvis. This will be really helpful."

"You're welcome, Kyle, the map only shows the first floor though. Maybe you have to be in the next floor for the map to be updated." Darvis responds. "Just be careful. The wizard who owns this tower is likely to be very powerful. You may encounter many traps and dangers along the way."

"I'll be careful," Kyle assures him. "I won't let my guard down."

Kyle explored the tower with caution, using his magic skills to detect any traps or hidden passages. He encountered various obstacles and puzzles along the way but managed to overcome them with his wit and magic.

As he approached the center of the tower, he noticed a large socket with a triangular shape and a gate portal that seemed inactive. Kyle examined the socket closely and realized that it was missing a key to activate the portal.

He searched around the room and found a hidden compartment that contained a parchment with strange symbols on it. Kyle recognized the symbols as ancient runes and used his knowledge to decipher their meaning.

After some time, he realized that the runes were instructions for creating the key that would activate the portal. He must gather the necessary materials to craft the key by carefully following the instructions. Kyle learned there are three materials needed to create this key. A blue gem, a skeleton finger, and a piece of stone

Kyle explores the first floor of the tower to look for the materials needed to create the key stone that will activate the portal. He suspects that he must go into the portal to get to the next floor.

As Kyle made his way through the other chambers of the tower, he suddenly heard the sound of clanking bones. He turned around to see a group of skeleton warriors emerging from the shadows, wielding rusty swords and shields.

Without hesitation, Kyle took out his staff and cast Stoneskin. The skeletons charged at him, their swords clanging against his hard skin.

Kyle then unleashed a barrage of spells, using his fireball spell to blast the skeletons into pieces. However, the skeletons continued to reassemble themselves and attack again.

Kyle realized that these skeletons had regeneration abilities, so he decided to use a different approach. He focused his magic on creating a blinding flash and cast the spell Flare, temporarily disorienting the skeletons.

Taking advantage of their momentary confusion, Kyle charged forward, using his martial arts skills and an unarmed strike to break the skeletons into pieces. He then used his staff to blast the broken pieces apart, preventing them from reassembling.

With the last skeleton destroyed, Kyle took a deep breath, feeling the rush of adrenaline and excitement from the fight. He inspected the skeleton pieces and collected a few skeleton fingers. These were the first materials he needed to create the key stone. He then continued his exploration of the tower to find the next material.

Kyle entered a chamber filled with ankle-deep water, which sloshed as he took his first step. The walls were lined with small waterfalls, and the sound of rushing water filled the air. Kyle felt a slight shiver down his spine, but he pushed on, determined to find the blue gem he needed for the key.

As he made his way through the chamber, Kyle suddenly heard the sound of fluttering wings. Looking up, he saw a group of water elemental bats flying towards him, their bodies made entirely of water. They descended upon him, their claws and fangs glinting menacingly.

Without hesitation, Kyle lifted his hand and chanted a spell. A gust of wind materialized in front of him, pushing back the bats and creating a small opening for Kyle to slip through. He quickly dashed forward and swung his staff, shattering one of the bats. However, the creature reformed itself immediately and lunged at Kyle again.

Kyle realized that physical attacks were useless against these creatures. He needed to use his magic. He chanted a spell, and a ball of fire appeared in his hand. He threw it at the bats, but they dodged it easily, fluttering around him and making it difficult for him to aim.

Thinking quickly, Kyle summoned a gust of wind that blew the bats back, causing them to momentarily lose their balance. He took advantage of the opportunity and launched a barrage of fireballs at them, hitting a few and causing them to scatter.

The bats regrouped and launched themselves at Kyle again, but he was ready this time. He chanted a spell that created a barrier of wind blades around him, which repelled the bats as they tried to pass through it. With the bats at bay, Kyle took the opportunity to launch another barrage of fireballs, hitting the remaining bats and causing them to disperse.

Breathing heavily, Kyle realized he had been holding his breath the entire time. He looked down and saw the blue gem floating in the water, and he quickly retrieved it. He had one more piece of material to gather before he could make the key to activate the portal. He dashed to the exit to find the next material.

Kyle stepped into the large room, and his eyes immediately locked onto the two massive stone golems that stood before him. He could feel the earth trembling beneath his feet as the golems took their first steps toward him.

Kyle took a deep breath, knowing that these golems were immune to magic and that he would have to rely on his physical abilities to defeat them. With his Strength attribute +32, and Agility +36, he knew he can defeat this golem with his skills. He quickly scanned the room, looking for any potential weapons or objects he could use to his advantage.

Spotting a large stone pillar nearby, Kyle quickly ran towards it and leaped up, using it as a platform to launch himself towards one of the golems. He landed on its back and began attacking it with his fists and feet.

The golem roared in anger and tried to shake Kyle off, but he held on tight, continuing to strike it with all his might. Suddenly, the other golem swung its massive arm towards Kyle, but he was quick to dodge and jumped off the back of the first golem.

Kyle landed on the ground, and the two golems charged towards him simultaneously. He quickly sidestepped and delivered a powerful kick to one of them, causing it to stumble backwards. He then focused his attention on the other golem and delivered a series of punches to its legs, causing it to lose its balance and fall to the ground.

With one golem down, Kyle turned his attention to the second one. He quickly ran towards it and leaped onto its back once again, attacking it with all his strength. The golem tried to shake him off, but Kyle held on tight, eventually managing to tear off a piece of the golem's arm.

Using the piece of stone as a makeshift weapon, Kyle continued his assault on the golem, striking it over and over again until it finally crumbled to pieces.

After the intense battles in the tower, Kyle took a moment to catch his breath and reflect on his performance. Despite his proficiency in magic, he realized that he needed to improve his martial skills in order to become a more well-rounded and effective fighter.

He thought about the weapons in his ring and decided that he needed to have one readily available at all times. He chose his trusty dagger as his primary weapon and made a mental note to prioritize his training for using it effectively.

Additionally, Kyle decided to work on his unarmed strikes as well. So he needs a powerful gantlet to boost his punches. He knew that in close combat situations, having a strong and quick strike with his fists and feet could be just as valuable as a weapon.

Breathing heavily, Kyle stood amidst the rubble of the two defeated golems. He collected the broken stones from the golem, knowing that these were the final pieces of material needed to complete the stone key.

Kyle took a deep breath, looking around the empty corridor on the ground floor of the tower. He had defeated the skeleton warriors, the water elemental bats, and the stone golems. It had been a tough fight, but he had emerged victorious. He checked his inventory, making sure he had collected all the necessary materials to create the key for the portal in the center of the tower.

He held up the skeleton finger, the blue gem, and the piece of stone, studying them closely. Using the knowledge he gained from the parchment to create a rune that would craft the key, he started working. After several attempts, he finally formed the right rune and crafted the key.

As he worked, he noticed that the key was imbued with powerful magic and felt a surge of energy flow through him. When he finished, he inserted the stone key into the socket, and the portal roared to life.

Kyle hesitated for a moment, wondering what lay beyond the portal. But his curiosity got the better of him, and he stepped through the gateway, ready for whatever lay ahead.