
the transfer s

One event or even one second is enough to change a life

creature1 · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Kindness of ice

White gems were shining everywhere in the sky. The snow had gathered on the ground and announced the coming of a beautiful but at the same time exhausting winter for the animals of the forest.

Animals were all competing with each other to collect the last bit of food for the winter, in the world of survival, the weaker ones would hide earlier and the stronger ones would take advantage of the opportunity to hunt until the last moment.

The small paw prints on the snow faded as it renewed, but the drops of blood still formed a trail towards the wolf cub.

He was limping, crying and moving forward, he didn't know why he was moving forward, where he was going and why he had to live. The only thing that stopped him from falling was the memory of his mother's last glances.

The hyenas ambushed the pack of gray wolves and tore all his loved ones one by one in front of his eyes. His father's last howls symbolized the pride of an alpha and his mother's last looks left him with deep compassion and love. The smile on her mother's face was genuine, perhaps she was relieved to have saved her cub's life.

The wolf cub was afraid of the hyenas, but he still turned around from time to time, hoping to see his mother again, even if the blood stained all his gray and white fur, even if it was only for a second. He wanted to see his mother.

He should have returned, but he did not have the courage to return. He swallowed the water in his throat and moved towards the nearby forest with a heavy heart.

It was still snowing, the night was getting closer, and with the darkening of the air and continuous bleeding, the last bit of his power was also extinguished.

fell on the ground He was very cold, his body was covered with snow and it annoyed him the most. He was shivering from the cold and his teeth were grinding together.

At the end of the night, the wolf cub stopped moving, the only sign of its survival was its breathing steam, but there was no hope, its body was frozen and it fell asleep peacefully.

The surroundings did not remain still, hours later a sound like laughter disturbed the peace of the plain, a sound that left the most fear in his heart. The hyenas had arrived and this threatened the small opening of hope for his survival.

The body of the wolf cub trembled, he wanted to get up, but he did not dare to do so. She buried her head in his bloody fur, but a moan drew her out of her childlike hiding place.

The snake was wrapped around a hyena and drinking its blood, two other hyenas surrounded him and used every opportunity to hit his body. After drinking the blood of the hyena, the animal seemed more bulky than before and with one more push it suffocated him.

Two hyenas suddenly attacked the snake's nest from one side. The dark red eggs had blinded their eyes from the truth. It was as if they got drunk on seeing the eggs and ran towards them laughing.

The nervous and worried snake quickly let go of the dead hyena and charged towards them, her children were in danger, she had to keep them safe no matter what.

With a few jumps, he trapped another hyena, but it was too late for the third one. He stared at some eggs in the nest with sadness in his eyes, as the animal approached the eggs, there was no hope for their survival.

Meanwhile, the hyena dragged its claws on the snake's scales and left deep wounds. The beast was no longer in the mood to defend itself, and for a few seconds, it attacked. It again wrapped around the body of the hyena and split the animal's skull with its long fangs, although there was no hope for the survival of the eggs, but at least it would avenge its children.

The body of the wolf cub shivered again, but not from the snow that covered him, but from the shadow that multiplied the cold around him. The hyena was running towards the den and unfortunately the wolf cub was right in its path. He should have left but he was afraid to move, he got up at the last moment and buried his head in the snow in the opposite direction.

In disbelief, the hyena's foot caught on his body and he fell, he let out a laugh, turned and glared angrily at his new prey, the wolf cub was still shaking but deep in his heart he was happy that there was no need to continue. This life was not very sweet. He closed his small eyelids and visualized his mother's smile, the hyena's paw was the last thing he saw in his life. He waited, until a moment later all his pains would disappear. But it took a few seconds longer than he thought.

He couldn't open his eyelids because of fear, but he still looked ahead with curiosity. The scene he saw made him swallow once more, liquid splashed on his face, the snake saved him from the attack by sacrificing himself.

He seemed unable to move anymore, blood was flowing from his scales, showing his bitter end. The hyena again moved its paw towards the snake, the animal's eyes flashed for a second and the blood that was pouring out of its wounds suddenly dried up, its body looked darker than ever. With protruding fangs, he once again rushed towards the hyena and directly faced his attack. The hyena's paw sank into his body, but he didn't care, in any case, he had already sealed his death with this move. The snake's bites split his neck and came out on the other side. The body of the hyena fell on the ground and the life of Nakbat Barash ended. But the fate of the animal was no better than him, in the last seconds he looked at the nest, almost all the eggs in it were broken by the hyena, but the smallest of them looked healthy in a corner.

The wolf cub was sure that the same smile of his mother came alive again in front of him and he tasted this bitter and sweet taste once again. This love of a mother who preferred her child's life to her own, and at the same time another mother who sacrificed herself for him and saved his life.

Heaviness and pain, kindness and dependence could be felt in his heart and his tears in the corners of his eyes. Before closing its eyes forever, the snake glanced at the wolf cub and pointed to its only remaining egg. It's as if, without full consciousness, he entrusts his child to the last hope of survival out of instinct and feeling of love.

Maybe the truth is confusing or unreal for the wolf cub, but the fact that their destinies are tied together by the warm embrace of the name of the family could not be hidden.

The beast now had a purpose to live for, another creature that depended on him and had to save his life, after glancing appreciatively at the snake's corpse, he quickly took the egg into his mouth and fled the area.

The danger of hyenas has not been resolved and the smell of blood brings another danger to them. He ran for an hour, he was panting, but he could not betray the last wish of a mother in any situation. It was still snowing and the temperature was dropping with time. The speed of the wolf cub slowed down, hunger and weakness penetrated his small body, but still the love and similarity he felt for this egg pushed him forward.

It was already afternoon, the wolf cub was stumbling and drooling, he couldn't be blamed, it was just his survival instinct. Even if it died, it would not harm the egg in any way.

It was night and he was still confused and dazed, limping forward, his will didn't give up until the last seconds but his body couldn't bear to continue.

He fell to the ground, but while falling, he carefully took care of the snake's egg, this creature was the only family he had left, and he could not lose this last one.

He was cold but he didn't care, when he was cold his mother would hug him and then his little body would get warm from her furs. He looked at the egg, love and affection could be seen even in his eyes.

Imitating her mother, she wrapped her body around it, today she was considered the mother of this egg and her family, and she had to fill the void of the snake that died for both of them.

The night passed, his body was colder than ever, but his heart enjoyed the warmth of love until the last seconds. No one knew if the wolf cub would survive after this night or not, but the feeling he had for that egg would never go away.

"Kindness of ice ended, love was created!"